4 Messages
Switching Boxes
I just got DirecTV today. I received the DirecTV HD+DVR box (HR24 I believe) and a standard receiver.
I initially thought I would be getting two HD+DVR boxes so I could pause and play live TV on both TVs. Since the order was messed up, we ended up with one HD+DVR box and one standard+HD box.
My wife was home during the install so the HD+DVR box was installed on our secondary TV. I wanted it to be with our big upstairs primary TV so I could pause/rewind live TV. Keep in mind both boxes were synced, Whole Home DVR service worked.
What I ended up doing was simply switching the boxes on each TV. Now, I the HD+DVR box cannot connect to the internet. It is picking up the IP address and that is it. I contacted customer service and they had me reset the box, restore defaults, etc. but now I can no longer connect to the internet. I have the internet connect that plugs into the wall that connects to a wireless router but then it also runs to my TV with a coaxial.
What can I do to try and get these boxes connected again? The lady from DirecTV told me that it was OK to move boxes as long as I didn't interrupt the internet service.
20.7K Messages
13 years ago
The problem that most folks have moving boxes is that the move too many devices or not enough. Depending on the model of your boxes, one may or may not have had a DECA adapter connected. In addition, there needs to be a DECA BB adapter that connects the system to the router. Now, when you move the boxes, you move the DECA adapter if there is one,m but you leave the DECA BB adapter in place. I'm attaching pictures of the two devices so you can see what they look like. And finally, you have a power inserter somewhere that you never disconnect or move.
3 Attachments
DECA Module[54].jpg
SWM Dish Power Inserter 21v[68].jpg
BB DECA Module.jpg
4 Messages
13 years ago
Hi dcd,
When I moved the boxes I did not move anything else with them. I had the HR24 downstairs in my house and the standard HD box upstairs with the BB Deca module you included. The internet was running fine.
I then switched the HR24 box to the upstairs room and vice-versa with the standard regular HD receiver. I did not move the BB DECA or the router/modem combination. There is not a DECA module (that I can find) in the house like the first picture you included.
Bottom line - the BB DECA has a blinking cLink light. I tried to restore each receiver to default settings, I tried to power down the router/modem/DECA in the proper combination as suggested here and still nothing.
Any advice would be appreciated as DirecTV is coming in roughly three weeks!
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
13 years ago
unplug the dvr and receiver then unplug the wireless router or the bbc (your post seems to say you have both only need one) and then the power inserter then your router from the a/c wall outlets.
Then plug the router in then wait until the lights stop blinking then plug in the power inserter wait a couple of minutes then plug in the wireless router or bbc then add the dvr and receiver if that doesn't work leave it alone until DTV comes you will only lose on demand and ppv if you really need the internet connected you can run an e cable between the hr24s top e port and your router then disconnect the coax cable that comes out of the wall from the wireless router connect it to the sat 1 connector then do a red button reset to force the hr24 to switch to the e port unplug the hr24 and both routers before connecting or disconnecting anything
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.
4 Messages
13 years ago
Still have a cLink light blinking after trying both DCDs and Shannon's reboot tips. NOW, in addition to the blinking cLink, I am also seeing on my DVR the shows and programs my NEIGHBOR is recording. She has also been deleting/configuring my DVR as well! I live in a house split into two units so we both get our service from one dish. Did shutting off the power inverter erase all settings?
This is incredibly frustrating, specifically because I haven't even had the service for one day and the nearest time they can get to me is in three weeks!
32K Messages
13 years ago
you need to call DirecTV to care of this for you. you either need another dish, or at the very least, a BSF filter to isolate your neighbor's system from yours.
4 Messages
13 years ago
Determined that last night I went into the system settings and shut off the block to external devices - thus explaining why I could see me neighbors DVR receiver. Does that make sense?
Still waiting on that cLink to cooperate..!!!