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4 Messages

Friday, January 12th, 2024 11:25 PM

Done after 25 years. Prices are outrageous and Customer Service is terrible

Been a customer for 25 years. Constantly having to call every year to apply promotions and the prices just keep creeping up. No wonder they are losing subscribers. Trying to make more money on less people? Tell me how that works out. After 25 years, our bill would now be over $200 if we kept the service. They are out of their minds. 

ACE - Sage


46.4K Messages

1 year ago

Right, it's not sustainable. Network owners continue to demand more and more money from satellite, cable and streaming providers, which drive up their prices to us. So folks switch to a lower-cost provider, and then their prices go up, too. It's hard to see where this all ends. But it's not good for traditional satellite and cable Tv providers. 

ACE - Expert


22.8K Messages

1 year ago

If you depend on promotions every year, then you don't have the best setup for your budget. Long term discounts are not sustainable for any company. So review the channels you watch and see about a lower costing package that better fits your budget. Certainly enjoy any discounts when they are there, but always plan for the full cost.

Networks raise their costs to TV providers who in turn have to raise bills as a result. Everything has gone up over time. Think what gas prices were 25 years ago.

So they are not out their minds. You are just now realizing what cost has reached these days. Nothing is as cheap as it used to be.

4 Messages

1 year ago

One problem with your theory, even changing our package to just channels we watch would be MORE expensive. Think before you speak. We had a package that was grandfathered in. You think we didnt look at our package to lower rates? Ugh, just go away and shut up.

Community Support


254.9K Messages

1 year ago

Hi Adiiac, thank you for being with us for 25 years. DIRECTV is committed to giving customers the best value and content, and we don't want to see you go. We're sending you a DM to discuss pricing options. Jessica, DIRECTV Community Specialist

ACE - Expert


22.8K Messages

1 year ago


Lay off the attitude as toxic posting is not tolerated in the forum.

Some people don't realize their channels are in a lower costing package as they change over time. And too many don't bother looking as just beg for discount after discount under the impression they are entitled to it out of 'loyalty'. So instead of assuming what you had already done, I gave helpful guidance.

This is especially true when you are in a grandfathered package. Because of channels that have changed over the years, some channels have lowered what tier they are in or in some cases the only reason for a higher package was for a channel that no longer exists. Grandfathered doesn't mean price lock so the guidance still applies.

The forum is public so I will post wherever I can contribute. You may not like my answers but they are honest and intended to help, and unlike that last one of yours, are polite. So please keep discussion mature.

4 Messages

1 year ago

maybe you need to get off public forums if you can’t handle someone’s freedom to speak their mind. I didnt ask for your opinion or your “advice.” This is an irrelevant conversation and seems like many people already feel the same about DirectTv. Its only a matter of time before all cable companies are obsolete anyway. And your posts aren’t helpful, yet indicative that you somehow have an affiliation to the company since you’re on here trying to justify and explain away the need to gouge long time customers. We have spent well over 25k over the better part of almost three decades and clearly you think any criticism of price increases are somehow an entitlement issue. 


Community Support


254.9K Messages

1 year ago

@litzdog911 @Juniper Thank you for your inputs, DIRECTV appreciates it. @Adiiac We'd like to help you check the options for your bill. We sent you a DM. John, DIRECTV Community Specialist

ACE - Expert


22.8K Messages

1 year ago


By posting in a public forum you have asked for everyone's opinion and advice. That is what this forum is for, customer discussing with each other.

I don't have an issue with someone speaking their mind. The issue is you weren't an adult about it and threw a minor tantrum.

I am a customer just like you. However, I understand cost has gone up over the years and it is our personal financial responsibility to choose the setup that works best for us and not expect a company to continue giving us discounts because we cannot afford it or otherwise just don't like the price.

Networks have risen their costs to the TV providers over the years. If TV providers didn't adjust bills to compensate then they would all be out of business. Their operating costs go up then eventually so do our bills, simple economics.

And the "entitlement" I spoke of was referring to was over the years there have been some posters who believe because of their 'loyalty' that DirecTV is obligated to give them a discount. It was just for a realistic reference.

My posts are blunt as I prefer not to sugar coat my responses. But I still keep them polite. And yes some people need a realistic perspective on how it works, which I do concur you needed as you think they are out of their minds where pricing has gotten to be but refusing to comprehend why prices have reached this point.

If the packages and pricing doesn't work for you, then go somewhere else. Just be prepared wherever you go their prices will go up as well. As long as the networks charge more, never mind any other costs going up, then pay TV follows suit.

Community Support


254.9K Messages

1 year ago

Feel free to meet us in DM for assistance. John, DIRECTV Community Specialist

ACE - Expert


22.8K Messages

1 year ago

You say you "have" to call every year for discounts. That means the current setup doesn't work for you since discounts are a temporary perk, not something guaranteed all the time to make it affordable.

Pay TV does cost quite a bit. Networks raise their costs each time their carriage agreement comes up. This has resulted in the annual price adjustment with our bills going up over time. Operating costs for the business go up, then bills have to adjust to keep up.

You accuse they are "out of their minds'. In actuality there are doing what they must as a business to keep up with rising costs. To have the mindset (as it appears) that they owe you a discount every year is not realistic.

Telling others to go away, "shut up", and the like is toxic (akin to a small tantrum) and against the forum guidelines. It is highly suggested to keep discussion mature if you want help and guidance. But if you were just here to vent, hope you feel better and safe travels wherever you go from here.

There is no issue with criticism on price. None of us like how high costs have gotten. The only "entitlement' that may be shown in this thread is your implying prices should stay where they are or guarantee you a discount because of 'loyalty'. That is neither acknowledging their prices go up as well and not accepting that in the end it is your financial responsibility to set service within your means. It is not up to DirecTV to discount service until you can afford it.

In the end Pay TV is entertainment, not a requirement of life or such. So it charges whatever it must in the current industry.

Yes this is a public forum so posting here has invited everyone to weigh in (asking for advice, input, suggestions, etc.) on the situation. So I am free to post just like any other customer. I do not apologize for being blunt, but I do keep it respectful and free of insults as I would expect any other mature adult to do.

4 Messages

1 year ago

We are leaving Direct Tv too .  Will just use our own antennae for now. I refuse to pay 2400 per year to watch tv. They have doubled the price and I still have old equipment. Doesn’t it make financial sense to reduce the price which will increase subscriber numbers and make it sustainable ?  P

4 Messages

1 year ago

We are dropping their service too. I still have old equipment and the cost has doubled. I’m not paying 2400 per year to watch TV and be subjected to watch thousands of commercials that actually pay for the programs.  Why have commercials and then require that we pay for service ?  I’m getting FUBO for 25 a month. Good riddance Direct TV. No more begging for a good price. 

4 Messages

1 year ago


so you think 2400 a year for TV access is reasonable?  You must be an AI response for the company. Where is all of the advertising money going for the programs?  That’s how free access for TV has always been paid for!!  It’s called “greed” and we are sick of it. Direct TV has lost 40 percent of customers and they are not doing anything to keep the rest of us but to offer undesirable lower packages. We aren’t (Edited per community guidelines). 


ACE - Expert


22.8K Messages

1 year ago


I am not an AI response for the company. I am another customer in this public forum.

TV providers pay the network owners to carry their channels. Those same networks charge advertisers for their commercial space. If there were no commercials then our bills would be even higher. Pay TV doesn't automatically mean no commercials.

If you want free access, then plug in a regular antenna. Pay TV is for all the channels you cannot get by antenna.

Sure we are all sick of greed. But companies are selling a service to make a profit, not give you free TV or required to do so within your desired budget. That is the reality of the situation. If the options do not work for you then you go elsewhere.

As you mention "old" equipment, if for any reason you decide to hold onto DirecTV longer and look to update that equipment then I would suggest posting back with your model numbers. Too many of their employees these days are not familiar with earlier setups and seem to be pushed to offer their latest option which is not necessarily greatest for everyone.

In the end pay TV is luxury entertainment. You want channels that are in higher packages then you pay for them at the listed price. Otherwise reduce service to within your means or go with another provider that suits you better. None of them are obligated to lower pricing because you are "begging for a good price".

Searching for our next provider after 20 years. Call each year for new promotions. Important since our bill soared to $175.00 per month! 
However, this year the Customer Service Representative said, “We believe you are with us because we are that good. There are no more promotions for you.”


Did I hear her correctly?

Sure did. 
Very sad.