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Stolen account
My account was stolen and passwords and security question and i need to get in my account
U-verse TV Account
Stolen property
An employee of yours just moved out of my house and there is a ton of, I'm guessing stolen property, left in my basement. I need to know who to get ahold of to return and see that this employee pays for what he stole. Thank you
U-verse TV Account
Rewards Card Stolen
After sitting on hold for 45 minutes yesterday, I was put through to a representative. I explained to her that my mail box has been broken into 3+ times and I never received my rewards card. She put me on hold for another 10 minutes. I was told the card was used, and I would have to talk to a superv
DirecTV Hacked and Information Stolen
Why hasn't DirecTV reported that hackers have been stealing customer information? Most of us have received calls and are VERY much aware that you've been hacked, our data has been stolen. Yet, you've never come out and reported it. One of those hackers that called me went into your system and paid m
Stolen money
My boyfriend signed up for AT&T. We've had it a year. We realized direct TV streaming was taking out of my boyfriend's bank account. We called the bank. We called you. You hung up on us the minute you heard the problem. Never called us back either. Now I have the bank statements on how much you
Stolen AT&T Assets Who do I contact at AT&T to report the reselling of their equiptment.
U-verse TV Equipment
Rewards Center says not Responsible for lost or stolen cards NOW WHAT?
I redeemed my att rewards and had been following the mail outs. The rewards never came, I contact rewards center and they said they are not responsible for lost or stolen cards.. I would gladly file a police report for mail theift however they won't give me the phone # the cards was activated unde
U-verse TV Account
Stolen cable box
My mother, marguerite ***, has UVerse cable service for 3 t.v.'s. My nephew moved and took one of her cable boxes. We have an appt. Friday to replace it. How can she be sure he doesn't use her UVerse account at his new address? She has 3 tv's at *** and this is her only home. Please let us kn
U-verse TV Account
reward cards stolen
i never received my reward cards but called reward center and told they were activated and used. what should i do next, because this person is getting away with stealing my cards. can i at least get a copy of the transactions. and find out when they were activated. i am at a loss as to ehat to do ne
U-verse TV Account
Reward Cards stolen in transit, AT&T says they are not liable!
I had 2 reward cards, $200 & $100, coming our way for signing up for U-verse for a year. I and my family were out of the country for 20 days. Once we are back and inquired about Reward Card to Reward Center and Service Center. We were informed Cards was mailed/activated and used when we are out of
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Receiver stolen. How do I rplace
One of our wireless receivers has been stolen. How do I replace
U-verse TV Equipment
WHAT did you connect the receiver to? There were already wires running to the gateway? Here's the problem with a stolen box: DVRs and receivers are "provisioned" to a specific account. If you acquire a stolen box from Ebay, the question is wheth
Adding a wired uverse box
I want to add a cable box to another room. I have already tested the outlet and it has perfect signal. Can I buy a cable box on ebay? I called att and besides the 50$ new box fee they want to charge 150$ for a technician to test the port or review the wiring (not needed). I don't like the wireless r
There r consequences to stolen elections !!
DIRECTV dropping OANN?
How could you bow down to the WOK cancel culture demands to dropping OANN? They do not lie! The "big lie of the 2020 election" is absolutely true. There is mountains of evidence of the election steal. All the misinformation comes from liberals not conservatives! My husband and I will be
Your identity was stolen dispute it with the collection agency and credit reporting
You trying to make me pay for account that's not mines
You know AT&T is full crap, the pick a war/fight with but DON'T like how I respond. AT&T trying to say I owe them $556.00 and I never had their service. They place the account in collections and it come up on my credit report. I was very upset. Now they brought me to a battlefield and want m
That makes sense except that this modem is from 2012 way before the 2015 ruling was put into place, so this is not stolen equipment, it actually belonged and was owned by someone when you were still able to outright purchase your equipment. So you'r
Equipment rental fee
I am trying to get in contact with someone that actually cares at ATT about customer service. We have had internet service through ATT for years and recently had some trouble with slow internet (where we live is a snail's pace at best), but it was unusually slow so I called ATT. They sent out a te
where can i get one I dont have that peice it was stolen from our old house.
diagnostic code: 51-880
When i run a test on my system it says one test failed and give me the above diagnostic code.
only 1 genie can be used, anything bought off ebay is technically stolen as they dont sell them
Activating a used receiver
If I buy a Genie receiver off ebay can I have it activated along with my main receiver. I was told that only one genie is allowed per account.
I saw the word stolen before the post was edited.
4 years ago
to the conversation:
Unauthorized charge before service
I called in to Directv looking to get service. I told her I wanted a basic package with local channels and NFL Sunday ticket. She went through her whole spiel about what it entailed. Everything sounded good until she mentioned that it was a 24 month contract while asking to authorize a charge to my