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Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Why are we no longer getting movies on DVD on DEMAND?
Why are we no longer getting block buster movies being released to DVD on DEMAND? Examples: Thor, Star Wars, Black Panther just to name a few.
Watching U-verse TV
Blackout Chiefs Panthers
Bought the expensive Sunday Ticket to watch the Kansas City Chiefs game. I invited 20 people over for the opener. Right as the game was about to come on the screen said The game is blacked out and there are no other channels to view it on. Called direct tv. On hold for ever then told I was being tra
Watching DIRECTV
The same issue exists for the Melbourne, FL area. When I run the local and sports check for my zip code it tells me I get the Marlins, Rays, Panthers, Lightning, Magic, and Heat. Every time I go to Bally Sports to watch a Panther, Marlins or Heat gam
Guide is always wrong
Literally only pay for this streaming service for Nashville Predators games. My guide says I have them. But Everytime when I turn to the game you have something else playing. So why is the guide always wrong on certain channels for live sports?
Go here and look up what teams you should have: Enter your zip code under "Regional Sports and Local". What they tell you may not be totally true. In the Orlando market we have an issue with the Bally S
Bally Sports South not giving me my regional sports teams
Bally Sports South is not giving me my regional sports teams, Carolina Hurricanes and Charlotte Hornets. I am getting Nashville Predators and Atlanta Hawks.
Still seeing the $10.00 charge for my Unlimited DVR. The removal of it would help the fact that we are not getting the Florida Panther games, like the local lookup says we should get. We get a Bally Alternate feed, instead of the Panther games.
DIRECTV Stream Finally Rolls Out Unlimited DVR to Legacy Subscribers | Cord Cutters News
black screen
ive deleted app and reinstalled and im still getting a black screen on my iphone13. It swirls, then all I see is a black screen!!
Black screen
What does it mean when you have a black screen? The tv and U-verse box is on
U-verse TV Equipment
Black screen
DVR started deleting shows , guide saying channel not available on certain channels. Now screen is completely black. Tried reboot several times but still black screen. Main genie box sometimes blue light flashes and it shows it is recording but still black screen.
DIRECTV Equipment
Black Screen
DVR indicates it is recording my shows. but when I go to watch them all that is there is a black screen. This has happened on several networks in the last week. Also, I can watch a DVR recording and it plays fine. But when I go to watch it again all it shows is a black screen.
U-verse TV Equipment
black screen
my screen is black from trying to make compatibility between the TV and DVD player
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Intermittent black screen
What is the protocol to eliminate the problem of a screen going black for a few seconds at frequent intervals?
U-verse TV Equipment
Black box
Does the black box allow you to watch TV on multiple channels in your home. Does it provide 520 MB of wireless services?
Watching U-verse TV
Black and White
The picture is in Black and White. I know it is not a TV issue, I've tried two TV's on the receiver, however, the picture is Black and White. What could be the problem?
DIRECTV Equipment
Black lines
Yesterday, to my delight, the gray lines on my local channels were replaced by black, which were so much better. But now the ugly gray lines are back. I'm so disappointed. The black looked like it framed the program, and didn't make it look tacky like the gray bars do.Please, if there's a way to get
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Intermittent Black Screen
Around April 30th I started to notice a partial or full black screen while watching Direct TV. It occurs around 20 minutes in and the black screen shows for about a second and repeats every 10 seconds. At first I thought it was my TCL TV going bad, but this isn't happening when I'm streaming Netflix
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Frozen, Pixelated Black Screen
Our TV continues to give us a black screen, pixelated screen or freezes for 2-3 seconds, whether live or recorded
U-verse TV Equipment
black screen
I have a Samsung Smart TV. It works fine for services like Netflix, but when on HDMI1 I get only a black screen.
U-verse TV Equipment
Sides Black Out
On either side of my tv I am getting a black out. Instead of a full screen on the tv I am getting a minimized screen with two black strips. Most of my channels are full screen but when I've dvr'd I get it. Please anyone can you help?
DIRECTV Equipment
BLACK screen
I have a HR 21-100 in which constantly has black screens on all my channels. We can go thru the set up and occasionally can get it to work again but more times than not....the screen goes completely black again. We also have taken our other receivers and hooked/plugged them into the room where we ha
DIRECTV Equipment
3 weeks in a row I have had items added to my account. I changed my password after week 2, and now today the Black Panther Movie was purchased. I called, and again they helped to eliminate the charge, but offered no help in how to stop this fr
2 years ago
to the conversation:
Unauthorized pay per view charges
I've been dealing with this for over a month by speaking to at least 5 representatives for hours on end. There are charges for pay per view on my account that I didn't authorize. We've had direct tv for 10+ yrs and we are NOT pay per view people. While I was on the phone with att, I was getting e