

14 Messages

Friday, December 16th, 2016 11:45 PM

Uverse TV freezing up ever few minutes and losing service !

My Uverse service has been working good.  Then AT&T came and done some work on the line outside in the alley.  Well after they done the work, my TV started freezing every few minutes and losing service sometimes.  A repair man came and said it was the line outside, he replace my service line.  Soon after he left the TV started freezing up and losing service sometimes.  I called him and he said he could come, to call the AT&T service center and order a new DVR.  They will come in the morning, but I don't think that is the problem, The phone and internet works ok, it just the freezing of the TV.   It seem anytime AT&T working on the line outside, I always have provblems.  They are sending a serviceman in the morning to replace the DVR.    Has anyone else had this problem ?



4 Messages

8 years ago

I have been having the same issue.  My tv freezes up many times a day and sometimes completely drops out.  I had a tech come last month to change out the modem.  This is the third modem I have had.  TV still drops out.  Before it would be the TV, then the internet would drop and then the phone.  Now it is just the TV (so far that is!).  The tech that changed the modem told me to keep in touch with him to let him know what was going on and if it were to continue, he would come change out the receiver/DVR.  I have tried to contact him by email, by text and even his supervisor, to no avail.  I had to contact AT&T to arrange for another tech to come out tomorrow (nice way to spend the holiday weekend) to check it out and change out the receiver/DVR (sucks because now I will lose what I have recorded on it).  So watch, that is probably not even the issue! If this continues, my contract is up in July so I am thinking on switching to Spectrum (the only other service available in my apartment complex).  I am so tired of this.  I pay so much for these services and this is what happens.  Not right.



4 Messages

8 years ago

We are also having a problem with our tv's freezing. We get this error message "Network problems have stopped this stream. The program is not currently available for viewing. Make sure this tv receiver and the DVR receiver are connected to the network." Sometimes we are watching live tv, sometimes recorded shows. We did not seem to have the problem with the tv which is connected to the DVR or the 1 wireless receiver tv. 2 others had the problem. We have had techs out numerous times and they would try various things, but the problem returns. We have rebooted receivers, gateway (think that's the correct term, unless it is modem), etc. Yesterday a tech came out and tried various things, but it kept freezing. He said we needed all receivers to be wireless except the main DVR, so he replaced them. Still freezes. He checked wiring and thought all was good. He decided a new gateway was needed, so that was replaced and he reset everything. Good for a while, then last evening-freezing up! We are so frustrated. Thinking of going to Directv. We currently have Uverse TV, phone and internet. I would like to keep the phone and internet. Anyone know if Directv has freezing issues?????



1 Message

7 years ago

This is happening as I type; ridiculous to have this annoying problem during "prime time viewing, especially after the excessive cost I pay for Uverse! 

W Smith Fairpoint San Antonio Texas 



2 Messages

7 years ago

Me too.  



1 Message

7 years ago

Been having the same problem for several years now.  They have replaced everything.  from the curb to the receivers.  I am sure the neighborhood box is the issue, but they won't do anything about it.  So far has frozen 5 times today.



4 Messages

7 years ago

Our problem seems to have gotten better. We ended up switching out the main receiver to a different TV in another part of the house and it has been working well. There is an occasional freezing, maybe once a month. We made the change about 6 months ago. You might try this and see it it helps.



2 Messages

7 years ago

I have the same problems and I was hoping to see the NCAA basketball Champioship game.  But I does not seam that is going to happen.  Does any body know of a better cable system besides Comcast?



1 Message

7 years ago

Device Details Device
Connection TypeWi-Fi (802.11)    five-bars
Frequency2.4 GHz
IP Address192.168.1.66
LAN IP Address AllocationDHCP
IP Address TypePrivate (NAT)
Hardware Addresse4:11:5b:7f:2b:5f



3 Messages

7 years ago

If AT & T doesn't get this fixed soon this will be the last month I will be paying for service I can't watch.



3 Messages

7 years ago

it is impossible to fallow a show because it is frozen more than not.

ACE - Expert


36.9K Messages

7 years ago

@papabear6914, if you'd like to post some actual details about your situation, instead of making essentially two "me too" posts on a thread that's been idle for 3 months, then maybe someone could help you.  As it is, clicking the Me Too button on the OP would have been just as good for much less effort.


Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.



3 Messages

7 years ago

Which switches are compatible?  I am using tp-link tl-sg1008d and have the same problem, thanks!



3 Messages

7 years ago

It looks like this freezing issue has been ongoing for over 2 years and it doesn't appear to have resolved itself.  we are a recent customer to Uverse and our service is horrible.  i've got 4 TV's.  1 we cant watch for all shows freeze for 1-3 minutes several times per hour.  the 2nd  & 3rd TVs freezes during all sports events and during during cable news shows. especially Fox news.   the 4th TV, a small one in the kitchen seems to work fine, but its the one we use the least.   AT&T replaced one of the wireless box on TV #1 and it helped a little,  but not much.  still totally unacceptable for someone that buys their top premium package. 

ACE - Expert


36.9K Messages

7 years ago

@CharliePS, some people experience this depending on the conditions with their network or home, some have a bad piece of equipment.  Sometimes the community can help guide you (and AT&T) to a solution to your issues if we know more about your setup and particular issues.


Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.



1 Message

6 years ago

My tv keeps freezing.  Techs are no help.  New modem.   What is Att doing about this recurring problem?