What is the monthly cost of the genie?
I recently upgraded all my receivers to the wireless genie. So I have a total of 3 mini wireless receivers and one main genie that broadcasts the signal to the receivers. I have had 2 different techs out for other issues and both told me that I am still being charged for my old receivers. I called billing, and they said my bill is correct. But, if it is.. . then why would 2 different techs, on 2 different occasions tell me (without asking) that I am being overcharged and I need to call and tell them to remove $20 worth of charges??
Here's my charges:
TV access fee..... $7
TV access fee ….. $7
TV access fee $7 off 1st TV... $0
Advanced receiver service - DVR …. $10
Advanced receiver service - HD ……. $10
Whole home DVR service ………….. $3
Thanks for any help!
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
ACE - Master
6.5K Messages
6 years ago
that looks correct
each mini is $7 a month (any receiver is $7 a month)
the main genie comes with the hd/dvr/whole home fee
you cannot get rid of this charge
what may be confusing the techs is that this is the old way of doing it
the new way its all lumped into 1 fee, but the free first receiver is also gone that way
ACE - Professor
2.3K Messages
6 years ago
You're actually being undercharged if you have 4 , 1 genie and 3 minis, you're not being charged for the 3rd mini. Unless you have the genie 2, which doesn't get billed since it doesn't connect to a TV
ACE - Master
6.5K Messages
6 years ago
the main might be the hs17, which should not have a tv fee
ACE - Professor
2.3K Messages
6 years ago
@mdram4x4 yeah that was an after thought I had so I edited my reply but other than that it's correct.
6 years ago
6 years ago
thanks so much! That makes sense! appreciate your help!
ACE - Expert
22.9K Messages
6 years ago
1st TV is included in the package, that is the $0.
It is $7 for each TV beyond the first. Doesn't matter if Client, HD non-DVR, or HDDVR as you are paying for the authorized TV.
The only charges are receiver services. Since the Genie is DirecTV's Advance Whole Home HDDVR then you pay for HD, DVR, and Whole Home DVR services ($10, $10, $3). These cover the account and are not charged per TV.
The only issue is you say you have a Genie and 3 wireless Clients. That would normally be a total of 3 additional TV/Client fees. Unless you have the Genie-2 (HS17) as it doesn't go on a TV itself so there is no TV fee there. So what you listed is only correct if you have a total of 3 TVs.
If you have the Genie-2 (HS17) be aware that you are hard capped. It doesn't allow full receivers, so is stuck at a max of 7 tuners and Clients cannot work without the main box, so it becomes a single point of failure. A regular Genie (HR34, HR44, HR54) is more capable as a Genie and 2 HDDVRs is 9 tuners. Plus a more reliable system as each box can work independently of the others. But of course, only Clients have a wireless version.