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Thursday, September 8th, 2022 9:23 PM

Which channels are on which satellites and transponders?/How to Peak "Most" satellites

Just reposted this as it was valuable info but the links were outdated and could not find it anywhere, this is a continuation of this post:


The new updated link to the Excel Sheet is this:


The original post on the original site is this:

Also since no one tells you this CLEARLY, i've put it all in one place, no one can watch videos while you are on the roof, you need quick concise text instructions, here's a quick useful guide

To priority max peak all the useful channels (HD prioritized, no one watches SD anymore haha):

Try to peak satellite 101, Transponder 1 First, this will be your base, hit it as high as you can, since its the easiest to find and peak, due to its high power signal
Then once you have that we can go on to dither the rest

Then try to peak Satellite 99(ca) Transponder 9, "good" values are anywhere from 80-90, to aim for that

After this, 101 should still read 80-95, that's ok.

If in doubt, watch this:


Satellites 99(ca/cb), 101, 103 (ca/cb), should mostly read 70-90, Satellites 99(s), 103(s), 110, 119 may be unavailable or 0ed depending on your location and package (local HD channels are located on the (s) transponders, this means they are spot beams, directional transponders, they will only work in a very small geographical area, if you move your dish or take it camping far from home, you will "loose" these channels as they will not be physically directed at you in the beam and available at the area you are at)

For a Map of the spot coverage check this site:


Its a little complex but you can find what you are looking for if you look hard enough.

Now if you want to get better HD reception in general and don't care to sacrifice SD, just try to max satellites 99 and 103 over and over back and forth until no more changes can be made, it will improve your HD while minimally impacting your SD, it will greatly help on cloudy or rainy days.

IMPORTANT NOTE: doing this MAY adversely affect your Spanish channel content, if this is a critical thing, try getting a bigger dish or one with 5 LNBs for better signal.

I hope this info has been invaluable to others as it was to me, since it took a while to find it.

New Member


2 Messages

2 years ago

Oh thank you haha, thanks for the tip, I didn't know  I'll check it out

ACE - Expert


20.4K Messages

2 years ago

It really doesn't matter what channels are on what transponders you can't align the dish for transponders,  as stated you have to peak the SD 101 then dither the HD 99/103


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