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LANDLINE and UVERSE and DIRECTTV are OUT we have elderly disability pts in home CANNOT phone 911
LANDLINE and UVERSE and DIRECTTV we have elderly disability patients in home CANNOT phone 911 I have been with ATT since 2001LANDLINE and UVERSE and DIRECTTV we have elderly disabity pts in home CANNOT phone 911 I phone support services this am and talked tw reps. They both told me I am not a cus
U-verse TV Account
4 K
When technician installed my HR54-200 I asked if it was 4 K and he responded that it was and would work with my Samsung 4K tv. However I have not been able to tune to a 4K program and now wonder if it needs the mini to work. Can I just swap a mini with the main unit and have it work as it should?J
DIRECTV Equipment
" K " in the Playlist screen ?
Does anyone know what it means to have a ' K ' preceding the listing of a recorded program?
DIRECTV Equipment
downloaded k lite codec pak did not help
I download K lite codec pak and it installed all kinds of unwanted stuff on my browser, like the yahoo toolbar, etc. Did a system restore and yahoo still appears on my firefox toolbar. I suspect that the rest of the stuff that came with k lite codec pak is still on my computer. But it still doesn't
Watching DIRECTV
Unable to delete unwanted recordings on Samsung tv.
Last weekend we purchased a Samsung tv and downloaded the DIRECTV app. We now have several recordings of 911 and 911 Lone Star that I didn’t set to record. I’ve tried several times to delete them but they won’t go away. The only show on the tv and not on the Roku stick or my iPhone. How do I get rid
Blue circle with K in the middle
I am suddenly not able to view shows that I've recorded. My recorded show gives me a blue circle with a K in it and I'm given the choice of "delete or don't delete". I can not view my recorded show! I've tried to fix the problem with online information but I'm not successful! Can someone tell
Watching DIRECTV
I just received my Uverse bill. Granted, I have all three services but let's review (fees only, no taxes) On the TV service: TX Local Video Facilities Fee TX Local Video Service Franchise Fee STATE cost-recovery Fee Internet: State Cost-Recover
Fees and Surcharges
It is funny how you can be charged fees and surcharges on agreements after the fact. It is underhanded and shady to charge these when you are given an "all-inclusive price". I specifically asked about "fees and charges" and was told that there would be tax but my all-inclusive price was all-inclusiv
I have one smart TV & ywo (Edited per community guidelines)/not smart TV's. What should I get? Than k you
I have one smart TV & ywo (Edited per community guidelines)/not smart TV's. What should I get? Than k you
DIRECTV STREAM Setup & Equipment
K paso con el canal de Univision y univision deportes!!!! Estoy recibiendo mensajes k ahora resulta k no se puede ver por qué no llegan a un acuerdo!!! Pago mes a mes y a tiempo por su servicio completo k no es nada barato, y resulta kno puedo ver el
Nosotros venis mas Univision, que regrese Univision o vamos a tener que cambiar de compañia.! Es Ridiculo no tener esta programacion.!
ATT is now charging surcharges as other fees in addition to all taxes 911 and government fees yes an added charge listed as other no explanation of what it is for all additional charges for gov fees accounted for. Looks like a way to simply raise you
Fees and Surcharges
It is funny how you can be charged fees and surcharges on agreements after the fact. It is underhanded and shady to charge these when you are given an "all-inclusive price". I specifically asked about "fees and charges" and was told that there would be tax but my all-inclusive price was all-inclusiv
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Pioneer VSX 821 k Receiver and Uverse TV Set Up Help!
I just bought the Pioneer VSX 821 k and have tried to set it up with my Uverse and I get spotty audio when I have the Uverse box switched to surround sound. Any help on how to configure so that I can take advantage of my new receiver and speakers in 5.1? Set up: Insignia TV -> UVerse box (HDMI)Insi
U-verse TV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
I would say MINIMUM of $15 then upwards to between $20 & $25. There are different fees/taxes/charges for each service. For example, my TV (in Dallas mind you) has the following: Broadcast TV Surcharge Regulatory Video Cost Recovery Charge State C
Taxes fees and ETC for uverse tv plus internet bundle
Ok before I sign up for the $65 bundle to add to my wireless...for uverse basic family TV and internet, plus $10 for a second receiver, I want to know REALLY, what will my monthly bill be with taxes fees etc? Am I looking at like $90 bucks for what started out as $75? If I don't get tv i would just
TELCO simply means telephone company, the TELCO number provided to you is ATT customer support I would NEVER call att support for DirecTV issues yes they own direcTV now but are completely clueless about direcTV. I agree with @ litzdog 911 this makes
Who and What is TELCO?
I've been waiting and waiting for my paper bill to arrive in the mail. Got onlline and noticed something quite interesting. A little statement saying "You have decided to go paperless" with a green checkmark next to statement. I have been with DirecTV for years, and have ALWAYS received paper billin
As @my thoughts stated, local fees & taxes can add another $20 to $25 onto your bill depending on where you live. Unfortunately, no one with AT&T can quote those exact fees and taxes since they are specific to an area or governing body (ie: 911 ta
The deal on uverse package deal?
I am switching from Directv to U-verse because of the new two contract deal I was given. They are coming out this Friday and I wanted to run a couple of things by the forum. I am get the U300 for $75.00, 50 mbps for $30.00, and phone for $9.99. A total of $114.99 a month for two years. I haven't ver
Email Address to File Complaint against Customer Service
On Friday night I spent 30 minutes on line with a rep trying to get a replacement box ordered for my Motorola DVR box. As the call went along I became more and more frustrated with the lady I was speaking with which started causing chest pains and ended up having to call 911 ... I had to disconnect
U-verse TV Account
Well 911 I realize that all service providers go through this. But when the competitor can give me the same service for $100 less a month for three yrs. And by the way even without the 3 yr discount its still cheaper by $30 for the same service. What
Loss of channels
AT&T has failed to properly prepare for the anticipated end of contract negotiation with Nexstar - resulting in the loss of ABC station, a MAJOR network. This continues to happen, as in the past, when other channels were removed from the lineup - as your customers continue to pay increased costs in
Note that you can add the K on any program (or take it off) when viewing the program in the "list" screen. Note however that the K is only usable in the situation Peds describes. All of the other keep parameters such as "keep at most" and the expir
" K " in the Playlist screen ?
Does anyone know what it means to have a ' K ' preceding the listing of a recorded program?
I am still having issues with fox 29(buffalo ny) with the sound. Its been on going for about 3 weeks. Particularly while watching 911 and 911 lone star. Yes. It's weird.
4 years ago
to the conversation:
Channel 29 Fox signal loss
In the past 4 weeks, Channel 29 Fox will go to a black screen for a second roughly every 30 seconds. The sound will get garbled also. I had a DirecTV tech here today and said it was a known software problem with this channel. I have the Genie 2. Anyone else have this issue or know how to c