

4 Messages

Saturday, November 6th, 2021 2:54 PM


Dropping channels from a bundle

Is the any way to drop channels from a DirecTV Stream bundle?  Specifically, OAN. It is a problem for me to support an organization that routinely presents lies and untruths.



171 Messages

3 years ago



We have been talking about this for months on other closed threads:  https://forums.directv.com/conversations/community-lounge/directv-dropping-oann/61e2fc1ff693d71b8f6f5cac  

OANN and AWE was not renewed and removed. As far as I can tell it is not coming back. Thousands of DTV customers have also dropped DTV because of this. We have been discussing how the use of Over the Air (OTA) can give you allot of free TV. As well as the plethora of streaming apps such as Pluto TV, VUTV+, kloudTV, Prime TV and Firestick can provide many more options and for a fraction of the cost. Many are FREE.

I am an EX-DirecTV and AT&T customer. I dropped DTV because of two issues. 1. The nonrenewal of OANN and the extremes in programing. 2. Is the cost almost doubled for service.

New Member


4 Messages

3 years ago

I watch the OAN and have found no lying.  I also watch MSNBC and CNN and routinely catch their news hosts lying.  If OAN is canceled, CNN and MSNBC have to go, too. 

Maybe you just don't like their (Edited per community guidelines) viewpoints.  No one is forcing you to watch any channels. 


New Member


4 Messages

3 years ago

As a business, DTV does have the right to contract which channels they want to air, but by only ending relationships with (Edited per community guidelines) leaning channels shows the DTV customers what the company thinks of them.  DTV does not respect the views of (Edited per community guidelines)s.  




58 Messages

3 years ago

I have an oan live acct and also get it and Newsmax & FoxNews on klowdTV's oam plan that has 65 other channels. These channels are on other streaming services as well. Once the spouse is weaned off of att I will discontinue its services since it no longer provides my favorite channel. Company good will is not easily given up but its a 2-way street.

ACE - Expert


22.9K Messages

3 years ago


DirecTV choosing to support a channel or not does not dictate if they respect the viewers of the channel or not. Do not confuse perception for fact. They can part ways with a channel and still respect the viewers of that channel. Respect doesn't forbid them for making changes they feel are best for the business.

Respecting other views doesn't mean you have to support (by money and carriage agreements) those views yourself. If you are so offended that you don't feel respected, then it is your choice to go elsewhere. Both DirecTV and you have freedom of choice. Respect does not tie your hands on that freedom.

(Included after every post)
I am a customer, not an employee. This is a public forum.
For official support call DirecTV 1-800-531-5000, DIRECTV STREAM 1-888-429-4023

(AT&T has sold off their share in DirecTV)

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.



171 Messages

3 years ago


I am an EX-DirecTV and AT&T customer. I dropped DTV because of two issues. 1. The nonrenewal of OANN and the extremes in programing. 2. The cost almost doubled for service.

I found I get more from my OTA (over the Air) antenna and streaming than I had with DTV. Pluto TV, Prime TV,  NoraGo and VuTV offers so much more and either free of a fraction of the cost. I also did get the Tivo Edge OTA and once it is set up does everything the DVR did and more. You do have options.


New Member


138 Messages

3 years ago

The fact is DIRECTV does not respect com..serv..ative customers.  Here are the facts:  

1) DIRECTV profited from the  OAN agreement yet canceled the channel due to political views from the new AT&T board chair who is a member of the left elite (financial ties back to Obama Error) and pressures from dangerous extremist groups like those two corrupt house representatives from California (Eshoo/ Mcnearney), Media Maters, and Reuters.  
2) Con…ser..vatives have been repeatedly silenced in these forums simply because someone did not agree with their respectful view.  Yet radical left individuals were allowed to be disrespectful and say what ever they want.  
3) Any thread which asked DIRECTV to cancel CNN or MSNBC was immediately closed then deleted.  Yet radical left individuals were allowed to continue threads calling on DIRECTV to cancel Fox, Newsmax, and OAN.  

Hopefully people like Elon will help save free speech soon. 




34K Messages

3 years ago

@Pro1A  dude educate yourself before making a fool of yourself. 

While AT&T employees do look at forum posts from time to time, we are here to represent the forum with our experiences as customers and do not represent AT&T in any official capacity with our responses and do so on our own time unpaid and off the clock. As employees we are not rewarded nor compensated to participate in these forums This forum is comprised of regular customers to communicate with other customers to offer advice and share experiences same as any other user Although there is a small team of customer care specialists that monitor the forums the sheer volume of posts are simply too many posts for these agents to respond to each one of them.
*I am a DIRECTV employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent DIRECTV's position, strategies or opinions.

New Member


138 Messages

3 years ago

@Constructive Do all AT&T / DIRECTV employees call current or former customers names or cast insults?  Please do some reading before ridiculing others: 

 Complaint filed in California Supreme Court: https://www.oann.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/OAN_Complaint_Against_ATT_DirecTV_and_ATT_Chairman_William_Kennard.pdf

Also, what type of customer service training have you received? 

@Catskills_Dan @SOH @ahwhite @LindyK @SuzeP1245 have I been making a fool of myself? 

New Member


138 Messages

3 years ago

@chasf00 Your comment brought a smile to my face.  Yes it is funny to see those who accused the last White House (#45) for being fascist being a model for the definition of that term it in the current Oval Office regime. Note that Webster does not include the word “left” or “right” in the definition. 

New Member


88 Messages

3 years ago

@Pro1A - Sorry but I don’t what you’re asking. But I haven’t been tracking this discussion, I dropped DirecTV when they didn’t renew OAN and I’ve moved on - in fact as we speak I have my TV on and tuned in to KlowdTV and have been watching InfoWars this morning, really interesting interview with a guy involved with some of the Afghanistan rescue operations, still continuing, which I’m sure DirecTV suckers - I mean customers, whatever - know nothing about. But they do know what a wonderful wonderful job our leaders are doing, praise be to them. Are they even aware that it’s Easter Sunday?  Probably not, unless to ridicule it somehow. 

So what are you asking? Why are you thinking about having made a fool of yourself? I doubt it but what’s up? 

New Member


138 Messages

3 years ago

@SOH I only asked as a DIRECTV employee posted just above (constructive) that I need to stop making a fool of myself.  To me, that really shows what the company thinks of their customers.   

l you, I canceled DIRECTV and am now enjoying great coverage from OAN and Infowars. 

Happy Easter BTW.  It would have been nice to not be ridiculed by a school yard bully on Easter LoL.  

New Member


88 Messages

3 years ago

@Pro1A Aha, ok, now I get it. Wow, and he/she/it/they/[fill in whatever] really is a confirmed employee per this official website, wow.  Rather unprofessional behavior.  My understanding is that a Move On Dot Org petition - which isn't necessarily involving anyone who is a DirecTV customer - demanded that DirecTV cancel OAN and so DirecTV obeyed that outside directive. But one reason, I think, is this: all politics aside, in the general industry there's a major shift that started years ago. Streaming content providers are struggling to retain customers, Disney+ was already having trouble before their recent odd little anti-parent tirade, this has been reported in the Wall Street Journal. So politics aside, a lot of companies like AT&T / DirecTV are exiting the content business and switching over to pure technical / infrastructure. So if it seems that DirecTV doesn't care about content customers any more, it's true, they really don't, they're preparing to dump the content altogether, that's my perception. That said, it is ALSO true that left ies are dominant in corporate America and waging a war against conser va tives.   One big myth is that the right is wealthy and the left is poor and middle class. In truth it is the complete opposite. Just look at a county-by-county voting map of any presidential election, and brainstorm every wealthy neighborhood you can think of. With perhaps the one exception of Santa Barbara, CA, every single wealthy area votes left all the time: Beverly Hills and Sausalito in CA, NYC, South Beach FL, or the DC areas of McLean, VA,  Potomac MD, DC itself with its mansions in the northwest area, it goes on and on - Martha's Vineyard, the Gold Coast, the Hamptons, the mansions near Chicago - all rich areas vote left all the time. Think of the richest people we know in pop culture - who are they? Most people list Hollywood types first, and most of them are notoriously left.  But skim the Forbes 400 richest, and with a few exceptions - the Waltons come to mind - most of them are left. Look it up, it's true. But you strike me as pretty sharp, you probably know this already.


New Member


88 Messages

3 years ago

@Pro1A : but to the point: you're obviously fine, and that guy is wrong.


ACE - Expert


22.9K Messages

3 years ago

As a note, those with the "employee" tag are posting on their personal time and have no requirement of being "professional". The tag is to show they should have more internal and credible knowledge on the products and services, but their opinions and perspectives are their own.

Now the Directvhelp team who respond to a post here or there, are official support so do have to maintain "professionalism". I would keep in mind that they are not a replacement for customer support, so can only do so much. And I would assume they cannot give perspective on the OANN situation as they haven't done so to date.

(Included after every post)
I am a customer, not an employee. This is a public forum.
For official support call DirecTV 1-800-531-5000, DIRECTV STREAM 1-888-429-4023

(AT&T has sold off their share in DirecTV)

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.