16 Messages
substandard programming due to excessive advertising
Years ago there was no question about the value and quality of DirecTV. It was simply the best service out there but sadly that has changed in a number of ways. 1. Degraded value of programming by excessive advertisement, commercials have become more prominent greatly reducing the value that has been traditional in paid programming and in fact it has become even worse over the last few years. 2. Targeting of DirecTV viewers using social information and consumption of programming, the level of targeting is substantial with technology that works to present viewers with commercials based on interaction of internet based services such as social media platforms and other modalities you might find yourself viewing advertisements targeting you based on information you thought was private. . . Bad? Yes it is! It really is bad... 3. Extended commercials otherwise known as "Infomercials" where products are "hawked" by smiling faces complete with clapping audiences. This type of programming is not something that subscribers should be paying to access in fact there is so much of this type of programming that one might be hard pressed to find any single day where more substantial programming is available to the viewer. As an example today at 7:30 AM Hoover smart wash, clean air with oxy pure, Oxygen therapy, Summer vault clearance, iconic jewelry, Caribbean life, suffering from lower back pain, wake up beautiful, experience total gym, try total gym for 14, Oxygen therapy, Hempvana, Flat stomach, car repair secrets, medicare, woman get your hair, Hank williams music sales, lacruset, medicare, lakefront bargain, total gym, the list goes on and on and on... (this is what subscribers are paying for?) 4. outdated programming, the average programming production date is between 1980 and 2006 Channels are filled with programming so old that the younger generation have no idea what it is or just how dated and stale the programming has become. In fact one of the better networks has become Hallmark, (they seem to have a better idea of what people want to watch) In fact one might subscribe to only hallmark programming and find that they do not miss any of the other networks that have become just average and in many cases unremarkable. There is a lot more too but I suspect that most people will become bored between paging around on directv trying to find something that is interesting enough to watch. . . You might wonder if this is a wreckless course of action aimed at pushing subscribers away from the service. I find myself questioning the value of the service in favor of internet based streaming services. (no commercials) (less cost) (better value) One last thought today they are even selling unmentionable adult toys during a time when many children are sitting in front of the TV. . . What is wrong with this company? DirecTV used to be great but now they have become something that resembles garbage! I just do not see a viable future for this type of leadership but regardless of my opinion, I feel that I am going to be watching less programming until the point when I will no longer feel like paying $120.00 a month for garbage programming with more commercials than value and that day is rapidly approaching like a train on a dark night. . . PSS A two year contract? well this is what happens when you are forced to agree to a 24 month contract and you see the value decline over time until you wonder why you are paying this much money every month for programming that came from the 80s 90s and early 2000. (last one, really this is the last one) technical difficulties, rain fade, loss of audio signal, glitchy video, out of sync video and audio, redundant hardware programming, poor planning for managing genie technology, guide and info sucking your internet dry at the tune of gigabits of data from your internet provider, (If you have poor internet service you will not enjoy the experience) (not talking about streaming here at all) If you have bad or slow internet your direvtv experience will suffer... not to mention that you can't really watch anything using ATT streaming if your internet is bad or slow. . . Ok, well sure I have missed a few things along the way but I cannot think of a more bungled acquisition of a large network that has been more poorly managed and degraded!
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
34K Messages
5 years ago
Directv just broadcasts what the networks feed them. Don’t like the commercials and programming take it up with the individual network S
ACE - Expert
28.3K Messages
5 years ago
Apparently you are unclear on how TV (paid or OTA) works. The same programs, commercials and content is what is available whether you have Comcast, Spectrum, Frontier, Dish or Verizon. It is not exclusive to DirecTV.
While OTA (ie: free TV) does not offer as extensive of a selection as a paid service, there's still network determined content, commercials and lots of infomercials.
ACE - Expert
22.9K Messages
5 years ago
TV providers don't set commercials. Advertisers pay the networks for commercial space. Networks have been increasing their costs to TV providers over the years. TV providers are negotiating to minimize such increases, since their costs go up then they have to raise bills accordingly. It is assumed that because TV providers are pushing back harder against those increasing costs, that the networks are making up the extra revenue they want with more advertisements.
So in the end the complaint with what programming is shown and how much is commercials, is with the the networks. TV providers only send you exactly what they receive.
ACE - Professor
2.3K Messages
5 years ago
I find myself questioning the value of the service in favor of internet based streaming services. (no commercials) (less cost) (better value)
Streaming services are NOT commercial free