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Search Results (164)
A Year on Planet Earth
We have Fox Nation on Directv. How can we watch Episode 1 of 'A Year on Planet Earth'?
A Year on Planet Earth
We have Fox Nation. How can we watch Episode 1 of 'A Year on Planet Earth'?
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Planet Green Rebrands as Destination America
From the article found in the link below: Discovery Communications will rebrand its Planet Green network as Destination America on Memorial Day, May 28. The newly christened channel "will be the first network to celebrate the people, places, and stories of the United States, emblazoned with the gr
Watching U-verse TV
Error code 727 on the Animal Planet channel
I just started to get an Error Code 727 on the Animal Planet channel. Isn't this an error code seen on sports channels? I tried to reset my receiver box but it didn't resolve the error.
Watching DIRECTV
771 Error on Comedy Central HD, Animal Planet HD, and HDNM
I have been getting 771 errors on APHD for about a week. Just started getting 771 error on HDNM and CCHD. When I run the diagnostic test I get Diagnostic Code 43-203. Animal Planet and Comedy Central both work in SDHere are my strength numbers:Satellite transponders (32 total at 101º)[Most of your
DIRECTV Equipment
is there anyone on the planet who hates u-verse more than i do?
I hate u-verse
U-verse TV Account
Local channel problem - getting Animal Planet on local CBS station
We are having an odd problem with our local channels. No local channels are coming in even though they do appear in the Channel Guide. However, a few of them are receiving other channels -- e.g., Channel Guide says we should be getting NFL Sunday on our local CBS station. I go to that station, the b
DIRECTV Equipment
EMERGENCY ABOUT TO BE A WEEK OF THIS SECERE Wamily raging about to hurt me and throw me out pls read
Ok....our cable went out in my room so television and no internet for four days now i asked my father POLITELY to check it out and he STILL hasn't even tried to see whats up. Now he BROKE my pc i have to move it to a new location and its four and a half days no tv or net in my room....i was given p
Watching U-verse TV
Slowest service on planet earth if a customer wants an hour plus for sim card you have a problem
ATT customer care complaint
how do i file a co-mplaint with ATT customer care. i was instructed to do so during a phone call with a rep at 800-288-2020
I have Dish Network and to be fair I've enjoyed their service. Just looking for more options for my enterainment. Plus the raging internet speek. I'm really hoping that the wireless reciever (and it's range) will open up a
Wireless Receiver
How much is the new u-verse wireless receiver and does it really work well? Thanks
Apps not working
Hiw come some of the apps I am using are now giving me an error message. Saying your AT&T uverse settings do not include this content. I have never had this occur before. Example Animal Planet go
Watching U-verse TV
I understand the possibility of someone stealing my password but thatdoesn't explain how Planet Earth disappeared from my recordings. Youcan't watch or delete a recording from the U-Verse App.ron
Recording Problems
I have been having DVR problems for some time. NO ONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO RESOLVE THEM.I am now on my 3rd DVR. It is not a DVR problem. I started keeping documentation of my problems some time after the problems started.12/20/16 - Lost ABC news on 12/19 while watching NBC news from the recordings. Whil
Same problem--3 places in toenMessage on tv:Reset requiredReceiver needs to reset...Happening at RV park where we have Directv through the park.Happened at planet fitness gym yesterday.Happened at Chili's restaurant Friday.Happening at 3 places in to
Receiver resetting multiple times daily
I have a non-genie receiver, model #h24-200, that began coming up with a message that it needed to be reset. This began on August 26, 2021. Other than the message that it needs to be reset and then resetting itself it does not have any other issues. The power supply cords are fine, the connections t
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
DirecTV is only licensed in the U.S.A, so is not authorized for any other country. It is service by satellites in geosynchronous orbit only over the service area, so would be impossible to reach the other side of the planet anyway.
DirecTV availabilty overseas
Hello, I want to ask if it is possible to subscribe and watch DirecTV in Europe, with a satellite dish or by the website?
I also have this problem. I turned on my TV onto the Animal Planet channel and all I get is a black screen and a blue box at the bottom right corner saying "727-Program not available in your area. Go to" I went to the website and noth
Error code 727 on the Animal Planet channel
I just started to get an Error Code 727 on the Animal Planet channel. Isn't this an error code seen on sports channels? I tried to reset my receiver box but it didn't resolve the error.
closed captioning while streaming on computer
I have toggled the CC both on and off multiple times. On the local channels I seem to get the CC just fine. BUT on stations like HGTV and Animal Planet I only get flashes very Infrequently. Any Suggestions !
Watching DIRECTV
Here's the odd part of it. Discovery Channel, TLC, Animal Planet are all part of Discovery Communications and not available on OD either. Totally understandable but OWN is also part of that family and IS available On Demand. Maybe Oprah has more
How do I find the Discovery Channel in the on demand menu?
How do I find the Discovery Channel in the on demand menu?
Channels Missing in Channels List
Trying to set up a favorites list from among all channels, I noticed a few channels were missing from the Channels List, for example Animal Planet HD. Why isn't the Channels list COMPLETE? Is there a way to FORCE an un-seen channel to be listed? I checked, and the channels are NOT marked as hidde
Watching U-verse TV
How does the the lud get away with calling peaceful and respectful people Magats? It’s amazing how the woke criticize the views of peaceful patriots by labeling them as violent extremists while its really the woke who are the raging violent extremis
3 years ago
to the conversation:
Newsmax on live stream won’t come on? Why?