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i heart radio
Haven't been receiving I heart radio for several days. Is there a problem?
Watching U-verse TV
please turn on cable at new place the soonest . I'm moving to country to escape the pandemic , omg , sounds like a bad movie , no , my family thinks its for the best . I'm not in good health , I live everyday in extreme paiin , I have asthma , lupus
Track Or Change Your Appointment
Have DIRECTV Service? Have U-verse service? Have an appointment? If you need to check, change or cancel your appointment, check out our appointment articles below. DIRECTV U-verse Our teams do attempt to give our members the soonest appointment available. Sometimes those
Need my cable buried
I got att uverse cable and Internet installed at my new home at the end of March. I was told that someone would be out to bury the cable within a few weeks. It's now about 7 weeks later and that cable is still not buried. My builder said he needs that cable buried before they begin work on my landsc
U-verse TV Equipment
gemini directv guide display small heart next to channel name, not channel number
How do I return the channel number display instead of the heart logo next to channel display
DIRECTV STREAM Setup & Equipment
Bury cable line
How on earth do I get my cable line buried in my backyard?? It's been 2 weeks since installation. I'm trying to get dirt work done in my backyard but can't because AT&T is painfully slow and not helpful.I've tied to customer service and twice they have sent someone to my old home address. Please hel
U-verse TV Account
My 62 inch tv was broken and my child was hurt
So whoever installed my service left some of the cords are wiring out across the floor so I tried covering it up with a rug well that still didn't work my child tripped over it and busted her knee open and broke my tv!! I am furious and don't know what to do
U-verse TV Equipment
Bury a cable
Last summer, over 6 months ago, someone moved in the house across the street from me. A few days later AT&T came out and ran an orange cable from the box at the back corner of my house (I live on the corner), down the side of the street, across the front of my house, then across the street to the n
U-verse TV Account
Do you have a heart at all?
Just want to put it out everywhere I can that this company is the worst. From the time I signed a contract to now, 1 year later, they have done nothing but lied about what they were offering. Please read everything, fine print included, before you do anything with them. Can't wait for my contract
U-verse TV Account
Stingray and I Heart Radio Not Working Error Code 0 Failure to load resource
For the past 4 days I get Error Code 0 Failure to Load Resource on the Stingray channels and I Heart Radio. The message also says the certificate is failing validating procedure - which sounds like an expired security certificate. Called customer service and was told someone would call me, which did
Watching U-verse TV
I heart radio
My iHeartRadio will play for 30 seconds and then there will be no sound it looks like it's still updating but there's no sound if I stop it then hit play again the sound comes back for another 30 seconds and it keeps doing the same thing it's been doing this for two weeks. We have rebooted the box,
Watching U-verse TV
Same here. I "upgraded" from DSL to UVerse on June 23. The wire is still running across my lawn. I even had a guy come out and "look at it" but he wasn't able to bury the wire because that's another department. What?!?!?! Why would you send some
Lousy U-Verse Internet Connection and Billing
I am very disappointed and angry. I have been a long time AT&T customer. I have U-Verse Internet and it is the worst service ever! I have had continued problems with my internet; it is very slow, it freezes up and I have no service. I have to restart the modem and the computer. I called to comp
Bury line
After hook up of u300 and 1000 internet, instead of waiting to get the line buried, may I do it myself?
U-verse TV Equipment
A general premise tech wont bury the cables. They have a dedicated team for this called as bury wire center. You might have to contact the care and ask for the contact details of bury wire center. The bury wire center will take another week to comple
Bury cable line
How on earth do I get my cable line buried in my backyard?? It's been 2 weeks since installation. I'm trying to get dirt work done in my backyard but can't because AT&T is painfully slow and not helpful.I've tied to customer service and twice they have sent someone to my old home address. Please hel
Bury Direct TV cables
Hello! I recently purchased internet and Direct TV from ATT and my installer added Dish and internet and I am still waiting on my cable lines to be buried. My service was installed on June 20 and I am frustrated because my lines are not buried and I’m having a difficult time cutting my grass. I’m in
DIRECTV Equipment
You do what you’ve got to do but the players taking a knee during the anthem doesn’t bother me at all because I understand their protest and they are not disrespecting the nation, the flag or the military. I’m retired military myself, by the way.
Directv Sports Packages for UnAmerican Broadcasting
As your records should confirm, we have purchased the NFL ticket, Golf, as well as, the MLB ticket from Directv. It wasn’t cheap, nonetheless, we thought it worth the price. We are not renewing this year. To remove any doubt, to remove any speculation on your part, our decision is based solely on
DirectTV Satellite at home / streaming at my cabin
I have DirectTV at home via the dish and 5 tv boxes. I have 2 smart tvs at my cabin 60 miles away. Can I access my DirectTV at the cabin via my smart tvs?
Watching DIRECTV
The tv was thrown away but I can send you pictures of my child's knee Ifyou would like. This is unacceptable 😠😠
5 years ago
to the conversation:
My 62 inch tv was broken and my child was hurt
So whoever installed my service left some of the cords are wiring out across the floor so I tried covering it up with a rug well that still didn't work my child tripped over it and busted her knee open and broke my tv!! I am furious and don't know what to do