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Sunday, July 5th, 2020 11:32 PM

Do I have to move to escape DirectTV?

Any advice on how to get my condominium’s Board of Directors to change cable/internet providers?  In my previous homes, I could opt for any cable provider.  I happily spent more than quadruple for, what I have no other option, than to pay at my current condominium.  Money is right for everyone, including me, BUT for infinite advantages, it was money well spent, to:
1-not have to have separate remote controls for the tv and the cable box.  (Have has to have two strange men come into my house to try to resolve this......not resolved.)
2-be able to watch recorded or On Demand shows on my iPad or phone.

3-be able to access actual help, on the rare (rather than weekly/daily) technical issues.  

4-be able to speak into my remote control to access whatever I want to watch.

5-have a user friendly format, that older members of your household can master, rather than scrolling through the entire alphabet for every show.

A League of Their Own is being offered right now for 99 cents.  Just text 223322 to access.......nope, not there.  They’ve never heard of it.  Do I really want to call and speak to someone AGAIN today?  NO!  I’d rather move.  And I will not ever buy again anywhere that forces DirectTV’s horrible product upon their captive residents.  

ACE - Expert


22.8K Messages

5 years ago

Check the rules of your condominium to see what rights you have in choosing a provider. They cannot block DirecTV per Federal regulations (OTARD), but since cable is not over-the-air they might be able to restrict that.


1. A DirecTV remote should control power, volume, and change inputs on TV. If it doesn't, I would post back with the make/model of your TV and what model remote you have (and what model DirecTV box as that may matter with remote). Perhaps it is just a code issue or the wrong series of remote.


2. The DirecTV app allows streaming (On Demand) for a tablet/smartphone and you can log in through website on a computer. Recorded shows can be downloaded (while at home) to your mobile device (up to 30 days) for watching while on the go (requires 2nd gen Genie HR44 or later). You cannot stream recordings out of home (feature was removed over a year ago, assumedly because it didn't work well).


3. DirecTV is open all 7 days of the week, until Midnight Eastern Time. Under normal conditions they have 24 hour tech support as well. Unfortunately right now they are short staffed. This is because Covid-19 required them to temporarily close many call centers. This has resulted in long hold times. Alternatively, you can post on the forums as other customers (and sometimes the employee off the clock) may be able to help.


4. DirecTV does not make a voice control remote themselves. Up to you if you want to invest in a 3rd party remote, or something like an Alexis device, for voice control. I cannot make a suggestion on these as I prefer a regular remote. Not having to get up and turn the dial anymore was plenty for me.


5. Format has recently changed to better match other current devices. However there are sorting options, so you are not restricted to alphabetical only.


6. If the text option is not working, just go into search and type in the title and you should see the PPV options (live TV and On Demand if connected to internet). Then you can order it right from the remote. (Batter up, Hear that call, The Time has Come, for One and All, to pla a a ay ball....)

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Thank you.  I appreciate your response.  I will try all your suggestions......tomorrow, or someday when I have the energy.  And although, everyone knows that ‘there is no crying in baseball,’ there is crying when your cable provider is infinitely vexing.  I am just going to watch Netflix for a few years.  But I appreciate the information and humor you have shared.

ACE - Expert


22.8K Messages

DirecTV itself is a good service. But I understand the menu format is not for everybody since they updated it for the more current models. That is a work in progress, though very much improved from when it first released.


Hope the information is of some help. If still issues then the forum can be a great resource, especially while they are short staffed.


Glad you enjoyed the last little bit. Mention of the movie and got that song stuck in my head (happens with a lot of movies). I actually have it in my old VHS collection.

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Thanks again.  I know....very good music in that movie, along with a compelling, semi-based on reality, story, and Jon Lovitz!!!! Totally a great bargain for less than a buck.  Hopefully other DirectTV hostages, who have never experienced the ease of other cable providers, will follow your very good advice.  Maybe they will be willing to jump through all of DirectTV’s hoops, and maybe even, since they probably will have to, they can to go back to school get their Ph.Ds in IT, and then these intrepid souls will be able to experience A League of Their Own, as deceptively, (in my humble, inept opinion,) offered through this subpar cable provider.  Juniper,0 I’ve enjoyed our interaction, despite my irritation with DirectTV:)