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Monday, June 22nd, 2020 7:36 PM

Satellite Dish Return

There's a satellite dish on my roof from the previous owners of my home. I'd like someone to come out and remove it



144 Messages

4 years ago

Once a satellite antenna is installed it becomes the property of the resident, DirecTV does not dispatch technicians to remove them. If it's no longer being used it can be removed by either the homeowner or a local contractor/handyman.

ACE - Professor


473 Messages

4 years ago

I suggest that the mount plate be left connected to the roof, to avoid possible leaks.

ACE - Expert


22.5K Messages

4 years ago



DirecTV does not send techs out to remove anything.


Upon install you own everything but the receiver/client boxes. So that dish from the prior owner is now yours.


If you have it removed (yourself of someone else), leave the mounting bracket to avoid leaks. Dish goes to metal recycling, but the LNB (the "eye) goes with electronics.