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1 Message
DIRECTV dropping OANN?
How could you bow down to the WOK cancel culture demands to dropping OANN? They do not lie! The "big lie of the 2020 election" is absolutely true. There is mountains of evidence of the election steal. All the misinformation comes from liberals not conservatives! My husband and I will be dropping Directv if you go thru this in April. I will convince all our friends and family to do likewise. This is an attack on freedom of speech and our country. Shame on you!!!!
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
3 years ago
Elmer, please stop your lies. I am not an agent as you claim. Sorry but DFAS is neither AT&T nor DirecTV.
I am free to spend my free time how I want, such as discussing on this forum. At least I do so from an honest perspective and do not make false accusations like you have.
(Included after every post)
I am a customer, not an employee. This is a public forum.
For official support call DirecTV 1-800-531-5000, DIRECTV STREAM 1-888-429-4023
(AT&T has sold off their share in DirecTV)
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.
New Member
158 Messages
3 years ago
Just illuminating the truth like everyone in this forum except yourself.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
3 years ago
Wrong, claiming I am an employee (agent) of AT&T/DirecTV is a lie. I do not work for them. I can't tell if you are purposefully making your lies up or are simply misguided making incorrect assumptions.
You may not like the fact that someone participates in an open forum as often as I have, but my being a customer (not an employee) is the truth of the matter. Assumptions (especially as bad as your continuing one has been) are not fact.
(Included after every post)
I am a customer, not an employee. This is a public forum.
For official support call DirecTV 1-800-531-5000, DIRECTV STREAM 1-888-429-4023
(AT&T has sold off their share in DirecTV)
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.
New Member
22 Messages
3 years ago
Juniper: Nobody cares about your comments. The only one who does it you. You are getting off on responding to people who find you irritating and of no help what-so-ever. Why don't you leave this thread and go help someone in an area where you are not out numbered. Your point of view is clearly not appreciated, so why do you want to spend your time being hated? Kind of worthless energy if you ask me. I guess you had one too many jabs!
7 Messages
3 years ago
To the plant that even calls itself (I don’t want to offend as I don’t know if it’s a himself, herself or itself) a plant on here and says that because Directv is a private company they cannot be called to testify in front of the senate committees or house select committees you are wrong. Also Directv is literally digging a hole to fade away in as this issue will be brought up and used by the FCC alone the next time they try to make a media purchase. Their anticompetitive practices such as this and their large size will be used to stop future acquisitions. It will happen once the government switches hands from the dems and rhinos and to the people.
Also to the plant in sunglasses you show your lack of understanding of how our country works and would directly benefit from the commercials OANN actually runs (that att blocks for fear a My Pillow commercial will show on the air eww scary) that try to educate one about the constitution and other aspects of the government. This individual really would widen his or her breadth of knowledge by watching other things than spin around psaki.
This is so ridiculous. I mean the fact that the people on the other side have virtually all news channels on their side and that includes newsmax which changes their opinion or backs down most of the time on everything from mandates to lord knows what and the left still cannot tolerate one lone voice not on their side is really ridiculous, no it’s sad. It really shows how weak their positions must be if they can allow literally no alternative point of view. I still don’t want equal time laws like we use to have.
I will ask once more please Directv don’t drop OAN. Reimagine your decision or whatever you on the left call it when you change your minds so that you can say you didn’t change your minds.
I really don’t want to turn this into a personal attack venue here it’s just so tiring to constantly see this individual touting the views of the company and saying they are his own views and don’t represent the company and the individual gets pretty personal in the responses. I apologize in advance if I’ve offended the plant.
New Member
158 Messages
3 years ago
Awesome post from JSterling.
AT&T / DirecTV, I would be willing to come back as a long time customer if you could simply stop making decisions based on pleas from cancel culture left and make a earnest effort to work out a deal to renew the contract with OAN. A quality media distribution company would offer a wide variety and diversity of content.
In the interim I’m enjoying VUTV+ who offers news from all points of views. They carry OAN, Newsmax, CNN, Fox, Fox Buisness, Bloomberg, BBC, MSNBC, Blaze, Infowars, Black News Channel, Cheddar, Christian Broadcasting Network, France 24.
New Member
4 Messages
3 years ago
OK, so I know that at least 5 of these emails were delivered, 7 came back as undeliverable with no info on which emails were kicked back.,,,,,,,,,,,,,
New Member
26 Messages
3 years ago
@JSterling ......In the words of The Late Rush Limbaugh: "Major Dittos'
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
3 years ago
This thread isn't for one single point of view. As such it doesn't matter if you appreciate my posts or not. I am free to participate just like everyone else. You do not speak for everyone. There may be a lot, but your claim of "nobody" is exaggerated. There are other commenters in the forum who have shared my point of view or similar. I would suggest your trying to shut me down and this is only a place for one point of view is similar to the "censorship" many in this thread are claiming to be against.
My recent posts were to request that ElmerFudd79 quit making up lies or treating (bad) assumptions as facts (if he actually believes the falsehood he is claiming). I respect everyone has their point of view and certainly have their disagreements with the OANN situation, but hopefully we can keep discussion to that topic instead of meandering over to personal attacks that derail the conversation (no matter what perspective you come from).
Along with that, @JSterling I am not a plant. You are free not to like my posts but stop with the lies please. I am a customer on my free time. I have a full-time job that has nothing to do with AT&T (or anything under their umbrella). You claim to not want this to turn into a personal attack but referring to "the plant in sunglasses" pretty much is one. Please avoid the insults and false accusations. We are simply customers who disagree, nothing more.
(Included after every post)
I am a customer, not an employee. This is a public forum.
For official support call DirecTV 1-800-531-5000, DIRECTV STREAM 1-888-429-4023
(AT&T has sold off their share in DirecTV)
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
3 years ago
There have been other comments in the forum that have been more in line with my posts. They don't have to specifically hit the like button or mention me to do so. I respect that the majority of this thread are not in line with my perspective. But in a free country, I am allowed to have a differing opinion. I am not required to follow a perceived majority.
I respect many disagree with DirecTV choosing not to renew the agreement with OANN. I do not weigh in on whether that was a good decision or not on their part. But I do point out it is their complete right to do so and there is no requirement they keep paying for OANN. There is a difference from choosing not to support a network and censorship. If they adjusted the feed from OANN, such as blocking out programs or specific parts they didn't like under their agreement to carry them, that would be censorship. But deciding not to be in business with them anymore, regardless of their reasons, is not censorship itself.
How I spend my time is up to me. Yes, over the years this has become part of my lifestyle. I get your point comparing to volunteer work, though my main job is already in service to others and prefer to use my free time for other endeavors. However, my participation in the forum does not line DirecTV's pockets. Only my DirecTV subscription does that which is unaffected by my time on the forum.
DirecTV tried OANN and kept them from what I understand a single agreement term. Other common TV providers do not carry OANN (I don't think they ever did). So, it would appear for those that do value OANN one of the other providers (as shown on OANN's website) would be the right choice for continued viewership.
If DirecTV changes their decision on the matter, then nice for those it matters but with notice to OANN and us customers via the public announcement, it seems rather unlikely they will change course.
(Included after every post)
I am a customer, not an employee. This is a public forum.
For official support call DirecTV 1-800-531-5000, DIRECTV STREAM 1-888-429-4023
(AT&T has sold off their share in DirecTV)
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.
New Member
158 Messages
3 years ago
The number of people who are mad about DIRECTV terminating OAN services in this forum far outnumber the singular comments in support of the very bad decision.
A lot of people like and watch OAN so it’s foolish for DIRECTV to cancel them just because the woke mob thought calm and factual news was inflammatory.
Twitter, Facebook / Meta, GoFundMe, Youtube, AT&T / DIRECTV are going to be very sorry for their actions once the red wave takes congress later this year and the White House flips 2024. The only way woke cancel culture far left extremists can stop what’s about to happen is to cheat and steal elections (that’s why they wanted the voting fraud bill so bad).
New Member
10 Messages
3 years ago
Hilarious, that DTV Forum is dropping OAN while giving me a "badge" for posting 5 times.
“Because you can't argue with all the fools in the world. It's easier to let them have their way, then trick them when they're not paying attention.”
― Christopher Paolini
“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”
― Buddha Siddhartha Guatama Shakyamuni
“The most confused you will ever get is when you try to convince your heart and spirit of something your mind knows is a lie.”
― Shannon L. Alder
In one year, we all want to see real punishments for the killers and cheaters that have damaged our nation. Mandates or jobs. Let’s see, which one?? Thanks to all you heros for refusing the killer vaccine. Hospitals refusing to treat covid with anything else than vaccines, that are maiming and killing us on top of the flue. Wow. Killing seniors by the thousands, all alone, without family. Can’t even have the body returned to the family. Censoring life saving information. Treating illegals like 1st class citizens, including giving them the vote. Tons & Tons of voter fraud. Illegally putting our entire country at risk by erasing the border. Turning their backs on US citizens in Afgan. CRT, forcing racism, pedophilia and non-trans men down our childrens’ and womens’ sanctity. Double standards & illegal punishments. Killing clean energy transport. Spying, monitoring, defunding and just outright idiocy, in the name of “opposite of what Trump did. No matter what.” Calling us out on the crap that they are guilty of.
I want to see the entire lot spend a few years in the DC jail !! Especially, Auntie Nancy, the Generals, Fauci, DOJ, and impeach and lock up Biden. And let’s not forget about Hillary!
So much to look forward to. But will be a huge clean up after their destruction. Can’t WAIT !!
QUOTES found here:
New Member
35 Messages
3 years ago
Wow, pgschultz, I love your post. Every single thing you said = truth. Love the quotes too.
34K Messages
3 years ago
@Juniper post count is a combination of directv and AT&T forums before they split off on different forums. I’ve been in the forums for near 14 years and Juniper maybe longer.
While AT&T employees do look at forum posts from time to time, we are here to represent the forum with our experiences as customers and do not represent AT&T in any official capacity with our responses and do so on our own time unpaid and off the clock. As employees we are not rewarded nor compensated to participate in these forums This forum is comprised of regular customers to communicate with other customers to offer advice and share experiences same as any other user Although there is a small team of customer care specialists that monitor the forums the sheer volume of posts are simply too many posts for these agents to respond to each one of them.
New Member
158 Messages
3 years ago
Hmmm, now defended by a DIRECTV employee. That says a whole lot.
Never the less, 14,600 posts indicates there is potentially much better things to do in life besides volunteer for AT&T / DIRECTV.