New Member
35 Messages
Bookmarks missing
I had 102 bookmarks just a couple of days ago, yes I counted because I was curious, then today a bunch are missing, I count 67 now. In the show's info page it shows a checkmark next to "Bookmarked". But those shows aren't in the list. I tried unbookmarking a couple of shows then rebookmarking them, no luck, they're still not on the list anymore. This it on the osprey box. Meanwhile, on my phone app and on the web page player, only FOUR bookmarks are showing, the other 98 are gone. Anybody else having issues?
Community Support
254.9K Messages
2 years ago
Hello there. Thank you for bringing your bookmarks situation to our attention. We would like to take a closer look into your case and find the root of this issue. Please check your DM to assist you further. Erika, DIRECTV Community Specialist
4 Messages
2 years ago
Agreed. I can add bookmarks all day long, but NONE of the newly bookmarked recordings show up in my Library under Bookmarks. This problem started on April 3rd. I've spent hours with Tech Support, and all they can tell me is that it's a nationwide problem. Why should I bother recording anything if I can't possibly find it later? This problem makes DirecTV absolutely worthless. I'm ready to cancel service completely.
New Member
312 Messages
2 years ago
4 Messages
2 years ago
Here's a vid of me bookmarking a recording, only to have it not show up in my Library of Bookmarked recordings: I'm doing all of it on a DirecTV appliance.
New Member
35 Messages
2 years ago
It’s not TVOD, it’s just a regular recording. As I noted, one third of my bookmarks disappeared, and new ones don’t appear on the list anymore. But if I go back to the page where you can bookmark it, the “info” page I’ll call it, it shows there as being bookmarked. That’s completely independent of my iPhone problem, where all of my bookmarks used to show there but now 98% of them are gone.
New Member
312 Messages
2 years ago
@ArtSmart @ArceeDub, you can only bookmark series or episodes you want to watch later (see knowledge article
, not recordings. It seems you've been doing this by bookmarking the VOD side of the house (the app does it based on a user-started action), not your recordings. Hint: I was able to record Fixer Upper S3 E8, but only because when going to the series, there are VOD episodes available for almost all series/episodes. Deadline: White House only has 3 VOD episodes: E68-70. Content providers are the ones that dictate which series/episodes are available as VOD, so if something disappears might be because of content rights. I'll keep an eye on this one on my Osprey.
New Member
35 Messages
2 years ago
If that's the case, why do my recordings have a place to "Bookmark" it if it isn't available in VOD? I've tried new recordings and they have a Bookmark "link" and clicking it sets it to say "Bookmarked" but it's not showing in the Bookmarks list. If what you're saying is true, then the Bookmark link shouldn't be there if it's not eligible to be Bookmarked. And, why did all of my bookmarks stay there for all of these months, then suddenly 35 of them disappeared all at the same time?
4 Messages
2 years ago
I almost NEVER watch VOD. I almost ALWAYS watch recordings, either episodic or movies. If I can no longer bookmark my recordings, then I'm definitely canceling my DirecTV service completely, because it's completely worthless. When I record something, I MUST have a way to find it later, or there's no point in recording it at all. Until 4/3/2023, I could bookmark any recording, so I could find it later and watch it. Now, I can't find hardly anything I've recorded. Adios, DirecTV.
4 Messages
2 years ago
@GTyz your link reads in part, "You can bookmark up to 100 titles." Maybe that's my problem. There never was any indication that I might have gone over the 100-title limit for bookmarks, and this is the first indication that there was any limit at all.
I'll try deleting a bunch of old bookmarks I no longer need and see if it starts letting me bookmark again. Nothing to lose, because if that doesn't work, I'll have canceled my DirecTV service within 24 hours. I'm fed up with this issue.
New Member
35 Messages
2 years ago
ArtSmart, don’t bother, I already tried deleting bookmarks to get below the 100 limit which I also was unaware of, even though I was at 102 a week ago before this happened. There’s no reason why being over 100 would delete 35 bookmarks anyway. But as I was saying, I already tried deleting a few then tried to bookmark something new, no luck.
@GTyz, is this a new policy? It was not wo the way you describe prior to last week, I definitely had lots of bookmarks that weren’t on demand, I even had recordings from the MGM channel recorded that were in my bookmarks, and MGM channel went away as of I think November. So they definitely weren’t on demand anymore but I had them on the bookmarks list.
@ArtSmart , just to explain your complaint, I have the same issue I think, in that I have over 500 shows recorded, and scrolling to the bottom of the list takes like ten minutes to get down there, so I have the things I’m most interested in, bookmarked so I can get to it by only scrolling through 100 items, AND the bookmarks are ordered by the newest ones marked at the top, so my recent interests are at the top of the bookmarks list. It’s really ridiculous that the recordings List doesn’t have a way to sort by date or abc, or oldest first. Just one of MANY basic features that DirecTV Streaming doesn’t have that ALL other competitors have. The only thing that’s keeping me with them is the “unlimited” recording, although I don’t like and don’t understand why there’s a 30 episode limit on that. Shows that come on reruns often have four or six episodes per day, I can’t watch them fast enough to stay under the 30 show limit.
But back to the topic. @GTyz can you explain why we think this situation changed on or around April 3? Did a HUGE chunk of the VOD get purged then? And still, I’m certain I’ve had stuff bookmarked that wasn’t on demand, reference my MGM recordings.
3 Messages
2 years ago
I have been having same issues.since April 3
3 Messages
2 years ago
Not sure who is reading this not here goes
For the past two years we bookmarked a lot of shows and movies and we’re continuously bookmarking multiple old recordings so we could watch them before they disappeared. In all of that time we never had an issue with a bookmarked recording not showing up until 4/3 of this year when all of a sudden all of our bookmarks suddenly disappeared from the bookmark list. I have contacted support multiple times and am getting nowhere. The first few times they said it was a network outage and they were working on it. Now all of a sudden they are saying providers removed content from on demand so the no longer show up in list. I know for a fact that a lot of the things we recorded and bookmarked were never available on demand (you can tell because the on demand titles have both a watch and record option) Even today if I go to a recording and bookmark it it does not show up in the list which is ridiculous. If I am am allowed to add a bookmark it should show up in the list. No one wants to admit this is an issue so they keep making excuses. In my opinion a change was made that caused this issue which could have been a change to only show bookmarks for on demand content. No one wants to admit this and if this is the case it was it is very annoying to those of us that bookmarked old recordings and the old functionality needs to be restored. We currently have close to 9 months of recording and to watch old recordings we have to scroll all of the way to the bottom of the recording list which is very tedious and slow (about 3 minutes of wasted time each time we want to watch the old recordings). Sometimes we don’t make it through in one sitting and have to do it all again next day to continue. If there was a way to reverse or sort the recording list it would not really be an issue. Hopefully there is someone reading this who can admit that it was broken on 4/3 and find a way to fix it or improve the recording list interface. I am seriously considering other providers if this issue is not resolved and I doubt I am the only one. I recently signed up to beta test new streaming device thinking it might fix these issues. It turned out to have the same recording list issues with no sorting with missing bookmarks. Which is very disappointing to me. It appears to be the exact same interface in just a smaller format. What is the point if they are not improving the interface. I could care less whether I have a little box in front of the tv or a small hidden dongle behind the tv. Why bother to change the device if you are not improving the end user experience.
ACE - New Member
3.5K Messages
2 years ago
@dchandley I see the same issue with bookmarks. Probably b/c there was a software update last week that has a glitch. I am also testing the Gemini Air. I also have an Osprey box. However, none of my bookmarks disappeared. I can't add a bookmark on either device. But, if I go to the Dtv Stream website and add a bookmark--it shows up on the website --and both devices. Can you see the lost bookmarks on the Dtv Stream website? I'm sure they will resolve the issue with the next software update. I contacted the Dtv Engineering dept about this.
New Member
312 Messages
2 years ago
As I posted a month ago, the Bookmarks feature is meant for On Demand content - if we have used this as a workaround to find recorded content, it's fine but check the note below. For the full details, read any of these articles:
Indeed, it was a 100 limit, but now it's 300.
Note on the articles: Your bookmarks are saved forever, but a bookmark may be hidden if that content isn't currently available On Demand.
ACE - New Member
3.5K Messages
2 years ago
@GTyz That's not necessarily true. I have several shows that appear in Bookmarks that don't have on demand content available. Local news, Morning Joe, Cardinals Insider from Bally Sports Midwest, 25 Words or Less (local channel)