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What kind of Media?
SO I have several movie files on my pc most WMA/V but some are quick time. I know quicktime can't be played, but just some of my WMA/V files will and others wont. Any ideas?
Watching DIRECTV
What kind of splitter do I use
What kind of splitter can I use for my HD Setup, on my hr22 and hr24 receivers, I see on solid signal they have several kinds of splitters. Is there any particular one I have to use. I am thinking I can use this to get the second line to my HD DVR instead of running another line or spending more mon
DIRECTV Equipment
what kind of performance from standard reciever?
hello newby here, ok, basically dumb as a sack of worms as far as HD stuff goes.right now we have your basic direct tv receiver with a dualdipole element dish. and the 150 channel package. fixin to buy a HDTV for a christmas or possibly afterchristmas sale for the house here.what kind of performace
Watching DIRECTV
I hate directv
I am one of the people AT&T is screwing out of NFL football. Directv is broadcasting the Cowboys game on NFL network and on a local station that Directv cut off. Directv blacked out the NFL channel so as to completely screw over football fans. They could easily not blackout NFL channel, but NOOOOO.
Watching DIRECTV
I hate directv
I am one of the people AT&T is screwing out of NFL football. Directv is broadcasting the Cowboys game on NFL network and on a local station that Directv cut off. Directv blacked out the NFL channel so as to completely screw over football fans. They could easily not blackout NFL channel, but NOOOOO.
Some HD's Not showing
Had zero problems with HD until tonight. Some of the MLB Extra Innings channels are not coming in. Some HD channels, like USAHD, are not as well. I am getting HBOHD/MAXHD and some others. On the channels that I am suppose to get I am getting a grey screen, nothing stating "looking for signal" which
Watching DIRECTV
What kind of Wi-Fi connection is required to comfortably use DirecTV Stream?
I would like to know what kind of Wi-Fi connection is required to comfortably use DirecTV Stream.
Is there a dispute with NBC in some areas?
Is there some kind of dispute going on with NBC in some areas? I live in the Pacific Northwest and Nascar got interrupted on NBC.
Watching DIRECTV
Nice idea tech_1438 and that would work for some, but that implies that I have a lot of Adult and R rated shows to record. May work great for some, but for our family we only ever have about 2-4 shows recorded any any given time with this kind of rat
Feature Request + thanks 3 DVR's working well
I have three DVR's networked on a wired Gigabit network and all three are working great.One feature that quickly came to mind is the ability to Manage Recordings on any DVR from any DVR. I realize this really doesn't have anything to do with Multi-room viewing but when you setup programs to record i
To see your accts is afull! I wish iI could go and distroy att and tell them off. First two years they promised I would be paying 122.00 a month for two years for cell internet and phone i wrote up names of who help meI get my first bill it alit more but i knew that already. Then my monthly bill wa
U-verse TV Account
Loss of Some Channels
Had a wind storm last night and now my HDTV will not get some channels like ESPN, Showtime, etc. The rest of my tvs get all of the channels. Just having problems with the HD. Is this an alignment problem that I need someone to come out for? Thanks
DIRECTV Equipment
Thanks for the reply. My maximum download speed that I can seem to get is 2.33 Mbs. Does that mean that I am ADSL2? And that ATT is getting rid of that service? Will ATT then only offer Uverse (which can't be delivered over BellSouth fiber) or some k
U-verse Availability
I would like to upgrade my internet speed, currently on DSL. We constantly see Uverse offers but when we check it is not available. Subdivisions around us are able to get it. We live in an old BellSouth territory and in a fairly new subdivision. I think we have fiber to the curb. Can anyone help me
What kind of router.....
What router should I buy for my desktop to get "Ondemand" from directtv? I'm going to hook up wired....
Watching DIRECTV
The only app that I hate to lose is the I Heart Radio app. Living in Central Ohio, but wintering in Fort Myers, we love the stations down there and when we are back home it kind of keeps us connected with our Winter Home. I know I Heart is in major
Programming Changes for March
A lot of apps are going away on May 1st. Notice Appearing in USA Today on March 20, 2018 AT&T's contracts with programmers for the content displayed on U-verse TV service periodically expire, or may be terminated, but are usually re-negotiated or extended with no interruption or change for our U-ver
I have not had a reason to call either tech support or CS lately. My discounts don't expire until the end of the year but after reading some of the posts, I'm getting a little scared that when the time comes, they will not be willing to give long-ti
Whats up ATT&T
I am going to ask this question and I know the diehard Uversers will probably crucify be but is AT&T going to spin off U-Verse?I have noticed a real attitude with tech support lately call and discuss any specials that might be available to lower your bill and all you get is if you want a cheaper pri
I believe I should be wireless. I have wireless internet through Verizon and I have no issues there. TV #1 doesn't seem to have issues, its just TV #2. Do you have service people that could come out and help me figure what the problem is? I hate payi
losing receiver signal on TV #2
at least once every hour my screen goes black and I get a message "waiting for receiver signal" and then everything comes back and is fine for a short while. This happens when TV #1 is being watched in the living room and there are NO issues. TV #2 has these issues even if TV #1 is not being watched
I hate to say this but since this is account specific I would recommend that you send a Private Message to the AT&TCustomerCare customer service team. They will reply back with a PM (blue envelope in the top right of the page). Their normal business
How is it possible for your company to suspend services due to no payment since the bill wasn't being mailed to the right address. Then to add insult, your respresentative wants to open a new account without resolving the first issue. Why can't the current issue or account be corrected first, then l
My system is not grounded what kind of problems can that cause?
Don't believe the installer grounded the system. It has worked fine until now. I just installed 2 new receivers and one works but the other one doesn't. There seems to be some low level voltage in the wires cause when I touch them to I do get shocked. I am assuming that this is causing some interfer
DIRECTV Equipment
Hate the genie
The genie receiver just doesn't work well with my Vizio TV. A technician came out and installed some filters which he said virtually restored things to the same level as the old receiver, but there are still channels that are distorted and the audio is tinny. My TV remote used to be able to adjust i
Watching DIRECTV
how do you want to speak with a US Rep when most people in US hate to do these kind of job so companies need to look for people outside our country? have you ever thought on that?
6 years ago
to the conversation:
How can I connect with a customer service rep in the United States?
There seems to be something lost in communication when I speak with your reps overseas. I've had 3-4 calls with AT&T reps in other countries and I no longer wish to deal with them. The one call I had with a rep in the US was a pleasure to speak with. I want that experience because I'm in need o