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13 Messages

Wednesday, September 4th, 2024 8:32 PM


When will this Disney dispute end?

ESPN and Disney networks are the premier channels in our household. $20 credit? Oh thanks so much! No football games, no US Open tennis. Come on man! I won't stand for this much longer. You guys better (Edited per community guidelines) it up and get this deal done or you're going to lose a lot of customers like me!

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Want to disconnect service now that ESPN, Disney and ABC are gone.

ACE - Expert


20.3K Messages

14 days ago

Whenever Disney decides to return the feeds to DTV either by sighing a new contract or the goodness of their heart.  Since DTV doesn't have to give you any credits so the $20 is nice.


13 Messages

14 days ago

What does it take to sign a new contract, Shannon? You can't blame all this on Disney, and I'm sure Directv and Disney are both at fault. I would think Directv has more to lose.

I think half off the service bill is more in line with the way I see it.

ACE - Expert


20.3K Messages

14 days ago

You have to ask Disney why they will not sign a new contract or return the feeds.

It is Disney that is asking for more money for their programs.

The loss of 4 or 5 channels out of a 100+ warrants half off the bill really?

ACE - Expert


21.2K Messages

14 days ago

The channels affected are only a portion of your programming package. That means $20 more than covers the few days they have been off.

To think half your entire bill should be credited is outrageous. Those channel aren't even half the channels you get out of your package, much less half your bill.

Yes we understand negotiations are a two-way street between DirecTV and Disney. Since Disney want to raise rates is why I prefer DirecTV to continue negotiating instead of just caving to the higher cost. I would rather those that demand the channels now pay the difference instead of those of us who can be patient, but I get that won't happen.

7 Messages

14 days ago

Shannon you obviously work for DIRECTV and are here to counter any bad messaging.  I do not care what disney is doing I am paying you and will stop paying you just like the other folks on here are threatening.  And it is not the 4 or 5 channels it is what channels they are.  Most of you 100 are garbage that we pay for and do not watch but ESPN, SEC Network ACC network and ABC 

ACE - Expert


20.3K Messages

14 days ago

Sorry never worked for either DTV or AT&T. Nobody is paying me anything. Your garbage is another mans treasure.  DTV employees on this forum have that fact stated in a box similar to the ace box.


17 Messages

14 days ago

@Juniper what if the US Open is 100% of what I want to watch right now.  You can take all the other channels and shove it, I just want to watch US Open.  So I should get 100% of my bill credited.  It's not about what the company OFFERS, it's about what the customers WANT.

17 Messages

14 days ago

@shannon02 Is DirectTV providing a $20 credit to everyone, or do I have to sign up somewhere to get the credit?  Seems like DTV should have sent out a proactive message to subscribers telling customers about a credit and how to get it.  I haven't seen any such communication.   Meanwhile, DTV isn't paying Disney for any content during the dispute, yet they continue to collect subscriber fees?  Must be a very profitable quarter for DTV.  Good business model if you can get away with it.

ACE - Expert


20.3K Messages

14 days ago

You need to click on the TV promise link at the top of this page unless you are bundled with an ISP then you have to call DTV.

DTV is still providing you with sat channels so you still pay for them.

You need to find another way to watch the U.S open, Disney doesn't care.

7 Messages

14 days ago

you are doing a lot of speaking for DTV for "Not" being an employee; dont you have anything else  to do?  ANd again that is why your customer had decreased by 50% and will probably go under 10 million after this.  Great business model

17 Messages

14 days ago

@shannon02 MY contract is with DTV, not Disney.  So I don't care that Disney doesn't care. DTV should care about its customers and contracts.

ACE - Expert


20.3K Messages

14 days ago

All TV providers are losing subscribers because the content providers and local channels keep raising their prices.  Wonder what will happen if there is nobody left to buy their programs. 

17 Messages

14 days ago

I'm sure that some customers will cancel and move to another provider and the same thing will happen down the road with the other provider.  My main complaint is that DTV is not paying Disney for their content during the negotiation, yet I am still paying DTV as if that content was available.  That is the definition of a SCAM or at the very least a money grubbing corporation that has no sense of customer centricity.

ACE - Expert


20.3K Messages

14 days ago

DTV is still providing you with sat channels so they are fulling their end so you are still required to pay them.  DTV will have to pay Disney plus whatever the increase will be when they reach an agreement so any saving will soon be gone.

17 Messages

14 days ago

OK, define 'soon'.


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