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Christmas channel
Is there a channel dedicated to Christmas movies?
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Christmas Shows for at&t 2014
I would like to ask what specific channel can at&t offer that can offer christmas videos or movies? (So we can meet up with Hallmark?)
Watching U-verse TV
Christmas App 2024
Hi i have been waiting for the Christmas App on direct TV to come put its now December 10th and it had not came out when will it come back on?
Watching DIRECTV
Christmas music Scrooge move
I just got off phone with directv. Told them they shouldn't be charging extra for Christmas music. She couldn't locate an issue and said it was a problem on my end. Told me to reboot the receiver and I would be good to go. When that didn't work then I was transferred to tech support...and the call d
Watching DIRECTV
Hallmark Channel To Show Christmas Movies All Year Round
Here is some good news from The Hallmark Channel for all of you who want to watch Christmas movies all year round. "Know anyone whose Christmas tree goes up before Thanksgiving and stays up until Valentine's Day? Have a friend who goes Christmas shopping year-round? Maybe know someone who schedule
Watching U-verse TV
The Hallmark Channels Christmas 2015
I hope that all of you from the last five years who were upset by the fact that the Hallmark channels were no longer a part of the U-verse lineup are happy and satisfied that you have the Hallmark channels back this holiday season. I wonder how many of those unhappy subscribers who threatened to l
Watching U-verse TV
It's a miracle that you got any kind of discount considering that they are trying to phase Uverse out and discounts of any kind are few and far between.
Dishonest pricing
Called today to cancel service due to high cost. Total bill currently $237.63 vs Spectrum offer of $106.97 for same TV, faster internet, and landline. Customer retention put me on hold after I explained why I was cancelling. While on hold received e-mail from AT&T telling m
This is a customer to customer forum with little contact with DTV. Either the channel was realigned or they sent the wrong info to the guide maker or the guide maker made a mistake there is nothing DTV can do to fix this other then reporting it to t
Direct tv guide
So my fox channel has moved from 28 to channel 9 on my direct TV guide. The actually programs listed on channel 9 are incorrect and anything I have set to record is not recording. This is in the Columbus Ohio area. I think someone needs to look into this. I called yesterday told me to reboot my box
Alleged FREE equipment tale
For about 6 months I received notices u had to get new equipment or I would not be able to get the channels. It emphasized you wd be billed but then you could “call” and get the equipment fee removed. I spoke to 3 different people. The second one assured me he had fixed it and my
DIRECTV Equipment
I personally don't expect them to fix the issue but you seem to think a miracle will happen.
New Samsung q80
We have a new Q80 and ever app works great but DirectStream. It takes the picture 30-45 second to sharpen up to a sharp picture, it buffers and we have recorded shows that buffer. We have no issues with Netflix, prime, Hulu or YoutubeTV so I know it isn’t our internet. I’ve installed, r
Will never happen in my honest opinion. But if a miracle takes place those enhancements would probably cost all of us about $20 more a month.
DirectTV Streaming application on Firestick Feature Enhancements
The following are a list of requested features to increase the functionality of the Direct TV streaming application on a Amazon Firestick or FireTV Return to live tv after recording When recording ending after the option to delete or don't delete the watch live feature not work
DTV and other providers buy the guide data from a third party guide maker that the networks send their data to so either CBS hadn't sent it to them or the guide maker didn't include it to DTV.
DirecTV Guide updating
How often does DirecTV update the Guide schedule? Back in February CBS announced the 2 hours long season finale of Hawaii 5 Oh" was airing on April 3, 2020. However, when I went to the Guide for April 3, 2020 it only shows a 1-hour episode. I'm guessing CBS will pre-empt either Macgyver or Blueblood
DTV has no control over what a channel does with its programing and they like other TV providers buys the guide from a third party guide maker so either those channels are sending the wrong info to them or the guide maker is messing up.
Channel not playing what’s showing
My channel kmyt is not playing any of the shows listed. It’s playing all of the shows on kqcw. I need my shows back on kmyt. I don’t want two channels of the exact same shows. Thank you!
The second won't even send a signal to the television. So, in short, without a miracle I am screwed. Right? A "Wrong" would be great at this point.
Another "Searching for Satellite Signal (771)" Question
Hey all,I am using a standard DirecTv receiver. There are a total of 5 receivers connected to the dish (1 of which is a DVR). A few months ago I was repainting my bathroom and accidentally blew the power for my bathroom/room. I resolved the issue and reset the breaker. AFTER this, all of the ele
They're not 100% Christmas music, but they're playing a fair number of Christmas songs with their regular music.
Sonic Tap Holiday Channels
I got an email saying that Sonic Tap holiday music is on 801, 808, 866, 1nd 867. The only one that I am receiving Christmas music on is 801. Will that change?
Starting in a week or so try Lifetime - they have the Christmas movies LIFETIME HOLIDAY MOVIES You might try some of the other family channels or women's channels too. List of new Christmas movies and where to find them on TV. 2014 CHRISTMAS MOVIES O
Where is the Hallmark Channel?
I am new to At&t U verus. I was told when I signed up the Hallmark Channel was available. It took me a week to finally realize you don't have it. Very misleading.
@ks5103339831 wrote:dhascall, The Mostly Christmas website that is referred to as "This" site has all the Hallmark Christmas movies listed on it and the other shows are regular television shows that have a 30 minute christmas show these are not movie
Where is the Hallmark Channel?
I am new to At&t U verus. I was told when I signed up the Hallmark Channel was available. It took me a week to finally realize you don't have it. Very misleading.
Suddenly no Signal today CHRISTMAS!!!!!
Right in the middle of "A Christmas Story" our signal died. Cannot find signal! Now what kinda Christmas is it NOT to be able to watch A Christmas Story?!?!?!?! Are ya'll experiencing problems or is it just us??? We need our Ralphie Christmas Fix!!!!!!!!
DIRECTV Equipment
dhascall, The Mostly Christmas website that is referred to as "This" site has all the Hallmark Christmas movies listed on it and the other shows are regular television shows that have a 30 minute christmas show these are not movies like the Hallmark
Where is the Hallmark Channel?
I am new to At&t U verus. I was told when I signed up the Hallmark Channel was available. It took me a week to finally realize you don't have it. Very misleading.
You can report to Jimmy that the miracle continues here in Arlington, TX!!!
1 year ago
to the conversation:
U-verse is not available at this time Error message
I am getting a”U-verse not available at this time. Please try again later.” Restart Receiver. I have restarted a ad and reset my router several times and reset my DVR several times over the last 2 hours. Will I ever get my U-verse back again?