

2 Messages

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013 3:07 PM

Why does my bill change every month?

Why does my bill change every month? After 5 yrs I am almost ready to leave for good. Anyone feel my pain? All I want is the same stuff for the same price, no offers , no extra frills for 90 days just good service with consistent billing . $200 a month for Uverse 300 bundle ? Are you kidding me? Please, I need help, or I am gone.



3.2K Messages

12 years ago

stillunhappy2008 - If your bill changes without reason, a CSR can explain it. My bill has only changed a few times in the same time period & I know exactly why. So, no I do not feel your pain. If I do not like any bill I call the biller & find out. If you cannot get a good answer, send a message to attcustomercare.



2 Messages

12 years ago

I am done talking to csrs . One does this and another does that and the end
result is a higher bill every month. I don't need promos or anything else,
just consistent billing which I have never had.

ACE - Professor


411 Messages

12 years ago

When you say "higher bill every month" what are you saying pennies or dollars or more?



ACE - Master


480 Messages

12 years ago

Agreed.  You're bill should be within a couple of dollars each month depending on how many days are in the billing cycle unless you are order PPV or On Demand rentals.

ACE - Master


1.4K Messages

12 years ago

@stillunhappy2008 wrote:
I am done talking to csrs . One does this and another does that and the end
result is a higher bill every month. I don't need promos or anything else,
just consistent billing which I have never had.

You need to go "above the normal CSR."  I would recommend that you send a private message to the escalation team at AT&T Customer Care, and someone will get in touch with you.  Unless promo's are expiring, you are ordering PPV's and the like, it should not fluctuate. 



3 Messages

12 years ago

I thought that I was the only one to have this problem.  I just paid the higher bill again after on chat turned me over to a telephone number and I called it, then she turned me to a person I could not understand, so I told him to forget it and I would pay the bill and have it fixed for the October bill.  It was already supposed to be fixed for this month.



3 Messages

12 years ago

Dollars. $17.00 since I contracted for U-verse. This month it is $10.00 more.



3 Messages

12 years ago

Thank you. I'll try another contact - the one you posted. I don't hold out a lot of hope for a solution, but I am trusting the Lord because He led me this far.

Community Support


3K Messages

12 years ago

Hi jerry+deb+bren+…,


I just wanted to check in and let you know that we received your private message. One of our managers will be reaching out to you shortly.




Nicole K.



1 Message

11 years ago

Hi,  I experience this same problem.  However, the service in question is my home phone service.  My bill fluctuates each month.  I only have regular home phone service and internet.  So, I would think the charges would be the same.  No long distance.  I too have called CSRs and have not been able to get an understandable explanation.  It takes much time to first get through to a rep and I've just given up on getting a valid explanation. 

ACE - Expert


605 Messages

11 years ago

@mnid116 wrote:

Hi,  I experience this same problem.  However, the service in question is my home phone service.  My bill fluctuates each month.  I only have regular home phone service and internet.  So, I would think the charges would be the same.  No long distance.  I too have called CSRs and have not been able to get an understandable explanation.  It takes much time to first get through to a rep and I've just given up on getting a valid explanation. 

I assume you mean a landline phone (POTS) and DSL. Those bills are incredibly detail (almost to a fault).


When you look at the bill, what charges are different?



18 Messages

11 years ago

Same here. I have landline, DISH and DSL bundled, and every couple of monts it has gone up from pennies to deveral dollars. I filed a complaint with the PSC but AT&T basically owns them, so it was explained away. It just went up ANOTHER five bucks since last month!

ACE - Expert


605 Messages

11 years ago

@POPaulie wrote:

Same here. I have landline, DISH and DSL bundled, and every couple of monts it has gone up from pennies to deveral dollars. I filed a complaint with the PSC but AT&T basically owns them, so it was explained away. It just went up ANOTHER five bucks since last month!

When you look at the bill, what charges are different?



1 Message

8 years ago

My DSL bills keeps on going up every month by anywhere from 18-34 dollars a month and no amount of calling and talking to the reps is helping. I am thinking of filling a claim with the FCC unless I get a resolution. There is no reason the EXACT SAME FIXED service has to climb up by 50% or more monthly. That's criminal.



2 Messages

6 years ago

October of 2018 and people, including me, are still having this problem.  They've "not been able to give an understandable explanation" is exactly right.  Same problem here, and every person I speak with gives me a different non-understandable explanation.  Five years later, we are all still having this problem.  Ridiculous