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St Louis Cardinals Baseball Games
I live in zip code 64801. Can I get all of the St Louis Cardinals games?
Manhole infront of Webster Bank 359 Queen ST Southington CT
We keep getting calls at the water department for the manhole around 359 Queen ST Southington CT. Water has been draining out of it for weeks.
U-verse TV Equipment
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st louis cardinals baseball games
how can i get to watch st louis baseball games...i have fox sports mid west, but when the game time comes it says blacked out...cannot get a live person to talk to at att
Watching U-verse TV
2 sets of locals
Anyone else get 2 sets of locals? I just signed up today and am seeing my correct locals and also st louis locals
Unlink old legacy NFL ST account from AT&T
Hello, Support has been unable to help me with this and I’m hoping someone here knows the magic words I can regurgitate to find someone to help. I’ve spoken with the DAC team on both the satellite and stream side without success. The problem stems when I login to my AT&T account. I get an ID co
discontinuing of a local channel
I live in Port St Lucie, FL 34983. Just notified that I am not able to get one of my local channels (WPBF Channel 25) why is that? What can I do to get it?
Watching U-verse TV
Thanks for the input/answers "my thoughts" and Chris; especially the step-by-step instructions! The DVR is working great again. Most of all my wife is a happy camper in watching the Y&R every night like she's done for the past 30 years! And
Hard reboot of DVR or disaster recovery?
My wife has been going nuts since the Y& R soap hasn't been recording on our Moto VIP2250 DVR. What's strange is any program I record on it says it's recording but it really isn't since the red recording light on the front of the boxes isn't on. Luckily I've been streaming in the Y&R in the evenings
no title available channel 8889*dtv
I have a program in my queue called "no title available" that doesn't record anything and isn't anything i programmed on channel 8889*DTV. It's description says "Our Victor Ftb REV".What is this? will it prevent a show from recording if I am already at my max? Can i get it out of my queue just for m
DIRECTV Equipment
Account canceled, NFL ST billed in full day after yet to be corrected
Very frustrating customer service experience on canceling my DIRECTV account - have been a loyal customer for 10+ years.Canceled account August 2 2019 without incident and returned equipment promptly with confirmation of receipt by AT&T/DIRECTV.On August 3, the full season amount of NFL ST appeared
Why do you continue to rip people off
I am a customer with AT&T I purchased the Ultimate package so that the St Louis Cardinals could be watched on my programming. Since the Carona Virus now that the games are on suddenly this is removed from my package and put onto the premier package which already includes the sports package. So now A
No error code or number.. just says channel not available in my package. 5 different reps on tech support have looked at it with no resolution. Most tell me I can’t watch until equipment is installed and I tell them well that’s not what the website t
Watching on APPS before installation of equipment
I have spent 8 hours on phone and chat with DTV about why I cannot watch my CHOICE channels on my apps prior to install. I hear all kinds of answers from DTV...... but still does not work. Anyone else had issues with this?
Overlapping NFL ST and NFL ST Max? Yuck, that is a headache. It is correct that upon removal it should be adjusted on the following bill, but that would have been the first showing the base NFL ST so should have equaled out in the end if done properl
Stick to Cell phone service
Just wanted to let you know I am soooo irritated with AT&T. We have always gotten NFL Sunday Ticket. I noticed this season we had actually paid for Sunday Ticket Max last season which explains why it was more expensive. I called AT&T and told them we want Sunday Ticket not Sunday Ticket Max. I got a
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Part of The Menu is cut off of the screen
Hi. Part of the menu is cut off of the screen and i dont know how to fix it, and its really hard to navigate through On Demand. On the Guide its cuts off the channel name(like the 3-5 letter abreviation of the channel) and the time at the time is cut off to and i would really like to know how to fix
U-verse TV Equipment
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Out of the country
Why does my directv app not work out of the US?
Watching DIRECTV
I had the same problem. After four aggravating hours on the phone with representatives who repeated back what I said and then asked a follow up question based on the opposite of what I said, I was given a number to call which had me speaking to some
Error message: U-verse is not available at this time.
I keep getting this error message on one of my TVs. The wireless receiver connects correctly and then displays this message. I have tried rebooting everything from the Gateway, the wired receiver and the WAP.
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Purpose of the battery??
The battery left by the tech I am assuming is included in our package; and I am not going to be charged extra. Am I wrong in assuming that the sole purpose of this battery; is for when our power goes out. I am guessing the battery is specifically to keep the power the "Residential Gateway" in th eve
U-verse TV Equipment
@WebDancer NFL ST is for Out-Of-Market games only. In-market games show on one of your local channels. If your local channel has pulled their feed away from DirecTV that doesn't change the blackout rules. The NFL ST still cannot show you those s
NFL Ticket and Fox
Have the NFL Ticket. The game (Falcons and Vikings) is blacked out on the NFL channel 710 and the screen takes me to channel 55 (local Fox), which is blacked out also. How do I access this game? If I can't access the game, why am I paying for the NFL Ticket??
Exactly same thing happened to me yesterday (10/08/2015 I called in at 9:41 AM pacific time conversation lasted about 1 Hr 3 Mins). I was talking with Victor (Position : Customer service supervisor as he claimed). I had billing issues. I believed I w
how to make complaint
I recently called ATT for an update on an order status. After being placed on hold for over an hour, I asked to speak to a supervisor. As soon as I started to speak, he said he could not hear me and I'm nearly certain I heard him make a racial slur before hanging up. I believe these calls are rec
On Demand Weird
Wny does On Demand not offer all episodes of a series (that have aired). Why offer episode 1, 8, 10, etc. What’s the point of offering the series st all?
Watching U-verse TV
Thanks, I'll hardwire it. Victor
14 years ago
to the conversation:
Wireless connection
Can I connect my dvr to my wireless 'apple tv' unit to access direct tv cinema. Or do I need the direct tv wireless connection kit?