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pop now
I am trying to watch season 6 of Schitts Creek with the pop now app and when I put in my att information it just shows that all episodes are locked except the 1st one
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
POP TV Channel
Since ATT now owns Directv, and Directv has the POP channel, why can't ATT add it to their service?
Watching U-verse TV
Press pop up on guide.
Press pop up stays on guide. Does not go away. Pressing exit closes the guide not the pop up. I understand this is a result of the March 5 Update. How can I back this update out?
Watching DIRECTV
Pop ups on tv
I am watching abc and there are pop ups of advertisements for movies How do I get rid of them
Watching DIRECTV
I know that POP TV should be coming to Uverse next month in March. Do you know when in March and what channel it will be?
Watching U-verse TV
Pop Tv
In my service area, Pop Tv is carried by Charter, Dish and DirecTV. Pleaser add this channel to ourt options so we can watch "Don't Blink"
Watching U-verse TV
Pop up ads
I’m getting pop up ads every 5 minutes while watching tv. How to stop them?
Watching DIRECTV
Pop up ads
What is up with the pop up ads for shows on 1100? Very annoying!
Watching DIRECTV
Annoying pop up
I can’t remove two pop up banners on the Directv guide that says “press select for channel list view.” I’ve tried turning the system off/on. Please make it stop. I’m ready to get rid of Directv after 23 years of being a customer.
Watching DIRECTV
Pop up ads for HBO
We cannot watch tv for a pop up ad for HBO!!!! Help!!!! We are very dissatisfied with this ad!!! We are paying for our tv service not for pop up ads!!!!!!
Watching DIRECTV
Pop up movie add
I am suddenly receiving pop up pay per view movie ads while watching a regular HD channel. How do I stop this constant interruption of the show I’m watching.
Pop up adds
While watching tv a pop up add will apppear and will no go away until you push a button on the remote, how can i stop this it happens about every ten minutes or less and is very irratating.
Watching DIRECTV
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Official Solution
PoP and Hallmark channels
I have been watching POP and Hallmark channel up north for the past two weeks. Why doesn't ATT carry those channels? It looks like other customers have also requested them!
Watching U-verse TV
Pop ups
HBO channel 511 kid channel not needed in this household. Pop ups from this channel keeps showing on all other channels. Every five minutes I have to change channels to remove. This is something I do not have to put up with on my tv maybe on a computer but not my tv. If it continues I will remove th
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
POP Channel and Hallmark Channel
Please add the POP Channel (formerly TVGN) and the Hallmark Channel to Uverse. I have Cox cable now but if they'll add these channels I'll definitely switch to Uverse.
Watching U-verse TV
Watching POP 1185 on app.
When I select some network channel, I’m able to watch a program... but not so with POP HD 1185. I get it at home. ???
Watching U-verse TV
Loud Pop for AT&T commercials
My tv speakers will pop when switching to an AT&T branded commmercial. This happens on both the analog tv with coax connection and the digital tv with HDMI connection. The other parts of the tv shows an commercials will be at one volume, and the AT&T branded commercials will come on with a loud pop
Watching U-verse TV
Unwanted Pop Ups
How do I disable the "available in 4k on channel ???" message that always pops up as I change to certain channels? Very annoying to have to clear it everytime. I am aware the channels are available in 4k and I don't need this pop up.
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
turn off the pop up window on channel guide
when I access my channel guide a pop up window appears covering the first program on the list that reads: "Press Select for on Demand Programs, Press Info for channel list view, press FastForward to tune channel. How do i turn this annoying pop up off?
Watching DIRECTV