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No NFL season opener for direct tv users
You have ruined any edge you had with the NFL package when you can’t even make an agreement with NBC to get the FIRST game of the season that isn’t included in the NFL package. What a joke you are now.
Watching DIRECTV
US Open coverage
Will Directv show multiple channels of the 2020 US Open this year
Watching DIRECTV
ESPN US Open Not Showing
For the past day, we have been unable to watch the US Open Tennis on ESPN, Channel 206. Anyone else having this issue? The other ESPN channels work fine.
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Do I have to open a new account
I want to know if I pay will I get my account back or I will have to open a new one?
U-verse TV Account
Terminate open connections on multi switch
I have a Zinwell Multi Switch (HD) in a crawl space that has some of the open screw terminals uncovered. The ones that are covered have a smooth silver screw in cover. Our area Home Improvement stores only have the 75ohm terminators with a center conductor and a small stem on the outside. Where can
DIRECTV Equipment
Port 443 Open In Cisco_AP_ATT
I found and old thread here about my problem concerning Port 443 being open, but for some reason I couldn't reply to it, so I decided start this one. I also have Port 443 open when running a GRC Shields Up test. I've tried removing ConnectToCiscoAP from the hosted applications section. I've also ch
U-verse TV Equipment
App on roku will not open
App not opening on roku. Will only open after deleting and reloading app. Started first of September worked fine before.
App won’t open
All the apps on my Roku work except for Directv. The Directv logo flashes really fast and the circle is open and not moving. I’ve called Directv who told me to restart the devices, perform any updates available and when that didn’t work to uninstall and reinstall the app. I don’t have the option to
Direct TV Streaming won’t open on Roku TV
I have a Hisense Roku TV, model 40H4030F1 I cannot get Direct TV Streaming to open on the TV. Wireless shows connected with excellent strength. Other apps will open as usual.
DIRECTV STREAM Setup & Equipment
Can’t open TCM app on firestick
I am a uverse subscriber, which includes TCM . When trying to open the TCM app on the firestick, I need to sign into my Att/U-verse account. However, activating the att link always results in an error message Unable at this time. ‘Been happening for several weeks. Solution please??
U-verse TV Account
Amazon Prime Will Not Open
I'm trying to open Amazon Prime and it will not open. It kicks me back to the last channel I was on. I have tried using the app that came with the TV and using the DirecTV Stream channel. Thank you.
Australian Open Tennis 2023
Hello! Where is the Australian Open Tennis Tournament 2023 Extended Coverage? I look forward to watching many, many matches of all 4 slams EVERY YEAR on DIRECTV, but this year I cannot find ANY matches. And what’s worse, ESPN’s coverage is dismal!!! DIRECTV’s extended coverage of the te
Watching DIRECTV
Can't open ATT account, only DirecTV
Hello. No matter how I try to open my account - through my link on email or straight to website - it only signs me onto DirecTV. I cannot access my AT&T mobile phone(s) account any longer.
Accepted Solution
Remap Firestick to button to open DirectTV stream
does anyone know if there is an app to remap the Disney button on a FireStick remote that button will be changed to open DirectTV stream? Thanks much.
DIRECTV STREAM Setup & Equipment
Banshee Season 3
Banshee season 3 has been on Cinimax since January yet U-verse does not have any season 3 episodes. Anybody know what's up?
Watching U-verse TV
DirectTv App blinks when I try to open
Help, the Direct TV app blinks or flashes when I try to open it, stays on that screen never goes further
Outlander season 3
I just signed up with Starz on direct TV. Where is outlander season 3? I subscribed to watch season 3 and 4.
Watching DIRECTV
Season Pass Issues
There seems to be a glitch with the season passes on my DVR R10. I set up a new season pass and everything works fine for a while. Then a few weeks later upcoming episodes stop appearing on the Season Pass Manager. This has happened with every season pass that I've set up regardless of the channel.
DIRECTV Equipment
Same here. I should have checked my account and called earlier. Silly me to assume they would hold off on billing until we knew when (and if) there will be a season, and how much to adjust the price if the season is shortened. No, they still grabb
MLB Extra Innings, NBA League Pass and suspended games the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
Will we be getting a partial refund on our League Pass subscriptions since at least 2 weeks of games will be suspended?
It's actually silly that it worked, but having the website open started the download. From an IT perspective, that shouldn't even make sense.
13 years ago
to the conversation:
Error downloading codec pack
Just got a new HD-DVR and would like to use Directv2PC. All green on advisor. Installed fine, activated fine, found DVR on network. Fails everytime loading the codec pack. I do only have dial up (nothing else avail). The download does start and goes to at least 2MB before failing. Is there anyway to