New Member
2 Messages
signal strengths on some transponders toggle between 90's and 0... on a clear day!
I have a directv subscription in a vacation home I visit only 3/4 times a year. The past couple of visits when I experienced overcast skies, I began getting the "771" error on any given channel (all my favorite channels) for roughly 10-15 seconds, then the channel displayed ok, for another 10-15 seconds. This loop repeats into infinity, but does stop when the skies are clear when I can finally watch tv uninterrupted. Today was a clear day (in NW Pennsylvania) and thinking perhaps the antenna is out of alignment, I had the idea that would "record" the strengths reported for each transponder so I could compare them to days when the sky is overcast. So, while recording the strengths I was seeing something unexpected happening, some of the transponders would drop from great strength readings (90's, even 100) to 0. then return to very strong signals. So this feels to me like a problem! Anyone in this forum have any suggestions what may be the problem? I see this issue on all the satellites, 101, 99, 103.
ACE - Expert
14.1K Messages
4 years ago
Maybe a cable or connector issue...
ACE - Expert
22.9K Messages
4 years ago
Verify cables are secure. Might be an alignment issue, even if receiving dish or what it is connected to is loose or settling causing alignment to shift. But there could also be damage over time that would need a tech out.
Being as this is a vacation home, what dish do you have and the models of each box? Hate for you to go through all the work to fix the issue if the setup is on MPEG-2 shutdown side so would stop working regardless.
ACE - Professor
2K Messages
4 years ago
As suggested --Open and Inspect all outside RG6 Connections --one or more is water damaged
New Member
2 Messages
4 years ago
Juniper, thanks for the tip. Once I read that I had to slap the side of my head and say to myself "well duh, first thing to check". I started at the receiver checking the connections and the wall terminal connection was loose. I'm not seeing the issue now, that was probably my problem. Now I need an overcast day to be sure. Funny how one can be biased, I was hoping it would be my receiver, I have an old H23/600. I'm supposed to be eligible for an upgrade, my receiver is 8 years old. I've made three different attempts to get an upgrade. On each occasion the service department told me "ok, you'll get a call on such and such a day to schedule your upgrade". The call never comes. ok, enough whining, thanks again!
ACE - Expert
22.9K Messages
4 years ago
Glad a loose connection is all it was. Always best when it is simple solution you can take care of yourself.
The H23 is a decent model and certainly is MPEG-4 so no worry with the MPEG-2 shutdown. Normally a regular HDDVR (i.e. HR24) would be an upgrade, but per either stock or heavily pushing Genie setups they have been difficult to obtain as well as to activate.
Get called to schedule an upgrade? Ugh that is a further problem with the low staffing, or possibly the vacation home is very remote requiring special scheduling.