New Member
1 Message
Any way to trade many of these news channels?
Any way to trade many of these worthless news channels ie: ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Bloomberg, FOX etc. for something worth watching ? I would rather watch Gunsmoke reruns than what these channels spew...
New Member
4 years ago
I am a longtime subscriber to DirecTV, and I have remained one through the AT&T acquisition and the attendant price increases because I watch One American News, Newsmax, and Fox News. If those channels were to be dropped from DirecTV, I would have little reason to continue. I think the current effort of a couple of members of the House of Representatives to silence all (Edited per community guidelines) news is in violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution. I hope DirecTV will continue to make available the diversified thought that is available now. (Title - Edited per community guidelines)
New Member
1 Message
4 years ago
Thanks for carrying these networks, they provide valuable information about what is really happening with our government..we should be able to hear both sides......
New Member
4 years ago
It has been brought to my attention that 2politicians from California contacted you requesting that you drop the OAN and FoxNews networks. Please don’t give in to their demands. I’m sure if you do I and many others will be looking for a different provider.
New Member
4 years ago
I have noted that two members of Congress are asking ATT to limit customer access to OAN news and Fox news. I want the freedom to chose what news I watch, not be dictated to by a single poltical party. I have lived in a communist country that offered one news source and worked hard to control messaging. Such a request (to limit news access) flies in the face of our guaranteed freedoms. I encourage all to make their feelings and preferences known. I value the ATT services, I want them to continue, unrestricted. Thank you.
New Member
4 years ago
Drop OAN or Newsmax & I will drop u
New Member
4 years ago
My wife and I have had your service for many many years. We are concerned that due to political pressure you will drop the One America News and News Max news channels from your channel line up. We enjoy watching both of those channels and would have to cancel our service with you if that were to happen. Please don't let politics determine your channel offerings. Thank you
Kris & Dixie Stewart
New Member
4 years ago
Keep it!..we love OANN. We have ot on before and after work and on weekends
5 Messages
4 years ago
Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerny are demanding TV providers drop Fox News, One America News and Newsmax. Don't listen to them they are spreading ‘misinformation and a conspiracy against The right to express any opinion in public without censorship or restraint by the government, protected in the United States as a right under the First Amendment to the US Constitution.
New Member
4 years ago
If ATT removes OAN you will be loosing our business for sure. We don't support communism and this type of censorship is definitely communism. Democrats=Communism
New Member
4 years ago
I am a customer of DirecTV and I would like to know where you stand on your next contract with Newsmax Onan and Fox News as well as Blaze TV. Are you planning on renewing the contract or are you planning on discontinuing service for those Networks? This will be a big factor in my renewal and or cancellation of your services.
Sincerely Sean Osborne
New Member
4 years ago
I am a Direct TV customer. I believe in free speech and love watching cable new stations, Fox and NewsMax - I currently do not get OAN but would love too! There are people trying to shut down free speech and get (Edited per community guidelines) news channels taken off the air. Please stand for free speech and do not give in to the cancel culture. All opinions and point of views need to be heard.
Jerry NcNerney and Anna Esho should not dictate to you what disinformation is as they have bias.
New Member
1 Message
4 years ago
I want to know if you plan on cancelling OAN and Fox. If you are you can cancel my subscription as well. I am tired of businesses and politicians giving in to this cancel culture. If they continue this and taking away the freedoms the US is founded on they will ruin the great country. I do not care what side you are on. Silencing freedom of speech hurts us all!!!
New Member
4 years ago
Please do not drop Fox News, NewsMax and One America News. Both sides of the political spectrum need to be able to speak their voices. I personally do not like CNN or MSNBC. However, I do believe in the First Amendment. Please support the First Amendment by continuing to have Fox News, NewsMax and One America News on your program agenda. Thank you!
New Member
4 years ago
Thank you for carrying OAN, News Max, & Fox News! And for standing for Freedom of Speech. People know they can turn channels on what they don’t want to watch. We all know there is plenty of really bad things on TV worse than news.
New Member
1 Message
4 years ago
As a DirectTV client for over 8 years, I am asking that you please keep (Edited per community guidelines) news channels as part of regular subscriptions on DirectTV. This includes but does not limit: OAN, NewsMax, Fox News, Fox Business.
Thank you in advance for not being a part of cancel culture.