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ALERT: If you're impacted by the recent storms in the Houston area, please remember you can access important programming using the DIRECTV app.


New Member


2 Messages

Friday, November 25th, 2022 6:09 PM


So I have been trying to watch the WORLD CUP on my phone while I am at work and now all the sudden when I log into my Direct Tv App it is saying "This Channel isnt included with your subscription. Visit your account online to browse channel package options". Heres the problem well there is a few problems here. The first problem is less then a week ago the direct tv app worked fine I could watch all the channels i pay for and the world cup. The second problem here is that the channels is says I do not have are channels I definitley have like FOX and other local channels. The Final problem here is I have the VERY VERY VERY VERY BEST PACKAGE Direct TV Offers with every single channel and every single package add on I pay $300 a MONTH FOR TV and cant even watch it on my phone. I have done every trouble shooting thing possible i have uninstalled the app and downloaded it again just to be told the same thing. I have had my wife restart are reciever at home and once again nothing. I am so disappointed bc I have called support 800-531-5000 and it is the biggest joke known to mankind none of them know what they are doing. I have chatted with att customer support for over 5 hours and not one single answer. I am about to cancel direct tv and go to dish network bc I am not feeling like I am getting taken care of for all the money I spend a month on their service, If anyone can help me figure this out that would be amazing. Thank you in advance and no thanks to you att.             Davey 



32 Messages

2 years ago

Too much turkey on Thanksgiving has been known to cause this malfunction. 

New Member


2 Messages

2 years ago

SOOOOOOO SAD i pay this much money and cant even watch what I want to watch from my phone at work...

ACE - Expert


20.8K Messages

2 years ago

Not all programming is authorized for viewing on a smart phone. First and foremost DirecTV is a satellite TV provider. The secondary streaming options are limited as they have different permissions.

I highly doubt you have "every" channel. That would require the old grandfathered Titanium package. Though don't recall if that includes all the World Direct channels. The top package DirecTV currently has is Premier, which is not every channel. There are still other channels that can be added on (seasonal sport subscriptions, add-on packs, etc.).

If you want full access on streaming, go to streaming provider. Both DirecTV and Dish have limitations on any streaming perks because the licensing of that content is different. They are satellite providers.

New Member


5 Messages

2 years ago

I'm having the same problem. I've spent multiple days and hours on chat and phone.  I've been lied to,  disconnected and still not fixed.  It happened to me last year but someone with half a brain got it figured out.  I'm done with these (Edited per community guidelines).  I was in customer service for many years,  if I was as unproductive as directv employees I would have been out the door. 


New Member


5 Messages

2 years ago

Any results from them yet?

ACE - Expert


20.8K Messages

2 years ago

Customer service can only do so much. They are neither techs who work internally (not directly with customers), nor can change how things are programmed or liscensed. They can only work within the rules and options provided to them, something one who has worked in customer service should understand.



32 Messages

2 years ago

Good answer.

New Member


5 Messages

2 years ago

Well juniper,  you are a expert.  I'm new on this forum but not to directv.  I'm looking for results.  I don't know what is wrong with the app and I have been told several things from customer service.  I came on here hoping to find a fix.  They want me to pay for the service but they aren't providing it.  As of now I have local channels a couple cable channels and all the premium movie channels that I don't subscribe to,  go figure. Do you or anyone on here know what can be done to restore my channels?

ACE - Expert


20.8K Messages

2 years ago

As mentioned, there will never be a guarantee that all programming and channels is available on the app. Sometimes specific programming is licensed for satellite, and some is affected by your location services on your device.

That being said, there are a lot of bugs in the new app they are still working on. Mentioning your issue in the forum is one route (though not official) and calling to report the problem is the other, making sure they have notice on this particular issue (if it actually is one and not the permissions for the exact content). Beyond that all we can do is wait while they work on it, which I bet doesn't have the highest priority as first and foremost there service is by satellite. So streaming (On Demand or app) perks are secondary.

You pay for satellite service. Streaming and app they add on, but are not a required part of your service.

New Member


5 Messages

2 years ago

I understand all of this.  But it's also affecting my other streaming apps. Saying that isn't in my package.  I went as far as upgrading my package this morning and I still can't get the channels I had on Monday and for years on the app.  I've spoken with them several times since I noticed the problem on Wednesday.  I got a lot of promises and on Friday alone was transferred to 11 different people and had my call dropped twice with no call back.  And had 3 different reps promise that a supervisor would call me.  No one did.  I've known for years their customer service is horrible but this is insane.  I would rather be told they don't know what or when it will be fixed instead of being lied to and bounced around 

ACE - Expert


20.8K Messages

2 years ago

I went as far as upgrading my package this morning

If the channels are indeed in your package, raising it just means throwing money away unless you were getting more channels you wanted. Raising the package doesn't change the app options for your existing channels.

And had 3 different reps promise that a supervisor would call me.

DirecTV does not do callbacks. You either wait for an available supervisor or callback at hopefully a better time and request one. I feel this assurance by agents has become more common lately, which is an issue. I would consider a BBB complaint as this appears to be an overall problem. Customer service used to be much better than this.

I would rather be told they don't know what or when it will be fixed instead of being lied to and bounced around 

Agreed. They certainly don't know as are not the ones working on it. Anyone who says when it will be fixed is either straight up lying or going off bad info. They want to finish their calls quickly to improve handle time, unfortunately giving negative answers ("I don't know" or "it will stay as it is") tends to make the call go longer as customer is upset as opposed to what the customer wants to hear ("supervisor will call you" or "it will be fixed within X days/hours"). Too many people think if they badger the agents enough will make some secret option or fix become available, which ruins it for the rest of us who can deal with reality and not be (Edited per community guidelines) about it.


New Member


5 Messages

2 years ago

I spent another couple hours this evening trying to get help.  I already decided to report to the BBB,  and I think I'll get ahold of the state attorneys office to file complaint for bad/ false business practices.  I've been with them for years but this is (Edited per community guidelines). 


New Member


1 Message

2 years ago

Anyone figure out a fix for this.... I'm curious if your accounts are all linked/combined with an ATT account as well? Have you had DTV stream before and used the same username for the account? 


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