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5 Messages
2 TV's - 3 Receiver Charges: Genie + 2 Wireless Genie
We had two ancient receiver boxes that stopped working and reluctantly made the call. The tech installed a vertical style Genie box and a Wireless Genie Mini on TV1 and a Wireless Genie Mini on TV2. We were told the Genie box was the "brain." We are now being charged monthly for 3 receivers. The first tv is "free" so the bill reflects charges for two receivers. But only two tv's are hooked up. CS says - this is how it is done? Is this really how it is done?
ACE - New Member
5.2K Messages
2 years ago
No, that’s not how it is done. Since the HS17 receiver does not go to a TV, you should not be charged for it at all. There should only be the charges for the two TVs being used ($14/month or see below statements). I would get in touch with the billing department to get this sorted out. Do so by calling DIRECTV (number in my greeting below) and saying ‘billing’ to the robot. If no solution is given to fix the billing mistake, you can threaten to cancel (or alternatively reach the loyalty/retention department by calling in again and saying ‘cancel’ to the robot).
IF you are on a grandfathered billing agenda, the first TV is FREE. But, since the HS17 isn’t an actual TV, you’d only pay the $7/month for the second Genie mini as the first Genie mini is free.
If you are on the modern billing agenda, you’d pay $14/month for two TVs regardless. This is because the modern billing agenda does not waive the first TV access fee.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
2 years ago
If the first TV is "free" then you have a grandfathered account (created before late 2015).
For a two TV setup it should show either Primary TV $0 and Additional TV $7, or Primary TV $7 and then a credit of -$7 to cancel it out, still with a separate $7 for the 2nd TV.
If the Genie is an HR34, HR44, HR54 (or HR54R1) than it is a receiver, so counts as a TV connection. But if you have the new Headless Server Tower, the Genie-2 (HS17), that doesn't go on a TV so does not count towards the TV fees.
Assuming you have the Genie-2, and you have a 3rd TV fee showing, then I would call DirecTV back. There was a known issue a while back where somehow that HS17 was provisioned wrong and counted towards the TV fees when it is not supposed to. Haven't heard of it in maybe a year or more, so thought they completely fixed it.
For a two TV houshold...
Old way: Primary TV free (show $0 or $7 and -$7 to equal out), 2nd TV $7, HD $10, DVR $10, Whole Home DVR $3
New way: Primary TV $7, 2nd TV $7, Advanced Receiver $15 (DVR and Whole Home DVR together), HD doesn't list on the bill (just hidden in other costs with the change in billing model).
Either way, there should not be a 3rd charge listed regardless if Primary is free or not.
New Member
5 Messages
2 years ago
Thank you. I appreciate the response and level of detail. Yes, we have a Genie 2 Model HS 17 ("Living Room"), a Wireless Genie C41W ("Living Room"), and a Wireless Genie C41W ("Master Bed"). And we have been Directv subscribers for over 10 years. We are being charged $14 under "watch directv on multiple tvs with the note: 3 TVS at $7 each, save $7 off 1st tv"--thus my suspicion. We are also being charged a new $25 for "Advanced Receiver Service" - though we were told at install that no add'l fees would be charged. It's a shame I have to make a second call to customer service billing to try and get this resolved.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
2 years ago
The $25 is HD, DVR, and Whole Home DVR together. One line item instead of 3 seperate. Usually showed when you went from SD non-DVR to a full Whole Home/Genie setup as you were getting all the services instead of piecemealing it.
With it saying 3 TVs, then it is reflecting you have one more than you should. Call DirecTV and make sure they only show the two Mini Genie Clients, not a 3rd or perhaps one of your old receivers that wasn't deactivated. If the HS17 is counting towards the TVs, that needs to be fixed. If they are unable to over the phone, or agent tells you it is billed correctly (which it is not), then I would go with a BBB complaint to kick it up to corporate.
As for the no additional fees, that is another matter. Assuming you were going from MPEG-2/SD-only equipment, than a MPEG swap is complimentary including receiving credit for the HD service monthly but not the DVR and Whole Home DVR. With no credit, that would have been placed as an optional upgrade which means there is also a 24 month service agreement. The order confirmation would have listed that.
New Member
5 Messages
2 years ago
Two calls and one chat to Directv and they are still insisting that 3 receivers feeding 2 tvs means I should be charged for 3 tvs on my monthly bill. They maintain I should be charged for the HS17 separately even though it requires the Wireless Genie Mini to operate a tv.
ACE - New Member
5.2K Messages
2 years ago
Ridiculous. At this point, file a BBB complaint.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
2 years ago
You have one Headless Server (HS17) which functions as the receiver (has tuners and recording space.
The two small boxes are Mini Genie Clients, not receivers (no tuners or recording space of their own).
You are charged based on number of TVs, not boxes. The Genie-2 (HS17) should NEVER result in being charged $7 for it. That is a known issue which I honestly thought had been fixed a long time ago.
File BBB complaint as they cannot fix over the phone, and chat has even less options (plus is very questionable support these days), so that this goes to the corporate level. Hope this fixes it soon for you.