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Anyone know about Tennessee Vols Men Basketball Blackouts in Virginia
The University of Tennessee basketball game on channel 649 and 654 is blacked out here in Virginia. I get the same feed as the Dtv people on the Tennessee side (tri). However, they get the game and it is blacked out for me. I was wondering if anyone knows if it would be blacked out if I order ESPN f
Watching DIRECTV
I have no Menu, Guide or list of my DVR shows. It's only a black screen
I can't access my menu, guide or list of DVR shows. When I push those buttons on the remote the screen goes to black and the channel that is currently on shows up in the corner. I've tried resetting my receiver and that didn't work.
Watching DIRECTV
BLACK OUT last inning of a game?
Was anyone else watching the Red Sox/Devil Ray game this evening? With 1 out and 2 men on in the bottom of the eighth inning I got the black screen with the message saying to contact customer service for ordering information x721. After calling and then resetting my receiver, I was forwarded to tech
DIRECTV Equipment
Joan looks fat on Mad Men
I just got a new LG 42PJ350, which is a 720P Plasma HDtv. Recorded Mad Men and watched it. Joan looks like a fat hog. Draper has jowls. I know it has something to do with the way I have the reciever/tv settings that dont agree. The TV doesnt have a whole lot of things to set as far as upconvers
Watching DIRECTV
Local Channels display in black and white
I have 4 recievers and only one of them does this. All my local channels when tuned to after about 3 minutes the nice clear color picture starts flickering from color to black and white. If you change the channel and go back to what you were watching its color again for about 3 minutes then starts f
DIRECTV Equipment
black screen, can't get guide or menu, no picture, no sound
I have 1 dvr and 1 reg receiver. the regular receiver is working fine. The dvr receiver blue on button is on but that is all that I can do. I have done all the trouble shooting suggested such as reset button, unplugged tv and dvr. All I get on my tv is when I turn it on VIDEO 1 shows on screen. th
DIRECTV Equipment
Season 1-3 of Black Sails
Why can't I find Seasons 1 through 3 of Black Sails On Demand?
Watching U-verse TV
Mad Men Missing Episodes?
Was really glad to discover season 2 available on DirecTV on Demand - even willing to put up with episodes trickling in and watching in low-def. Episode 1 was released and then 2 days apart. However, this week Episodes 5 and 6 are now available, but no 3 and 4? The list now goes 1,2,5,6 - this is no
Watching DIRECTV
Black screen in middle of picture
I am having a black screen showing up on my TV sets in two different room. One is an older model and the other is a month old. At the top of the black screen is a series of letters and symbols that keep changing. What is this and how do I get rid of it? Is it a signal feed problem?Thanks
DIRECTV Equipment
Red x with a 3 under it in the middle of. my TV screen
I'm switching from a wireless receiver to a direct cable receiver and although the green light is on on the new receiver, my TV screen is black with a red x and a 3 in the middle of it.
U-verse TV Equipment
Screen goes black and skips 3 times while streaming online. Basically unwatchable for days.
I stream primarily on my computer on the website. I've restarted and cleared cookies and everything I can try but every 10-20 minutes whatever I'm watching goes black, repeats the last 3 or so seconds 3 times then just goes black and silent until i refresh the whole page and start over. It's been ha
So I have 2 receivers in the house.. one is an HD DVR the other a normal HD receiver... the HD DVR works perfectly but on the other receiver.. some HD channels work and some dont.. the ones that dont just turn black and dont say nothing about searching for signal.. HELP
Watching DIRECTV
ABC and ESPN black screen in Central Oklahoma
I am getting for ABC and ESPN a black screen. Is anyone else having this issue in Central Oklahoma?
Watching DIRECTV
Black box
Does the black box allow you to watch TV on multiple channels in your home. Does it provide 520 MB of wireless services?
Watching U-verse TV
TV in black and white
I came home to the directv box set up and had problems installing that I had to call tech support about. When I turned on the tv I had no sound and the screen is in black and white. After playing with the coaxial cables in the back of the tv, I got the sound but no color. I played with the cables
DIRECTV Equipment
Directv app not working when signed in Black screen
When I sign in all I get is a black screen on the app. Worked yesterday. Felted app and downloaded again and the same. My wife said that she was kicked out and had to sign in again and she gets the black screen. Anyone else having the same with app?
Watching DIRECTV
Black Screen
DVR indicates it is recording my shows. but when I go to watch them all that is there is a black screen. This has happened on several networks in the last week. Also, I can watch a DVR recording and it plays fine. But when I go to watch it again all it shows is a black screen.
U-verse TV Equipment
Black square in middle of screen
I have a large black square in the middle of the screen. The channel is playing behind it. I'd comparte this to message screen that is overlayed over the programming. I have no idea what happened, but obviously I want to remove the square. When I turn the cable box off, the square goes away but retu
DIRECTV Equipment
Black and White
The picture is in Black and White. I know it is not a TV issue, I've tried two TV's on the receiver, however, the picture is Black and White. What could be the problem?
DIRECTV Equipment
10 Movies That Highlight the Black Experience in America
The Black experience in America is often overlooked in cinematic history. Prolific Black actors and actresses of the 20th century could only find roles as supporting characters or as interlopers in films featuring majority-white casts. However, we are currently in a golden age for storytelling that