2 Messages
DirecTV stream vs DirecTV satellite combined?
I decided to make the switch to streaming as it is $90 cheaper than satellite. I called to cancel satellite and they told me that DirecTV stream is included because I'm a legacy customer (40+ years). I thought the satellite and streaming service were different. The agent said I could keep the satellite and streaming service for $117 month. I am completely lost. Has anyone ever heard of this?
Accepted Solution
ACE - New Member
1.6K Messages
6 months ago
Directv has only been around for about 30 years. But anyway, as a Satellite customer, you have always had the availability to stream your Directv Satellite channels while on the go through "Take Your TV Everywhere". But there is a difference between the 2 services. Even though you can stream using your Directv Satellite credentials that does not make you a streaming customer. Also, if they said that your cost was going to go down and you are keeping the Satellite service then that means they applied some kind of promotion to your account lowering the cost and possibly putting you under a contract. After that promotion runs out then your cost will go back up. Even though Directv Satellite and Directv Stream are both Directv they are treated as 2 separate companies. So if you want the Directv Streaming service you would have to cancel your Satellite service to get the streaming.
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
6 months ago
DirecTV Satellite and DirecTV Stream are different services. I did have both for a few months while I was deciding which one to keep. Just be sure to use a different email address when signing up for DirecTV Stream.
ACE - Expert
22.9K Messages
6 months ago
DirecTV started in 1994, so just turned 30 earlier this year so you cannot have had them for 40+ years.
DirecTV and DIRECTV STREAM are two separate providers. One is not included in the other.
The traditional DirecTV service (satellite) does allow 'some' streaming through the app. This is a bit limited as not intended to replacement for the service itself which is for at home with each authorized TV.
You can have both providers at the same time if you want to test which one works better. Have to use a different email for the signup. Remember there is not a promotion to have both. Any temporary discounts you might get on DirecTV has nothing to do with if you get DIRECTV STREAM or not.
Either that agent was clueless or strung you a line to prevent a cancellation on their stats.
4 Messages
6 months ago
litzdog911 - I am not a Direct TV customer, but am helping a non-technical Direct TV satellite customer make a decision about either expanding their home infrastructure to handle many TVs (more than seven) connected to their satellite dish (via Genie 2, etc.) or moving to Streaming (over a new fiber internet connection) and forgetting about the satellite.
They like the "cable box" experience, so I would likely have Geminis at five to seven TVs (Genie 2 limitation) and have the DTV app on the others (either directly on the smart TV, or via Roku or Firestick).
All the boxes with be hardwired with CAT6. No wifi.
Which service did you end up keeping, and why?
If Streaming, any latency or performance issues?
If satellite, any concern about simultaneously viewing multiple 4K programs?
Any other pros or cons you can share?
Thanks much.
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
6 months ago
AFAIK DTV only allows 7 minis on the account. plus the HS17 and only 2 4K minis can be used at the same time.
ACE - Expert
22.9K Messages
6 months ago
The Genie-2 (HS17) can only use up to 7 TVs as it only allows Clients, not permitting any dedicated receivers to be on the account. So if they need more than 7 that would be the wrong option.
The boxes would be wired by coax to the receiving dish for the satellite service. For On Demand than the main box is connected to the home internet router. For the apps the Gemini may need to have its own dedicated connection to internet. For the internet connection you can have that part by wired Ethernet or WiFi.
Gemini is a Client so requires a main Genie (HR34, HR44, HR54) to function on the satellite service. It is different firmware from the DIRECTV STREAM Geminis, and you cannot interchange the two.
4 Messages
6 months ago
Correct me if I am wrong or don’t understand the DTV infrastructure. Not being a customer, that is entirely possible.
But I was planning on having the seven Geminis (clients) talking to the Genie-2 (HS17). The Gemini has an ethernet port, and I would have CAT6 connecting each Gemini to a DECA box near the Genie-2 that converts to coax for the satellite side.
The remaining TVs would have a Roku box with the DTV app loaded. The Rokus would not know about the Genie-2, but would stream DTV content via the internet.
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
6 months ago
Each Geminis is connected by coax to the HS17 using a DECA BB or by the built in WVB they are not meant to use the home network with Ethernet cable only. Not all sat channels can be streamed to the app.
I think just using Ethernet cable from a DECA BB to the Gemini may work.
2 Messages
6 months ago
Thank y'all for the help in explaining the differences. @Tiger593 It turned out to be a price match like you stated. Why the agent didn't just say "Don't leave. I need to meet quota. Here's a price match" is beyond me. Also, it is a 12 month contract which I don't mind at this time.
Also, I didn't explain enough when I stated I was a legacy customer. I am referring to AT&T. I've been with them since they were Southwestern Bell.
4 Messages
6 months ago
Which service did you end up keeping, and why?
If Streaming, any latency or performance issues?
If satellite, any concern about simultaneously viewing multiple 4K programs?
Any other pros or cons you can share?
Thanks much.
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
6 months ago
We switched to DirecTV Stream. Mostly because we could no longer reliably receive the satellite signals due to trees behind our house. Plus DirecTV Stream is much more "travel friendly" when we travel in our RV. We've had no performance issues.
3 Messages
5 months ago
I don't have cable or FIOS, so if I have to stream content, I use up my Verizon Wireless hotspot allowance. That's crappy because I pay more and lose service. When the weather is bad, I lose satellite service and have to use up my hotspot allocation to continue viewing. If my hotspot allocation runs out, Verizon throttles me to 600kbps and that's too slove for anything. Even e-mail latency is high.
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
5 months ago
Your dish may need to be aligned as you shouldn't lose the signal except in heavy rain.