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Security key not accepted
Well, my problem seems a little different. SSID is recognized and when it asks for the security key I enter my 10-digit encryption key on the bottom of my ATT 2-wire modem (same key I used for my wireless laptop connection that worked fine) but I keep getting the message 'security key not valid.' Wh
Watching DIRECTV
Incorrect Activation Key
When I go to activate the directv2pc it tells me my key is incorrect? If anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate.Thanks
Watching DIRECTV
Activate a CD Key
I've been using DIRECTTV2PC for several months and its been working fine. Today I opened the software and received a message - You must activate a CD key by choosing the activate button. This will allow you to play protected content.When I click Activate, the response is activation failed and to be
Watching DIRECTV
Security Key too long?
I am trying to set up the on Demand wireless adapter. I can get to the point where it asks me to put in my security key, but my WEP key is 13 characters long, and Directv says that my WEP key must be either 10 or 26 characters. I am confident that I am using WEP and not WAP or anything else, and I'v
Watching DIRECTV
TV Input Key Help
so i was using a remote for a different reciever on the reciever i am currently using but i had to stop using it because the receiver it went with had to be sent back to directv. i am not sure what remote model i was using but when i used the tv input key i could cycle through my inputs using i thin
DIRECTV Equipment
Security Key not accepted
Good evening-I recently purchased the Cisco wireless bridge (model WET610N) thru DirecTv. I have followed the setup instructions but after I enter my security key (WEP) and the rcvr tries to verify the security key, I get the error msg "security key not accepted. Please enter a valid security key"
DIRECTV Equipment
Activation Key failed
I have the program installed on my desktop and I wanted to install on my laptop. I ended up getting a new key for the laptop, but it fails and the older one fails as well on my laptop. Both give the same error, "Activation usage limit reached" but on the download page it said I could have 2 keys,
Watching DIRECTV
s-30 u-verse remote control key lights
backlit keys can be turned off to conserve energy, by programming the remote to turn these lights off, with a programming code key sequence. what is the key sequence to turn off the back lighting of the keys?
U-verse TV Equipment
Where do I get a new activation key
I deleted my old program and download a new DTV2PC.exe file. I can't find out how to get a new key my old one fails
Watching DIRECTV
Wireless CCK will not accept Network Key
My Wireless CCK is telling me my Network Key is invalid. I do not have any punctuation in my key and it works with every other device on my wireless network (iMac, iPad, Canon Printer, HP Notebook). The other strange thing is the CCK lists my network twice under networks in range (available networ
Watching DIRECTV
"Activation key license already in use" error
Did search here and came up empty.I did install of software and the app launches and asks to click activation button which I did. The error message comes up "Activation key license already in use". I click Enter New Key and re-entered the key, same error. I rebooted and tried again, same error.I the
Watching DIRECTV
Remote Quick Key (up arrow)
I have three receivers. On the one which I would call simply the standard receiver the up arrow key does not offer the ability to program the (9) favorites. Is this normal?
DIRECTV Equipment
right arrow key not working
I have a HD DVR and the right arrow key used to bring up the weather and other things. It's no longer working, how do I fix it. I restarted the receiver and it didn't help. Do I have to do a total reset of the receiver to get it back?
DIRECTV Equipment
Entering WEP Key with letters
My WEP key has letters in it. When I'm setting up the wireless connection in the DVR menus it says to use my remote's number pad to enter the WEP key. I do not see a way to enter letters this way though. DirecTv support had no idea either. Anyone?
Watching DIRECTV
Secure key for outlook
I still use email account on outlook. It stopped syncing. In the past I use to be able to log in to and create a secure key to fix this but not anymore. I used to have wireless/wifi/directv, I dropped the first two. Now when I log in to my account it goes to "Direct
How do I enter WPA key into DVR
I connected my DVR to an Apple Airport express via an ethernet cable. The Airport Express also has another device connected via a USB port. For that device, I had to enter my WPA key. The DVR recognizes the IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and DNS but still won't connect. The WPA key is alre
DIRECTV Equipment
"bonk" on every key press
When I press any key on the remote ( model RC64R) the light above the direct tv slider switch flashes 5 - 6 times and I can not get another command to work.Example: trying to input channel 309 press 3 light flashes and then before I can enter 0 it changes to channel 3.Additionally it makes the "bonk
DIRECTV Equipment
Password KEY is not recognized
Hi- I received my Directtv Cinema packet last week- and have had NO success with getting it to work. The issue is it is no recognizing my wireless key. We have NO problem with the key when others want to use our wireless access. In fact, we tested it the same day as we installed the packet. We did c
Watching DIRECTV
Secure mail key for email account
I'm trying to obtain a secure mail key for one of my email accounts so I can access it through Microsoft Outlook. When I try to follow the links and procedures available to do so (e.g., I keep getting redirected to my DirecTV
DirecTV2PC application states that activation key is already in use and will not launch
I downloaded the Directv2PC application to my PC. I entered the activation key when it asked for hardward Serial number. When I launch the application it ask for the activation key. When I enter the activation key the software states that it is already in use. I asked for another activation key and
Watching DIRECTV