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6 straight missed no show appointments
6 straight missed appointments....What type of compensation should I be expecting?? 4 days I've waited for them and no one has came. This is assuming they even show up on the 7th appointment... probably should cancel and report to the BBB
DIRECTV Equipment
Will Directv Mount on a 3 Story roof
The only real possible way to get a clear line of sight would be able to mount it on my roof witch is a 3 story townhouse will the install tech climb that high
DIRECTV Equipment
Where can I get a straight information?
I have been talking with a DirecTV set up technician. I have a 4 room whole home DVR system. I was asked them what it would take to get DirecTV on Demand. I was told them that I also have wireless network in my house as well. They told me that I just needed to go to Best Buy and purchase an ite
Watching DIRECTV
Customer service horror story
I will try to be brief. Two months ago, police showed up at my home stating they were responding to a distress call. There was no call initiated from our end, so we called ATT and advised them of the potential crossed line. Over the next two months, I have had several technicians visit my home and f
U-verse TV Account
Same story
Well, wish I would have known about this forum before going with ATT Direct Steam and purchasing a new Samsung 65" Q80 TV for my finished basement. I have a direct ethernet connection and still getting quite a bit of the black screen, spinning and picture returns after about 4-5 seconds. Very
A story and then some questions.
I'll start my story, and then at the end I'd like to ask a few questions that I would publicly like to be answered. We'll start on 04/23/2014 I ordered a wireless reciever online. I called to cancel my home phone since I find we -never- use it as all three members of our household have AT&T cell
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
American Horror Story
Why is the finale of Apocalypse not playing? I'm paying for this and can't even finish the season.
Watching U-verse TV
An interesting story about the RCA DRD435RH
I just posted this review at Amazon of the RCA DRD435RH receiver, which I've used without major issue since 2002. If you have one or more of these, maybe you should keep an eye on it:>>I got this unit to use with DirecTV in 2002. It performed very well. Occasionally, it crashed, and had to be unplug
DIRECTV Equipment
Cancellation Horror story
I called and canceled my direct tv service in January 25, 2021 and was given a cancellation number. Direct tv still billed me for one month of service after I sent the equipment back via UPS on February 1, 2021 and cancelled the service January 25, 2021. It is one big scam led by Direct tv. Y
Customer Service reps. lied to me for 3 straight months about lowering my bill
I had a promotion that ended in May. My bill then went from approx. $85 to $110. I called in late April, May, June and now in July. I spoke to 4 different people, was transferred around and was on hold at different times for almost 30 minutes. The last two reps. I spoke to ASSURED MEthat my bill sta
U-verse TV Account
Can't get a straight answer to get connected
Hey guys, thanks in advance for any help. I am so frustrated right now with DirecTV. I have talked to 3 different DirecTV reps, went to BestBuy as directed to talk to the Geek Squad people (they had NO IDEA what I was talking about), then tried sending an email to explain my situation. I still do
Watching DIRECTV
stream not available for 3 straight weeks
this is ridiculous ... you would think by 3 weeks you guys would have fixe this problem
Watching DIRECTV
Message 771 for 24 hours straight now
Nothing works except for my recorded shows from BEFORE this message came along. Its a whole house thing.. not just one receiver. None of the 4 receivers work. This was just installed a week ago so I wouldnt think it would be an alignment issue. Anyone got a good answer?
DIRECTV Equipment
I canceled my Uverse account when I moved in 2012. We later got a bill for $161. When we called in we were told to disregard the amount, it was not due. Then when I try to buy a house this year, there's a $161 collection for Uverse from AFNI collection agency. My broker says to ignore it because it'
U-verse TV Account
New GUI - Straight to Recordings from Menu button?
The new GUI appeared this morning. Now, when I hit menu I get a "what's on" list instead of my recordings and I need to hit the down arrow twice to get to my recordings. Please tell me this is a setting that can be changed to go back to the old behavior.
Watching DIRECTV
Sony Bravia XBR - no app in goggle play story
Migrated from my DIRECTV sat to DIRECTVstream today. Surprised to find NO app in the google store....whats with that? It's possible to cast from your phone to the SONY TV, but that is very inconvenient. The image does not always scale to full screen. Think twice about DIRECTV stream if
CONTINUOUS Billing errors for 4 straight months and now equipment problem
I am in desperate need of a supervisor to contact me. I would LOVE to talk with the owner of the company, but we all know that's not happening! I am so tired of having to deal with DIRECTV incompetence!! I have spent numerous HOURS on the phone during the past 4 months. Every time
Why is American Horror Story Apocalypse showing on my iPhone Uverse App (on Demand) but not my TV?
I tried searching for it every possible way on TV and it will not show up. On my phone, it's right there. I added it to my "watchlist" and "favorites" but they doesn't seem to even appear on the tv menus. The first 2 episodes are available On Demand on my phone, but nothing is available on TV ex
Watching U-verse TV
My dish is on second story facing of roof and need to be replaced for hd .
At&t installer say he can not go on the roof. what can I do? I understand it needs to be replaced by the end of this year. (2006) customer.
DIRECTV Equipment
The most bewildering and negative customer service experience I have ever had. {long story}
Okay, I'll try to keep this short, but I want to tell the full story with all of the details to make this this clear, and I am expecting that someone from AT&T (preferably a department head / senior manager) will be informed of this message. We've been customers with AT&T for a long time. Multiple c
U-verse TV Account