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99 Messages

Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 1:16 AM

Why No DirecTV App For Devices Such as Amazon FireTV?


I know DirecTV has provided a mobile app for it's customers for some time now, you know for phones, tablets, etc, but does anyone know why after all these years they still have not provided an app for non-mobile devices such as a FireTV device? Just curious as I have a FireTV device. And I mean an app that just links to your existing account, which I assume is what the mobile app does, not an app for paid stand-alone service such as the DirecTV NOW app. I could care less about any "mobile" app when it comes to watching TV programming. I never have and never will have any desire to watch a TV program on a teeny-tiny phone screen. Again, just curious, and if this has been discussed before sorry for the repetition.


ACE - Expert


22.6K Messages

5 years ago

DirecTV's billing model has been setup that you pay for each additional TV on the account. The DirecTV app is for viewing on mobile only. So for their billing model, and to prevent abuse by those that would try to give full service to another household, DirecTV specifically does not have the app for media streaming devices. On top of that the DirecTV app does not support casting, airplay, etc. to TV so cannot be used as a workaround.

AT&T TV Now (formally Directv Now until they finally rebranded it from the name confusion), is streaming only. So that provider's model is all about being used on devices like Firestick, Roku, etc.

So DirecTV is service primarily from satellite. The mobile perks are not for viewing on TV, just the mobile (phone, tablet) itself.



99 Messages

Hi Juniper,

Your explanation makes sense. I guess anyone could giver their account info to somebody else who could then access the first person's service thru a media streaming device. However, seems like in this day and age with all the technology the service provider, DirecTV in this case, could come up with some kind of preventative measures. I actually would have no use for such an app on a regular or daily basis. The only reason I even inquired about such an app is because I occasionally have signal loss during storm events and it would be handy to be able to switch over temporarily to the app until the storm passes. But again its no big deal as most times the storms pass over or subside pretty quickly. Its fairly rare when the storm, and the signal loss, last for a prolonged period of time. Anyway thanks for the info.


ACE - Master


6.5K Messages

5 years ago

use the station specific apps (syfy, hallmark, ect)

select directv as your provider

follow the steps

you can then view the networks you want

it will also work better than the directv app (they really need to just pull that buggy thing)



99 Messages

Hi mdram4x4,

Thanks for the suggestion. I occasionally do what you suggest, which works fine. My only complaint is that you seem to have to repeatedly input a device authorization code on-line, especially if it has been a while since you last used the particular station app. No big deal, but it gets old after a while always having to run to the computer to input the code. Just wish those apps were more stable when comes to retaining device authorizations codes. But I guess that's better than not having access to the apps at all. Thanks again.


ACE - Expert


22.6K Messages

5 years ago

DirecTV is still primarily by satellite with all the mobile or internet perks secondary. It was hoped that these options would improve with be acquired by AT&T (a full telecommunications company), but they are still working on integrating their systems and an overhaul of the software in the boxes.

When a storm or rain fade happens you have a few options:

Use the channel specific apps if available.

Download from On Demand if your DirecTV is connected to home internet.

Watch something already recorded (if you have DVR)

For short term, smartphone/tablet, even laptop or full computer

Depending on the severity of the storm/rain fade you may be able to going into your display settings and change from "Hide SD Duplicates" to "Hide HD Channels" or "Show All Channels". The HD version though higher quality, requires a tighter beam, so when it is affected by bad enough weather the SD versions may still come through.




99 Messages

Hi again Juniper,

Thanks for the info on SD signals. Didn't know about that, so I will definitely try switching to SD during the next storm signal loss, which may happen within the next 2 or 3 days (when the next significant chance of thunderstorms is forecast in my area).

I've been thinking more about your first post (DirecTV's billing model). Seems like there should be a relatively easy solution to the issue, at least conceptually. We know the individual station apps communicate with DirecTV's system since you always have to sign in or link to DirecTV to get full use of a particular station app. Seems as though it would be simple enough then for DirecTV's tech engineers to develop their own app for media streaming devices such as FireTV, Roku, etc (i.e., the kind of app I was originally inquiring about) that would be able to communicate or interact with DirecTV's own satellite system software to confirm the number of TV's being serviced for a customer's account. As an example, say my service is authorized for 2 TVs, so DirecTV would allow for only 2 media streaming device connections as an additional perk to my account. Then say I decide to give my account info to a neighbor, friend, relative, etc, for whatever reason. Well when that person tried to connect to my account on their streaming device, due to the communication between the app software and DirecTV's system it would not be allowed because it would be seen that one more streaming device is trying to be connected than is authorized by the account, assuming I already have the app installed on both of my TVs.

Well, I might not have described/explained very clearly, but seems simple enough in my own mind, but maybe not - but DirecTV cannot tell me that the technology doesn't exist to allow something like what I tried to describe for a streaming device app tied to your existing satellite service.

Again, thanks for the info.


ACE - Expert


22.6K Messages

You suggestion for limiting the amount of streams per device is reasonable from a customer viewpoint. Problem is, there are people who would just give that stream to the friend/family member as they already have boxes at home and don't have much use for the app themselves. Plus DirecTV is not being paid for those 2 additional TVs.

That is why the perk is for on mobile (in low resolution) only. For TV you use a DirecTV box and pay for the authorized TV. There was the supposed idea that AT&T would transform into one TV provider with multiple delivery methods, but there is so much that must be done to smooth the separate services before that could even be a realistic dream at this point.

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(AT&T has sold off their share in DirecTV)

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99 Messages

One final thought to put this topic to bed. I guess the simplest thing to do is something I know DirecTV/AT&T would NEVER do. Since they do have the pay-for stand-alone app (the 'NOW' app or whatever its called these days), they could just give their satellite customers a significant discount on the app if the person wanted to subscribe to it in addition to maintaining their satellite service. In my case I know they would never give enough of a discount that I would be willing to pay for the app, as all I would be willing to pay for a 'weather back-up feed' would be maybe a dollar a month if even that much. Anyway, my original curiosity has been satisfied. Thanks for all the feedback Juniper.


ACE - Expert


22.6K Messages

In the early days of AT&T TV Now (then called Directv Now), we wondered if there would be a discount option like you mention. But they kept it a completely separate provider. Not impossible that could change in the future, and may even be a necessary stepping stone towards a full unified experience, but I agree probably not something that would happen anytime soon. So much needs to be done from the merger itself for their existing products and services. Something to keep an ear out for, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

You're welcome. It was a pleasant discussion and I hope changes along those lines will occur at some point. Until then, I hope the other suggestions help make it manageable during those storms.

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I am a customer, not an employee. This is a public forum.
For official support call DirecTV 1-800-531-5000, DIRECTV STREAM 1-888-429-4023

(AT&T has sold off their share in DirecTV)

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.



99 Messages

Update on the SD vs. HD signal suggestion. Had some severe storms this morning. Once signal loss started I switched over to SD channel and no signal loss there until the storm got really bad; so it eventually lost signal as well, but not for as long as the HD channel. I guess this leads me to the question of why does DirecTV not include this bit of information on the signal loss screen that comes up, i.e., 'if you start experiencing signal loss during bad weather try switching over to the SD channel'. I mean I've been a DirecTV customer for almost 25 years (ever since they bought out Primestar) and I never knew bad weather did not affect the SD signal quite as bad as the HD signal. Sure would have been nice to know upon the introduction of HD years back.

ACE - Master


6.5K Messages

5 years ago

its not sd thats going away

its mpeg2 encoding, which is only used for sd

they can still use mpeg4 for sd if they choose

also any hd feed can be output as sd by the receiver

New Member

One REALLY BIG problem with using streaming service to a Fire Stick with DirecTV is that 1) there IS NO DirecTV app for the fire stick any more.... they switched to the ATT NOW app, BUT... 2) They have not finished linking all of the accounts... moving the DirecTV accounts to ATT.... Sooooooooo you get directed from DirecTV to the ATT Fire Stick app.... THEN you cannot log in to use the service BECAUSE the accounts are not ready yet. Nice.

ACE - Expert


22.6K Messages

Directv Now (rebranded AT&T TV Now) has an app for media streaming devices.

DirecTV is satellite, not streaming, where you pay for each authorized TV on the service. So their app is for on mobile devices (smartphone and tablet) only, with casting/airplay/streaming, etc. to TV blocked.

Directv Now/AT&T TV Now (streaming) and DirecTV (satellite), though both owned by AT&T, have nothing to do with each other.

(Included after every post)
I am a customer, not an employee. This is a public forum.
For official support call DirecTV 1-800-531-5000, DIRECTV STREAM 1-888-429-4023

(AT&T has sold off their share in DirecTV)

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

New Member

Have you tried this recently? Going to the Amazon App store on the fire stick and clicking on DirecTV Now app download takes you to the ATT Now download. All of the URLs I've tried (Fire Stick or on the computer) now redirects me to ATT Now. If you have a URL you can share to take me to the DirecTV NOW download for the firestick... this is solved. If it's the ATT Now download.... it doesn't work with DirecTV accounts yet (although I suspect it will after they consolidate much of the redundant services).

ACE - Master


6.5K Messages

neither directv now or att will work with directv accounts

you need a seperate account and subscription for them

they are different companies

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Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.



99 Messages

Hi 'drwjschmidt',

I have no urls/links to share. I have never used a FireStick, only a FireTV device (1st and 2nd generation devices), and I have never subscribed to the "Now" service either the old 'DirecTV Now' or the current 'AT&T Now'. I have a satellite subscription instead. I've never even used the satellite service's mobile app as I have no use for either watching TV or managing my account on my mobile phone. Sorry I cannot help you.
