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listen to Big Band and Swing and Stingrays supposed version is called "swinging standards". I have yet to hear Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, or any other Big Band. It's like an old jazz bar station. Seriously? ! NOT HAPPY. Listening to big band in the
What happened to the Music Choice Channels?
Hello, We awoke this morning to find out the our Music Choice Channels were replaced with Sting ray! What's up with that? Also, what the heck is U-verse Elite? When I was check Sting Ray, it told me I need U-verse Elite to continue. I hit okay and it downloaded the channels ... Is this adding co
A screenshot would be lovely, if you can swing it.
All of a sudden my dvr displays "V2" in upper left of screen
Out of nowhere, my Uverse DVR now displays V2 in upper left of tv screen. The only other thing I've noticed is that the red CC button no longer functions.I've gone through the menu and have found nothing that appears to correspond to this and nothing in the CC section that appears to restore the re
@cgrebby wrote:listen to Big Band and Swing and Stingrays supposed version is called "swinging standards". I have yet to hear Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, or any other Big Band. It's like an old jazz bar station. Seriously? ! NOT HAPPY. Listening to b
What happened to the Music Choice Channels?
Hello, We awoke this morning to find out the our Music Choice Channels were replaced with Sting ray! What's up with that? Also, what the heck is U-verse Elite? When I was check Sting Ray, it told me I need U-verse Elite to continue. I hit okay and it downloaded the channels ... Is this adding co
Another swing and a miss. In what u-niverse does it make sense to not have *all* the episodes from a season?
On Demand is a joke
On more than one occasion we have come across a TV show/series that we thought may be worth watching, but it's already into the season. So the most logical thought is that's why we pay to have Uverse On Demand. But On Demand will only have, for example, episodes 4-7. What sense does it make at al
Thanks for the info!I have since found out that there's a 10 foot public utility easement (PUE) around the entire perimeter of my lot on the front and side (this is a corner lot). Regardless, AT&T told me that the utilities can be placed anywhere in
Manhole Cover In My Driveway
Hi, I am moving to a new home in Texas that is in the final stages of being built.There is an large AT&T round manhole cover for some type of utility that is sitting in the path of my driveway. The home builder and I are stumped on what to do. It seem the manhole cover was placed on the property in
Do other things other than just schedule recordings via mobile?
I use my laptop and "my direct tv" to schedule recordings at times. Are we able to do other things remotely, such as organize the queue or delete shows in the queue via the internet or just schedule? thx
Watching DIRECTV
DVR Recording Things Without My Permission?
My mom just got Directv, and she has the standard DVR (not an HD DVR for sure, but I'm not sure the model is correct-I am pretty sure it is the Directv Plus though). She was doing something with it this morning, and it said that it was set up to record "It's Complicated" and whatever she was doing m
DIRECTV Equipment
things to know before you order direct tv
They lie to you. be prepared for that! they charge you for things you did not order. they screw up your bill over and over. Dont worry, they usually fix it at first. but if they screw up your bill TOO many times, then they cant fix it anymore...they are only allowed to fix THERE mistakes so many tim
The end of U-verse
I see Randall is starting to discuss the demise of U-verse television. He states it will continue with existing customers ( for how long may be another matter ) but will start pushing Direct TV.While I understand wanting to use the fiber network for internet and more and more folks going to streamin
Watching U-verse TV
Yes, I have tried that number. Good advice on saying 'cancel' to the bot, I may give another swing at this.
I would like to provide feedback on my recent service call.
I am unable to find any location where I can provide feedback related to my most recent "upgrade". To start, I had a string of issues with my most recent upgrade of equipment to include your service desk providing misleading information about my upgrade to begin with (Gemini equipment is only wired)
Receiver does random things while I'm watching it
Lately my receiver has been doing random things while I'm watching it. Mainly it either changes channels or it starts recording programs without me prompting it to. The other night I was watching a show on my dvr and every 5 seconds or so the tv would make the *bong* noise that it makes when you pro
DIRECTV Equipment
Charging BEFORE the end of trial period
I just signed up for service this past Saturday and hooked everything up Sunday. Today, I get an email that I've been automatically charged for a month of service. It seems that only in the world of DirecTV stream do things operate different than any other free trial where you're charged AFTER tr
Dvr doing crazy things
Had tivo for several years..Samsung..began to just go off for no reason and then have to power up..started doing that more regularly the last couple of days it gives a screen that says that dvr was too hot ....followed instructions to reset... checked fan and it was not on but came on whi
DIRECTV Equipment
Some things need improving
It is good that you have a package with a lot of Channels and not theexpensive sports channels, but the Select could be better by addingthe Science channel. It has a lot of innovative shows and probablythose who are not interested in sports would be more likelyinterested in scienceI suggest having a
Watching DIRECTV
Number of things that steam at once
How many items can steam at one time?
Loss of hd channels the last 2 Octobers
Live in a condo building. I and another unit have DirectTv. This is the second year we have both lost HD channels in the beginning of October. To complicate things Star Communications owns the satellite dish and wants $80 for service call plus credit card on file. Any idea why HD goes out every fall
DIRECTV Equipment
I don't know Dish Network but pure Tivo systems and Time Warner Cable's whole home system with their boxes - they certainly work similarly -- if you don't have a DVR in each room (as opposed to a receiver) then you cannot pause live TV. But now wit
New install: pause live tv on tv connected to HR25 receiver?
I have a new installation - HR34 HMC in my living room and an HR25 in my bedroom. If I am in bedroom and want to pause the live TV, how can I do that? I can't figure it out unless I actually record the showing and then play it (which would give me full control). Isn't there an automatic buffer th
What IS the Office of the President?
I've had occasion to speak with people from the Office of the President recently about an issue. I realized I don't know what sort of place they occupy in the scheme of things. A dead end for customer complaints? Where would they be in a corporate structure diagram? Once you wind up there, abandon a
U-verse TV Account
Does anyone else think the DirectTV website is the worst?
Slow Can't find things on search. Doesn't have a direct path to recording on your receiver, What else does one need this website to do? Navigate to the program you want to record, then set record. This site has none of these. Useless.
Watching DIRECTV
It's "hit or miss" because it often depends on what the installer feels like doing. While the "official policy" may be very clear, installers can certainly "fudge" things. A tip for the installer can help swing things your way, too.
15 years ago
to the conversation:
Will they install HD DVR if I don't have an HDTV yet?
I was told by the DirectTV rep that if I didn't have an HDTV, the installer would install my HD DVR and additional HD Receiver. I was previously told that they would install, but I would just not be able to watch the HDTV channels on my SD device. Has anyone else heard of them refusing to install HD