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Directv in pool house
I am building a pool house that is about 75 feet or so from where the main Directv box is. The pool house will have WiFi not not sure how good the strength will be. We have Hughes-net for our internet provider. What are my options to get Directv to work in the pool house. There will be 1 smart TV in
DIRECTV Equipment
Satellite TV antenna inside pool cage
will a satellite TV dish work inside a pool enclosure through screened panels?
DIRECTV Equipment
Moving ATT GiggaPower line for pool installation
ATT GiggaPower line is on the edge of our pool construction. Can the line be moved or should we just concrete it into our pool wall? The line is about 1 foot out of the easement on our side. They are planning to pour the Gunite on Wednesday. So, I need this resolved quickly. I’ve talked to about 5
U-verse TV Equipment
Fear The Walking Dead
I was trying to continue watching episodes to catch up on the fear of The Walking Dead and it’s not showing up on the app
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Can't find The Walking Dead to record
I recently upgraded to U200 and am excited to see the new season of The Walking Dead on AMC. But when I search for it to record on my DVR, it is not found. I've gotten online with the AMC TV website; I can see the new season starts on 13 Oct. I've tried searching on, but no luck. I ca
U-verse TV Equipment
AMC The Walking Dead
I got an important information about The Walking Dead Channel AMC that as of 2/1/2022 AMC channel will no longer air. Where are we supposed to watch the last season of the walking dead? Why is it that you are dropping this channel? And why were we not notified about it 2 months ago so t
Watching DIRECTV
After a power outage this AM my R22 refused to start -- it would simply get stuck at "Checking Satellite Settings, Step 1 of 2" Forever. I pulled the satellite feed cables, no change, and swapped the cables -- no change. So I did the hold down-arrow & record restart as a last ditch -
DIRECTV Equipment
two dead receivers
Both my Direct TV receivers have gone dead two days ago. Neither has any power to it at all, they are both plugged in as before and the tvs they are associated with still have power, so it's not that. But both receivers are stone dead, no lights or anything. The bill pays automatically and I checked
DIRECTV Equipment
The Walking Dead missing from Smart Search
I was trying to setup a series recording fro The Waling Dead on AMC 254. When I go to Smart Search, and type walking, the list on the right shows 2 results for The Walking Dead, one is a show and one is a movie. When I select the show it says "There are no matching programs at this time". But whe
DIRECTV Equipment
Lights are now out, and a huge fiber optic cable is about to be destroyed by my pool contractor!!
Your fiber optic installers strayed into our backyard (out of the easement). They also came to close to the surface causing a huge 8" speed bump that runs about 10-15' in my back yard. Additionally, they cut the power to our streetlight, causing an unsafe condition at night. This needs to be fixe
U-verse TV Equipment
Dead Rec'
We have an R22 DVR and for the last couple of days it has been acting up. It started w/ breaking up like it was raining, then it started rebooting.My husband checked all the connections inside and out and the dish. We ran the systems test and it passed but said the rec'r was 102 degrees.We don't kno
DIRECTV Equipment
Possible dead receiver?
I have two receivers/TVs hooked to one dish. One recever, a Direct TV plus, appears to have died or is frozen. The other receiver and dish work fine. The TV hooked up to the frozen receiver just gives "snow" signal, and no access to diagnostics in the menu. The reciever's little orange (rec
DIRECTV Equipment
Two Dead Receivers
I run a HD DVR in the living room and an RCA in my bedroom. My bedroom box died with a "searching for satellite" message. Tried a reboot and then it really died... no lights and could not turn it on at all. I had my old spare RCA box so I hooked it up and swapped cards. Got a good channel 100 and no
DIRECTV Equipment
R15 Dead Again!!
For the second time in 2 years my R15 DVR died. Both times I had 80 hours of unwatched recordings!! Is there an issue with having 80% of the hard drive used that causes the DVR to fail? I have noticed that both times it was working fine when I went to bed and the next morning it's dead. I'm starting
DIRECTV Equipment
Drop line extends from telephone pole over my swimming pool to roof. VIOLATION OF CITY BUILDING CODE
The ATT line that runs from the telephone pole to my house extends over my pool in Sheman Oaks. That is a serious violation of the Los Angeles City building code. And dangerous to my kids who swim in the pool. I have called Uverse Tech support untold times to get ATT to redrop the line. So far
U-verse TV Account
Mailing list to a dead person
Hi! I have called, 20 times. My mother is dead and I keep getting mail for her for direct TV. I hate seeing her name in my mail as it makes me sad. I so need help!
2nd episode of The Walking Dead season 7 on demand issue
Tried to watch the 1 hour episode of The Walking Dead on demand from Sunday Oct. 30th 2016 that I missed but there was only the 1st 25 minutes of the show available , did anyone else have this issue on ATT UVERSE
Watching U-verse TV
phone connection causes phone line to have a dead short
After the last thunder storm my phone line connected to one of my DirecTv controllers caused a dead short to my phone line. This obviously is not good to my phone service or my purchasing PPV channels. I tried several times resetting the controller to no avail. Phone company tested the line when co
DIRECTV Equipment
Some channels died, 99 and 103 satellites dead
At least USA HD is dead (probably others). When I go into satellite setup, the dish selected is "Slimline-5" and on system test, 99-degrees odd and even are red x'd, as are 103-degrees odd and even.Dish itself is 5 LNB "sidecar" type.I've checked all cables to the multiswitch and they all appear to
DIRECTV Equipment
The Walkind Dead
I have been waiting months to watch this and was very disappointed with AMC's quality on DirectTV. It looked so terrible that I had to turn it off. I will just download the 720p torrent when it is available. It's not fair that my cable bill is over $80 per month but I cannot get the same quality as
Watching DIRECTV