4 Messages
Wireless Receiver Signal Stops Every Night at 2 AM
I'd like to know if wireless receivers should just cut out every night at 2 a.m.? It will come back within a few minutes but it's really annoying because I'm a shift worker and I'm not sleeping at 2 a.m.! Worse, if I'm watching a program I recorded....when the connection resumes it will not give me the correct point to resume watching. I have to fast forward to where it was at 2 a.m.
I had the receiver replaced because it was constantly dropping it's connection and required reboots every time. Now I don't have to reboot it but it still is annoying.
Can a different time for this inconvience be chosen?
The analyst seemed unaware of anything that causes 2 a.m. daily issues. It's been an issue for years but only became annoying when my shift changed!
Thanks, JD
Community Support
865 Messages
9 years ago
Hi @Thoroughbred,
We apologize about the issues, but we will be glad to help. Do you notice any issues on the gateway when this happens? The power, broadband, and service lights all have to be solid green for the service to work. Also, if you are leaving the receiver on for a prolonged period of time without any input, it will turn off on its own. We do not think this is the case, since you are watching a recorded program. Finally, with the connection, if it is plugged into a surge protector, we suggest isolating the connection and connecting it directly to its own electrical outlet. Let us know how it goes.
4 Messages
9 years ago
Sorry for the delayed response, I thought maybe I had it working properly again.
On June 25, per advice received from another thread, I restarted the receiver myself after 2 PM. The receiver worked properly for 3 nights with no shutoffs at 2 AM. Then again on June 28 the problem recurred at 2 AM. The message "connection has been lost" is displayed and I noticed that all lights go out on the receiver too. If I wait approx. 4 minutes everything magically restores itself.....lights are on and broadcast resumes. However, the position would have been lost if I had been watching a movie I recorded. It's annoying to have to fast forward an hour to resume watching. It's also annoying to have this happen at the time you watch television every day. I wouldn't care if it shut down at 2 PM. The AT&T equipment is not plugged into surge suppressors.
1 Message
7 years ago
I have the same issue here in Houston at approximately 1 every single night. Personally I think it is because U-verse is sending some kind of update scan back to AT&T. There's nothing wrong with my Broadband there's nothing wrong with the receiver I have replaced it a number of times. I think they might just be sending back a scanner what I've been watching every night back to AT&T for their data mining. I have asked about it a number of times and of course nobody knows anything they claim that is just the receiver. I would believe it if it wasn't for the fact that it doesn't every single night at 1 Houston time.
1 Message
6 years ago
Only 1 of our 4 TV's cuts out at 2 p.m. every night. This TV used to be hardwired, but when we started having connect issues regularly we had the box checked. They came out with a receiver) that could support 3 total signal broadcasts (thru WiFi?). It was after this that it started doing the around "2pm lose signal"... like clockwork every night.
This is the only receiver that can support 3 WiFi receiver boxes that has the problem. It often has an issue when it is the only TV runninhmg The 2 receivers that can only support 2 & the 1 hard wired do not have any issues. It does seem like it happens more when I pause, back up or skip forward. Recorded programs that get interfered with are certainly not as bad as when I have a live TV program on hold (which I do often) & it resets my program to the normal time.
ACE - Teacher
1.6K Messages
6 years ago
Can you call ATT U-Verse support service again, to tell them of the detailed issue, again? Did the Tech leave you his phone number..etc to contact him, if a problem, after being so called fixed. Our techs in our city do. Maybe ask next time. Maybe the tech will have to speak with his district boss over the issue, for resolve. I do have our District Manager's phone# and e-mail address from a year ago, furnished by the tech. Reminds me, see if he is still around. lol Long story short.
Good luck on the techs trouble shooting as some are more experienced, like doctors.
1 Message
6 years ago
Wow, 3 years later and we are having the same issue every night at 2am. Without fail. It’s clearly an ATT reset. Why? I haven’t a clue.
1 Message
1 year ago
2 am every day wireless tv goes out I have to reset it many times it now goes out for more than 4 hours at a time i have to run around the house resetting everything calling them waste of time they don't know a thing about it might be time to switch to another company my bill goes up and I don't think losing service that amount of time is acceptable. i have been a costumer of uverse for over 10 years but its looks like its time for me to move on
Community Support
254.9K Messages
1 year ago
Thanks for reaching us @dash9.
We understand your concern in regard to U-verse TV. Let's make up the time you invested.
To make things easier, please help us with the below points:
1) When the TV signal is out, are all the lights on the residential gateway still green?
2) When the TV signal is out, is there any effect on other wireless devices like a laptop or smartphone?
3) When the TV signal is out, what is the status of the receiver?
Please revert, we'd be happy to help!
David, AT&T Community Forum Specialist
New Member
2 Messages
1 year ago
I finally solved the problem by shutting down the AT&T wireless, putting it into pass-through mode, and buying a real wireless router. It's been two or three years now and I haven't had the issue since.
2 Messages
2 months ago
I'm here because I googled "ATT wireless cuts out every night at 2am." A technician is coming tomorrow (hopefully--the last one I scheduled never showed) but why is this STILL happening with no explanation to us in 2025????
ACE - Expert
36.9K Messages
2 months ago
Awfully hard to answer that question without being inside your home and seeing what the issues are.
2 Messages
1 month ago
Hi, I just wanted to add that an ATT tech came out to check my fiber, modem, router, and connection and said it was definitely something outside. I couldn't quite understand him due to his very thick dialect (this is Georgia and I am not originally from here) but I ascertained that they were going to send someone else ("the bucket truck") to climb up to the fiber cable from the telephone pole and repair it in the air. They did that later that day, and my internet has been great ever since! I never did get a clear description of what went wrong, or what was fixed, but it was free and I'm glad they figured it out on their end!
ACE - Professor
8.2K Messages
1 month ago
That's great to hear!
The technicians can do a lot of good fixing. Unfortunately, AT&T doesn't know of customer issues if the customer doesn't call. Sometimes these fixes can be over the phone. Other times, it may require something to be sent for the customer to install and, as you found out, sometimes a technician is required.
With that said, please don't respond to threads where the last response is a year or more old.