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Thursday, January 2nd, 2020 10:45 PM

Direct TV Fraudulent Charges on Your Bill

Just found out the Direct TV has been charging me 8 access fees every month. I only have 5 TVs!! I have been on the phone for over 2 hours trying to get this resolved. I talked to Leslie to confirm the active genies in my home. She confirmed that Direct TV has been charging me an additional $21/month since January 2018. That is $504!!! She transferred me to Jake in Customer Loyalty so that he could research when the fraudulent charges started. He transferred me to Addy, manager, since it was such a large amount. Addy talked to me for 1 minute, put me on hold, and then I was lost to phone ping pong, with Ellen in the Arizona office, who transferred me to Francisco explaining that 3 months was the maximum they could offer me (a total of $63). This was a Direct TV mistake!! I have been a loyal Direct TV customer for 10 years and a loyal AT&T customer for 30 years. Cannot believe this is how this situation was resolved.

I want a printed copy of all of my bills to find out when the fraudulent charges started. Have they done this to anyone else??


Sue in Pinecrest.

ACE - Expert


22.8K Messages

5 years ago

The most likely reason for seeing additional TV fees for what you don't have is that boxes were replaced and the old ones were not deactivated. Since this was not just 1 but 3 of them, I suspect this was from an upgrade to your first Genie as that is normally the only time multiple additional boxes would be installed.

To view your previous bills just log into your account online. At least a year of it charging is unfortunate as they only adjust back so far. This is because they send out a statement every month detailing what is on the service. Hence why they like other companies have a dispute timeframe in their Terms of Service.

I would suggest reviewing your bill more often. Personally I read fully through a bill if I start a new provider, when I make any changes to my service which would include the bill after the change (to check the adjustment charges/credits) and the bill after that (normal bill going forward). Even if those are the only bills your fully read, and are just aware of total each month outside of that, it will prevent finding out concerns months or years later and can take care of them immediately.

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I am a customer, not an employee. This is a public forum.
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(AT&T has sold off their share in DirecTV)

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*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member

5 years ago

Ever cross your mind there are people who are dyslectic & others who suffer from mental illness?

This is a very inconsiderate comment.

ACE - Expert


22.8K Messages

5 years ago



There was nothing inconsiderate at all about my post. I politely gave my feedback as to what it sounded caused the situation, gave them a heads up that credit might only go back so far per billing dispute time frame, and gave friendly suggestions to avoid such a situation in the future.


You are the only one bringing up mental illnesses when others were polite and very clear in their posts. So only you would be the one being inconsiderate by making problems where there were none.

(Included after every post)
I am a customer, not an employee. This is a public forum.
For official support call DirecTV 1-800-531-5000, DIRECTV STREAM 1-888-429-4023

(AT&T has sold off their share in DirecTV)

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

ACE - Professor


2.3K Messages

5 years ago

@kappygirl  Not Inconsiderate at all. Just relevant factual information 

Former directv csr and tech support rep.
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Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.