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how do i watch the whole episode of "the equalizer" that aired 10/31/21,
an earlier ballgame on NBC delayed 60 minutes, and the equalizer. I recorded the equalizer but only recorded the time slot, not the whole program. Tried "On Demand" and NBC app, but same thing. how do i watch the ending of this episode?
when recording Equalizer on CBS on Sunday nights the DVR recording started recording the show 10 minutes in to the show, how do I record the whole show?
On Demand Issue
I just rented Equalizer 2 thru On Demand. It keep losing sound and freezing up every few seconds. Live television works fine. Everything is connected and we reset twice, but the problem persists. What do you recommend?
Watching U-verse TV
In the tv's audio settings there is an equalizer for the sound ... I think it has 5 bar settings ... just not sure where they should be set for the best/optimum sound for it ...
? on setting up a new HD TV
Hi All, We were able to get a great 52" HD rear projection tv recently for $50! Awesome! The guy also gave us the HDMI cable for free ... so I plugged it into the HD DVR that we have and then the other end into the TV's jack ... ? -- do we still need to connect the RCA (red,white,yellow) composite t
CBS On Demand Weeks Behind
Episode 3 of The Equalizer and NCIS LA’s seasons aired Sunday 10/24. CBS On Demand only offers one episode from weeks ago for both. Episodes 2/3 are not there. I know the CBS On Demand server has these episodes because they are available on my Xfinity TV. Thx, Jay!
Watching DIRECTV
I'm utterly amazed at how you can do this as well. I know you are looking at the manuals, but how to make sense of some of it? Are you an audio guru? My boyfriend read your instructions and said, "Ahhhh, now it makes sense." The only question he
Help Installing VCR, stereo receiver, and DVD
Hello everyone! We had the AT&T tech out here on April 26 to install our U-Verse system. However, none of our components (i.e. VCR, DVD player, stereo receiver, or stereo speakers) were hooked up yet (they weren't unpacked). He just installed the AT&T receiver to our HDTV. We have a brand new Ph
Quote: Originally Posted by sandrahoutz In the tv's audio settings there is an equalizer for the sound ... I think it has 5 bar settings ... just not sure where they should be set for the best/optimum sound for it ... Pretty much whatever sounds best
? on setting up a new HD TV
Hi All, We were able to get a great 52" HD rear projection tv recently for $50! Awesome! The guy also gave us the HDMI cable for free ... so I plugged it into the HD DVR that we have and then the other end into the TV's jack ... ? -- do we still need to connect the RCA (red,white,yellow) composite t
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
watch movies at the theater
How do I go about going to the movies theater to watch a movie for free
Watching DIRECTV
@GeneralUser wrote:Please tell me how I can control the huge decibel increase when commercials come on?There is no control with the Uverse remote. You might check and see if your TV has some sort of equalizer feature. There are also devices you can
How can I use sound leveling on U-VerseTV?
Please tell me how I can control the huge decibel increase when commercials come on?
I agree with this feature request. At this time I have 2 receivers and would like to see a master list for managing recordings. I would also like the option to select the receiver a program is to be recorded on from any of the networked receivers.I a
Feature Request + thanks 3 DVR's working well
I have three DVR's networked on a wired Gigabit network and all three are working great.One feature that quickly came to mind is the ability to Manage Recordings on any DVR from any DVR. I realize this really doesn't have anything to do with Multi-room viewing but when you setup programs to record i
The Bose 901s (like any speakers) have a non-linear frequency and phase response. The equalizer that they come with is designed to compensate for the non-linearities so that the speakers end up producing a nice flat frequency response. The equ
Help Installing VCR, stereo receiver, and DVD
Hello everyone! We had the AT&T tech out here on April 26 to install our U-Verse system. However, none of our components (i.e. VCR, DVD player, stereo receiver, or stereo speakers) were hooked up yet (they weren't unpacked). He just installed the AT&T receiver to our HDTV. We have a brand new Ph
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
How could you change payment due dates to the first of themonth?
Social Security disability allotments aren't posted until the first of the month. Is this a ploy to increase your revenue by having your disabled customers incur late-payment charges? For shame. AT&T.
U-verse TV Account
Is there anyone working in the Identity Theft Depatment?
We are currently on our third round of attempting to reach someone in the Identity Theft Department. I am in hour two of what seems like eternal hold, while my wife had spent a total of six hours on two separate occasions to try to reach this mysterious department. I called the AT&T Uverse Fraud lin
U-verse TV Account
Anyone in the United States work there?
Is there any way to speak to management? I do not want to be offensive however I can not understand whatever language customer service representative is speaking. And I need some answers.
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Can I get directv installed in my vacation home and only pay for it for the months that I am there?
Can I get directv installed in my vacation home and only pay for it for the months that I am there?
I appreciate the comments you have given. It has given me some hope. I fast forwarded this morning to see what Sunday's programming is, but it says, To Be Announced that far ahead. However, it makes sense that it could have been a channe
Recording Issues
I have tried for the past two seasons to record episodes of The Equalizer. 80% of the time, the recording starts with the last 15 minutes of the program, 60 minutes and then it starts recording The Equalizer. The biggest hassle is that the last 15 minutes of the show are not recorded. A
The HT-IS100 BRAVIA theater micro system volume code
Looking for a remote code so I can use my Direct TV remote to change the volume on my SONY Surround Sound system. Every SONY code from Direct TV I have tried only controls the TV volume, which I have turned off, since I hooked up the theater system. Must be a code for the surround sound volume I can
DIRECTV Equipment
No not multiple TVs at the same time. I have adjusted the Audio Settings to the recommended settings on a web page for troubleshooting. We'll see if that works sometime this weekend. We have been leaving the TV on 24 hours a day as it is
No sound on turning DirecTv Genie on
We have several TVs in our home with Genies. We had 1 TV that we consistently turn on and there is video but no sound. We typically just turn it off and unplug the HDMI and Power Cord, replug and turn back on and it works. We thought it was just a sub-par TV. Now we have a brand n
theft I will be reporting to the BBB
if auto pay wasn't canceled it would of came out on July 1st not July 29th yall stole out my account that I canceled
Now for a new question: how do I stop the screen from jumping in and out of different formats ... what should I and shouldn't I have selected for the screen resolutions? 480, 720 1080 ... also it has an equalizer ... does anyone know about what the s
13 years ago
to the conversation:
? on setting up a new HD TV
Hi All, We were able to get a great 52" HD rear projection tv recently for $50! Awesome! The guy also gave us the HDMI cable for free ... so I plugged it into the HD DVR that we have and then the other end into the TV's jack ... ? -- do we still need to connect the RCA (red,white,yellow) composite t