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1 Message
Official list of non-returnable DirecTV equipment?
I cancelled my DirecTV account, and received an email requesting return of some very old equipment.
One of the items I no longer have - it is a C31-700. I recall many years ago getting direction from DirecTV, that I do not have to return this because it was outdated/old. However, it is still showing up on the items now that I have to return.
I see other posts where people identify this as non-returnable - however, when I call customer service, I can't get ahold of anyone that has any idea what is returnable and what is not - they simply state that because it is on the list, it must be returned.
Is there any official list of items that do not need to be returned, that can be relied on to avoid getting charged for this outdated equipment?
ACE - Expert
20.7K Messages
5 years ago
The HR34 and C31 are not returnable. AFAIK there is no publicly available list. The HR44 is on the cusp of non returnable and maybe the C41.
144 Messages
5 years ago
Genie HR54-200
Genie HR54--500
Genie HR54-700
Client C51-100
Client C51-500
Client C51-700
Client C61-200
Client C61-500
Client C61-700
Wireless Client C61W-400
Wireless Client C61W-700
4K Client C61K-700
4K Client C71KW-200 (AT&T TV, NOT DIRECTV)
Genie-Lite H44-100
Genie-Lite H44-500
HD H24-100
HD H24-200
HD H24-700
HD H25-100
HD H25-500
HD H25-700
HD DVR HR24-100
HD DVR HR24-200
HD DVR HR24-500
Home Server HS17-100
Home Server HS17-200
Home Server HS17-500
Home Server HS17-700