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Accepted Solution
Directv Stream changes channel without anybody touching the remote
Hello: I have a few Direct Stream receivers, they are the osprey android version. The problem I am having is that it changes its channel number by itself... nobody touching the remote or anything.... it happens on all of them, at different timesany ideas?best regards
Have U-Verse TV on a promo. Can I add a premium channel without voiding the promo?
I know that removing any service voids the promo I am on but does adding a premium channel (TV5) also void the promo? I ask as when I try to add it via their "Ethernet-to-HDMI converter" I am told that I cannot add the channel. (I have the U-350 plan) I moved from Spectrum to at&t U-Verse becau
Watching U-verse TV
Contract commitments void when T changes subscription content?
I discovered recently that the Preferred Choice package I subscribed to was changed by AT&T in order to populate new packages. I was not at all pleased nor did I know it was coming. I've been signed up since 12/2019 for a 2 year commitment. I would like to think that it was a mutual commitment b
Is the VRC82-19 backlit?
I thought the VRC82-19 would light up briefly, when touching an button, but that doesn't happen now. Does this remote have a backlit function? If so, how do I turn it on? Thanks for the help!
DIRECTV STREAM Setup & Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Child bought movie
My one year old son took the remote and started touching all the buttons and ended up buying a $22 frozen movie, does anyone know if there is any way I can get my money back.
Watching DIRECTV
If you're being billed for NFL Sunday ticket in the second year then canceling service doesn't void that sports subscriptions are non refundable
Being charged for NFL Sunday ticket even though no longer have service
We were deceived into a 2 year contract with directv including free nfl package from att representative at Costco. We were told no contract but it came with a contract. Then now we are dealing with being billed the nfl ticket even though we noticed directv we don’t want to nfl service. We have had t
What would cause it to go to menu, PPV, channel 1, and record PPV all on its own, with out ever touching the remote
DIRECTV Equipment
Uverse DVR erased my recordings
Just after watching a DVR'd show today and deleting it...while remote was sitting in my lap not even touching it - All of my DVR'd shows (probably 10) starting deleting one by one right in front of my eyes. Again I wasn't touching a thing. When I realized what was happening I quickly turned everythi
U-verse TV Equipment
Wrong payment
I paid to much off a credit card and I want to void a payment.
Watching U-verse TV
No need to edit. Lets say I want to watch 10 episodes of Law & Order back to back without touching the remote. Is that possible?
playlist question for DVR
Is there a way to string multiple shows into one 12 hour playlist? I know it's odd, but I have a 15 hour science program taped that is fantastic to fall asleep to, and if you wake up in the middle of the night, Morgan Freeman's voice quickly puts you back under. I don't see any way to add an MPEG
to mrstoney46.....happy you got the apps working. Let me know how they work going forward.....What exactly did the tech guy to get them running again, without touching the "red button?"
Gemini Apps suddenly won't load
When I first got my Gemini box, the apps worked perfectly. Now, they suddenly quit loading. I am using a WIFI connection, but I have tried a wired connection, and still nothing. I have a very strong internet signal, and the apps load perfectly through my Shield streaming device, but not
A POA is void once the person dies. An attorney will tell you: A POA does not survive the death of the principal.Once a person dies, the designated administrator (Executor) must handle the business affairs of the estate.
Termination of Service through Power of Attorney & non-response
I sent an email to terminate the service for my uncle on 3/20/2020 to the with his bill and a copy of my Power of Attorney. He has since passed on 3/22/2020 and ATT continues to automatically debit his account.I have not received any correspondence and the automated response stated i
What would cause the hd dvr to just start changing with out touching remote, It will go to menu by it self, it will record PPV channels on its own.
DIRECTV Equipment
This happens every 30 minutes or so. I'm just watching the olympics and not touching the remote, it just comes up on its own. Ridiculous.
Uverse Error Code: 0 - Failed to load resource
I'm getting this message on the screens of the TVs in my house. It appears when I first turn on a TV: Error Code: 0 - Failed to load resourceKx: Faile to load resourceWeb exception: the remote name could not be resolvedSocket exception: No such host is known. Anyone know what's up, and what can be d
@directtvhelp I click both "no thanks" every time. We aren't touching the remote or pushing the microphone button even if happens. It just keeps popping up randomly.
Get asked over and over again if I want to use Google Assistant
I keep getting asked if I want to use Google Assistant. It just pops up randomly in the middle of watching a TV program. When it happens I am just watching, I am not using my remote or anything. It's really annoying. Every time I say that I don't want to use it, another box comes up to verify, and I
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
watch movies at the theater
How do I go about going to the movies theater to watch a movie for free
Watching DIRECTV
When is the nfl network and redzone going to be restored? I got uverse for this reason. I feel because you neglected to work out a contract, my contract with you all should be null and void as well. Dave Wheeler
Is NFL Network on AT&T U-verse?
When are Uverse TV customers going to start receiving "NFL Network"? Training camps have started.
Installed U-Verse copper Line coming to my house was installed laying on power line
Installed U-Verse copper Line coming to my house was installed laying on power line (crossing & touching the power line)I got an appointment today for a tech to come fix it but he never showed up.
U-verse TV Equipment
Sounds like the OP doesn't want facts. They just want to scream into the void like a spoiled child.
1 year ago
to the conversation:
Direct TV Skill will not link to Alexa app
Alexa use to work throughout the house. Then it quit all of the sudden without cause. Now it says I have to enable the skill again. When I try to enable the skill in the Alexa app it either says there’s an error connecting to Direct TV account. I’m all on the same network, have restarted everything,