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How can I see the All Star game?
No CBS and no Fox, I can not see the All Star game, this is so upsetting. When will we get our channel back?
Watching U-verse TV
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Official Solution
Star Wars "Mandalorian" show
Hi, my husband wants to be able to watch this "Mandalorian" Star Wars show, but I need to figure out if we have that channel or not.
Watching DIRECTV
Star next to record
What does the star next to the record button in the olaylist mean.ThanksMIke
DIRECTV Equipment
Star Wars last jedi on demand
Why can’t find Star Wars last Jedi on demand?
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Does UVerse make an energy star box?
I have 6 uverse boxes one with a dvr and they are always running. I can only imagine the amount of electricty they use even when not in use. Is there an energy star option instead of putting them all on power strips and planning ahead to flip them on 5 minutes so it can load before I want to watch t
U-verse TV Equipment
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Official Solution
filter movies by their star ranking
Hi,I go through the guide looking for movies with at least a 3 star rating. right now, i have to push the "info" button on each movie to get that information. is there a way to have the guide filter based upon that rating? Maybe do it using the online guide instead of the TV one? Thanks,Rick
Watching U-verse TV
to-do list with star
I have a series of shows (star trek next gen) that are on my to-do list with a small star next to them. It seems every one of these shows is set to record. I can't get rid of them no matter what I try to do. What can get rid of these shows from my list. I have an R-15 DVR.Thanksonewayphil
DIRECTV Equipment
Programming Guide IFC Channel Superman Returns
Tell me does leaving out the third (or second) most significant character LEX LUTHOR (DELIBERATELY) aka Kevin Spacey, because he is a bad guy in the news accomplish anything? Who ever this "..... .. s..t" (no not Kevin Spacey who care about him) is that thinks any form of suppression is acceptable
Watching U-verse TV
Is Star Trek Voyager Available on any DirecTV Channels?
Hi,Is Star Trek Voyager Available on any DirecTV Channels?If so, what channel(s) and how do I get it?Thanks,Matt
Watching DIRECTV
Orange record circle with an X on it and a star outside
I've tried several times to stop a recording of the Sunday FOX NFL game, and each week it automatically records again. This time I hit the reord button once, was asked to stop recording, replied yes, and an orange circle with an X in it and a star beside it appeared. I haven't seen this before. Any
DIRECTV Equipment
The CW Channel
Just last season I was able to watch The flash All American Star girl Lois and Superman I was able to watch all these on the CW channel is all I did was going to research button look those shows up and I was able to watch them following day wasn't watching the day of the aired but the next day I cou
Sprint Nascar Showdown and All Star Race
Is AT&T giing to cover these on FS1 this weekend or are we going to continue to miss these live events due to your contract breach with your customers? Regardless of how you sugar coat it customers pay for this channel already and its content. You should be rebating us for not being able to see thes
Watching U-verse TV
Starz app not allowing me to see all data
when I log into the starz app on my apple tv, I got an error telling me that I did not have a starz subscription on my login. I then logged out and logged back on and get an error when I try to load a show that says that I have to upgrade my account because the title is not offered by my provider
Watching DIRECTV
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Official Solution
Who rates U-verse TV movies? Ratings use a star system as follows: ★; ★+; ★★; ★★+; ★★★; ★★★+; etc.
Most movies shown through our U-verse service are rated using a star system as follows: ★; ★+; ★★; ★★+; ★★★; ★★★+; etc. The rating shows up in the movie's description. Does anyone know who comes up with the ratings? Does each network? The Academy of Motion Pictures? Who? We'd like to know so that
Watching U-verse TV
Well watching Superman and the commercials are still 3 times louder at the least than the movie🤬
Commercials are loud on the TNT Channel
Hello, We're watching the movie Jack Reacher on the TNT channel and the commercials are considerably louder (higher in volume) than the movie. This is against FCC regulations. Please resolve this issue. Today is 6/4/20 8:21 pm.
Recording ⭐️ star meaning
What is the meaning of an R⭐️ On my recording program.
Watching DIRECTV
AT&T uses a third party for program descriptions. I believe it's TitanTV. ETA: Interestingly enough, the description of Superman Returns in the ON DEMAND section lists Kevin Spacey. I don't know it that confirms or denies your conspiracy theory.
Programming Guide IFC Channel Superman Returns
Tell me does leaving out the third (or second) most significant character LEX LUTHOR (DELIBERATELY) aka Kevin Spacey, because he is a bad guy in the news accomplish anything? Who ever this "..... .. s..t" (no not Kevin Spacey who care about him) is that thinks any form of suppression is acceptable
Star Wars The Last Jedi
The Last Jedi is out on dvd but not listed in On Demand. Do you plan on making it available to watch? If so, when?TY Cheryl Kirk
Watching U-verse TV
CW Channel Shows
We watch Walker and Superman & Lois on TCW Channel. We can search for them and find them but if we program them to record series they do not. Any Suggestions?
Like I said Superman, you sound like a (Edited per community guidelines). And that’s probably why Superman gets thrown off of buildings in Batman vs. Superman, because Superman is gay. Just like a $1.68 bill. That you keep sucking the (Edited per com
3 years ago
to the conversation:
Give me my direct tv credits
Stop adding charges to my bills and give me my direct tv account credits!