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1 Message

Monday, January 31st, 2022 12:50 AM


Receiver HR54-700

Is there a newer receiver as this was mfg in 2016 ?

ACE - Expert


21K Messages

3 years ago

Only the HS17 Genie2 that is a client only system capped at only 7 tuners.

ACE - Expert


22.8K Messages

3 years ago

HR54 is the 3rd generation Genie. That is top of the line. The only thing newer is the Genie-2 (HS17) but is not better.

A Genie and 2 HDDVRs provides more capability and reliability than the Genie-2. That would be 9 tuners, not 7 that the Genie-2 is hard capped at.

Ignore the mfg date on the boxes as it means nothing for the customer. They aren't inventing new boxes every year. Satellite TV is a technology that doesn't advance as quickly as other things.

Right now, a HR54 and two HR24s would be the top setup for a 3 TV household. I personally hope that with the new co-owner of DirecTV that they are working on a newer model HDDVR (logically listed as HR25 but that is my thinking, not a real model at this time). They need a model built to be SWM-only like the Genies, so they are designed to work together from the beginning.

New Member


3 Messages

2 years ago

I have a detached garage 50ft from the house. I have HR54-700 box with two wires receivers. Any idea how I can get DirecTV in the garage? What wire would I have to get to run to it? Can I take a receiver and add another dish to the garage? 

ACE - Expert


21K Messages

2 years ago

You can run RG6(solid copper core is preferred) coax to the garage or you can go with a WVB and a C41W or C61W mini.  The dish and receiver will also work but this will be a DIY job as DTV will not do it.

ACE - Expert


22.8K Messages

2 years ago


Those 2 wired boxes, are they actually receivers or are they Mini Genie Clients (i.e. C31)?

Having DirecTV do an upgrade to add a TV, within 50 feet doing a RG6 (solid coper core) run should be feasable. Might be some custom work to properly protect that coax going bewteen the buildings.

Another option would be a wireless Mini Genie Client. The wireless video bridge (WVB) on the coax in the house and then wireless to the Mini in the garage. Range is up to 80 feet in ideal conditions. But with wireless, walls and outside inteference are a concern, so not my preferred choice.

Alternatively have a 2nd dish installed on the garage with a receiver (H or HR model), instead of a Mini Genie Client. Wouldn't worry about how cable protected between buildings, or wireless concerns. Downside is it cannot share recordings with main setup as that goes through the coax, plus would have to pay for the custom setup of the 2nd dish. If DirecTV no longer has proper receivers, only Clients as AT&T was pushing for an all-in-one setup with Genies, then would be a DIY task by getting equpiment through an authorized retailer (i.e. Solid Signal).

Whether gotten from DirecTV or authoirzed retailer (at one-time lease cost), the box will come with a 24-month service agreement. And you add $7 for the additional TV on your bill like your others.


New Member


2 Messages

2 years ago

HR54 is the 3rd generation Genie Advanced Whole Home HDDVR.

ACE - Expert


22.8K Messages

2 years ago


Correct, just like answered 10 months ago. Did you have a follow-up question on the HR54?

New Member


3 Messages

2 years ago


I have two wires C51-00 boxes. If I can get a box and 50ft of cable I have no problem running it. Will directv do that for 7 bucks extra for another box? 

ACE - Expert


21K Messages

2 years ago

Nope, DTV charges $99 for a service visit unless you have a free upgrade, either way there will be a 2 yr contract.

New Member


3 Messages

2 years ago


Can I run a cable over to the garage and take a box over when I want to watch TV? What wire would I need for a wired mini genie going 50ft?

ACE - Sage


46.4K Messages

2 years ago

RG6 solid copper core coax cable

ACE - Expert


21K Messages

2 years ago

Luckily the HR44 is not longer returnable otherwise you would have payed the NRF as opening a DTV receiver is a violation of the TOS and can result in DTV terminating your service. 

ACE - Expert


22.8K Messages

2 years ago


Don't worry about it. Was another fake poster for spam links.