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Genie 2 Bugs
I have had my Genie 2 and two mini's since December 2017. It is about the buggiest device I have ever seen release for general availability. Does DirecTV (AT&T) have any plans to fix these bugs? It seems with every software upgrade, nothing is fixed and new bugs are introduced. I have talked with su
DIRECTV Equipment
Old GUI bugs creeping back in
There are some old GUI software bugs creeping back in. Example: 1. Go to the guide2. Click the LEFT arrow until a channel number/station is highlighted, then click the INFO button which will show, in time/date order, what will be showing for the next 10 days or so3. Go down through this list a coupl
DIRECTV Equipment online bugs
Uverse mobile apps- video stops but not audio and video blacks - video stop and has to refresh
Watching U-verse TV
cinemaplus (put the old web page back until the bugs are worked out)
Wow as many complaints as there are they need to put the old cinema plus web page back . can't believe they didn't work the bugs out before going support said by the end of January they would have it fixed. WOW.
Watching DIRECTV
Bugs and Pricing
I've had this service since day one,about 7yrs when it was Directvnow, then ATTnow and currently Directv stream. There has always been small issues but never as bad as the current app Directv stream with outages, slow response and delayed response. Now today I get an email stating their going to
Smart Search Bugs
I'm having some issues with the Smart Search...We saw and advertisement for a program called "1000 Ways to Lie". The smart search would not pull up any result, it kept pulling up a simlar show called "1000 Ways to Die". I had to use the program guide to scroll through a few days programming to the c
DIRECTV Equipment
Playback feature is full of bugs
- doesn’t start over consistently when a recording is still ongoing ruining the game by all of a sudden starting at the end - doesn’t handle overtime playback properly - hopeless to fast forward more than a minute or so - doesn’t hold the pause on a recorded game. All of a sudden starts up again
Att U-verse and channel 13
Wouldn't be cheaper to give att customers free bunny ears to get channel 13
Watching U-verse TV
Samsung TV DirectTV streaming app bugs
I have two Samsung TV's purchased about the same time from Costco. On seemingly random basis when shows are in the library, already recorded, when I select the show, the only option is to Delete the program. If I toggle back and forth backing out and then selecting the show again, eventually usuall
Wanting to order the Playboy bunny deal to New customer. 3 months free
Watching DIRECTV
More Bugs "Keep at Most" does not work!
Genie, HR44 In Season Manager, Keep at Most, is ignored.For example, 2 1/2 men, set to Keep at Most 10, records all episodes, populates the disk with recording no limits.Forum posts complaints about this but no action from customer support at ATT.You guys should fix your stuff.Let me know.Thanks
DIRECTV Equipment
My list of bugs or odd things for DTV MS.
I am excited to see this option. I hope it is well developed in the future. Here are some issues I have found.1. It needs to play DIVX files. Most media sharing devices can play this immensely popular format. All my home movies from my FLIP(tm) video camera are in this format. I understand licensing
Watching DIRECTV
@Delrayguy I switched over to bunny ears and it's perfect. That being said it needs to be fixed.
Audio choppy on one specific channel, live and recording
In Palm Beach County Florida the local Fox station Fox 29 has clear video but has a pulsating choppy static popping on the audio. It happens randomly, but it lasts for a period of hours up to over a day sometimes. And then it will go away, and the quality is normal, only to come back again. It oc
BUGS with the Series Recording settings and indication, not just on Amazon Firestick/Firecube app, but on web page access to "DVR" as well!
I'm deleting series both on my Amazon Firecube Gen 3 as well as online in my DirecTV Stream web login. Online shows the bug that I've been having where the program keeps on recording even though the DIrecTV Stream app in Firecube says it's no longer set to record a series. Since I checked online t
I've had fubo since last December, and not one channel has disappeared. I was with directv for 18 years and the last three years these disputes were happening too often. Besides, I pay $97 per month for fubo, and I was paying over $150 per month for
Want to disconnect service now that ESPN, Disney and ABC are gone.
Want to disconnect service now that ESPN, Disney and ABC are gone.I am unable to get anyone on the phone or online to speak with directly about this. DirecTV has gone straight down the tubes and continues to hemorrhage customers every quarter to the tune of hundreds of thousands. There are better s
Why can't you get all the bugs worked out of Uverse? Its been long enough!
WOW!! I can not express how much your Uverse service fails. I get disconnects all the time. I have had people come out to work on it many times. Tonight, the night I'm trying to watch something online, it has disconnected just about every 20 minutes for about 2 hours now. So, thanks to your crap ser
U-verse TV Account
I said to my wife and friends many years ago that I would avoid Att at all measures. Then come to find out, Att pays builders to force their product on customers... removing the choice of providers... that is why I had to use Att.
why do I dislike ATT so much?
ATT is awful to deal with. I spent 20 minutes on chat today and was promised a call within 2 hours.... never received. Chat was a waste... just some person trying to wear me down by asking redundant questions. I wish I could choose ComCast... they are much better.
Well, it looks like the builders did me a favor then. There's a utility closet where the modem/router and breaker panel are. There's a coax line from there running up to the splitter. I think they mentioned that was there in case I wanted to go with
HD DVR with a single line?
Hi Guys, I've recently purchased a (recently built) town-home that has a splitter in the attic and a single coax line running to each room. Unfortunately due to the way the place is constructed there is no way to run a second line to any of the rooms without punching holes in the drywall. So my ques
Ok yeah...I was reading about that. Knowing all along it was prob too good to be true that I didn't need any other equipment these days just to get the local channels. I am super old-school, but even I know the days of just the bunny ears are
Canceled Dir Tv
I finally just canceled my Dir Tv subscription, but was able to keep all the equipment. First, am I able to get the local channels now w o having to buy a certain/diff type of antenna? Second, I'm eventually going to be hooking up a firestick type of service...shall I just keep the Dir Tv box conne
So in other words Charles Barkley and Bugs Bunny now work for AT&T.
8 years ago
to the conversation:
Will Music Choice Be Returning to AT&T With This New Merger with Time Warner
Will Music Choice Return?