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Where is the BPL Man City match???
What U-verse channel has April 30 Man City match???
Watching U-verse TV
Kansas City Channel 4
Did Att lose the contract to Channel 4 in Kansas City
Watching U-verse TV
Loss of local HD channels from Oklahoma City
Looks like I'm one of the lucky ones if this post is correct. I am, as of today, not receiving any local Oklahoma City channels in HD. I do still get all the SD ones. I had no issues what so ever with my HD local station reception. In fact not long ago,
Watching DIRECTV
Programs recorded incorrectly on Fox5 (5 WAGA) - Bones instead of House, etc.
I go to My Playlist and then pick a previously recorded episode of House (that's what my HD-DVR says). I start viewing only to discover that this is an episode of Bones, not House.Or, I open a recorded episode of Bones, read the description, and then start viewing only to discover that this is a com
DIRECTV Equipment
Traverse City Local HD ABC Problems
Tonight Local A3 Traverse City 29 WGTV ABC (9:00 pm) was supposed to be in HD it was in sd. At about 10:00pm the sound also went out also . Is anyone else in the Traverse City Area having this problem? I notified Directv they knew nothing about it.As of this morning 11/10 things are the same. Noon E
Watching DIRECTV
Pasadena City Council meeting April 18, 2017
I would like to watch the Pasadena City Counci meeting that was recorded April 18, 2017 at 6:00pm. How and when can I watch it on Channel 99
U-verse TV Account
Temporarly take DireccTV Stream to another city
Can I take my DirecTV Streaming device with me when I go on vacation in another city and just set it up on the local network while I'm there? What about taking it to Germany?
PBS in Kansas City Metro
ATT Uverse offers only one PBS channel to Kansas City subsribers - 19.1 (1019.1 HD). 3 PBS channels are available. 19.1 and 19.2 have a small number of overlaps in programs. 19.3 is the Create channel, which has a rich selection of DIY, craft, sewing and cooking programs. In order to enjoy what t
Watching U-verse TV
Watch local channels to another city with a VPN
Can I use a VPN to connect to another US city other than home to watch local channels on my DTV Stream app?
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Will the weather channel radar be coming back to the interactive section of Uverse tv
Uverse used to have accuweather radar page and the weather channel weather radar what happened to it. I go to the interactive sections and just gives city temperature and pictured forcast.
Watching U-verse TV
Will DirectTV in Oklahoma City drop Fox this Friday, September 27, 2019 or were negotiations settled
Will DirectTV in Oklahoma City drop Fox, FSN, ESPN, National Geographic and FX this Friday, September 27, 2019?
Watching DIRECTV
won't play complete episodes
I watch HGTV GOOD BONES and the episode stops before it reaches the end.
Watching DIRECTV
Which CSI City is the Best?
I personally prefer CSI: Miami. But I will admit that Horatio's puns and what not get a little bit annoying. And usually after Horatio makes some sort of threat, the camera shows the suspect with a guilty look everytime. That get's irritating too. CSI Miami Seasons 1-8 DVD Boxset http://dvdshopsonli
Watching DIRECTV
Drop line extends from telephone pole over my swimming pool to roof. VIOLATION OF CITY BUILDING CODE
The ATT line that runs from the telephone pole to my house extends over my pool in Sheman Oaks. That is a serious violation of the Los Angeles City building code. And dangerous to my kids who swim in the pool. I have called Uverse Tech support untold times to get ATT to redrop the line. So far
U-verse TV Account
I had the exact same problem with Bag of Bones on A&E. I haven't seen this exact problem addressed anywhere else. Also had this happen during an episode of Castle. Any time this happens, you might as well delete the entire episode because it doesn't
Distorted sound
I've had a couple of shows that I've recorded where the sound will start off ok but then it gets distorted. The picture is fine. This has happened twice. I'm wondering if my receiver might be going bad or if it was some kind of problem with the transmission signal. The last time it happened I was re
$220 false alarm bill from the city
AT&T Digital Life Siren is Wireless, Not Hardwired. LAPD on Site After False Alarm. We had Digital Life installed; replaced ADT. We had a very solid hard wired system. BTW, when the hardwired system is removed you cannot go back; the wires are cut. ATT DL has been to my house 5-6 times maybe more. T
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Public, Education and Government Programming on ATT Uverse TV
I'm assuming I can't get city council (and other) meetings due to our city Coronado, California not being "launched" and on the master list of cities with this service. Any way of finding out if and when launch for Coronado will occur as the city is telling everyone it is there. Thanks-
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
I need to know if I can get Fox Sports (Bally) Kansas City Regional Sports Network.
I'm trying to find out if I can get this channel for Kansas City Royals games and get info on cost. I need wireless equipment for 2 extra rooms and the lowest cost programming package that offers RSN's. I've tried calling, but everyone I reach has such a heavy middle eastern accent, I can't understa
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Open the weather App, select "edit my cities". Type in the name of your city using the remote and on screen grid. When your city appears on the right, highlight it and press select. It should now be in the right column by itself. Press "exit". O
Direct tv Gennie 44 Weather App ?
I typed in my zip code for my weather I can not get it remember the zip code setting what do I do push to get it to change the weather location
I looked at tomorrow and found a whole bunch of Bones scheduled on TNT. I set up the series and it captured all of them. So it's not particular to the channel either. Seems to be at random. I don't see how that can be resolved.
10 years ago
to the conversation:
I can't record a series
For the past few days whenever I try to record a series it is only capturing one episode. I select "any day, any time" and I've tried both "new shows only and new with reruns". Nothing works. Is anyone else having this problem? I've already tried restarting.