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My mother died
My mother died and I need to return her u-verse equipment. I am not on her account so people at U-verse won't give me her account information I am trying to close out everything in her name. However, I do not have her account number.I'm afraid of just throwing the boxes in the mail/UPS because I don
U-verse TV Equipment
You will not let my 78year old mother stop service
My mother got sick moved in with me and she stopped her dish service and they said she can't without a pin number she has no pin number she is 78 years old and you cant force her to keep your service she has great credit and no contract with you there are laws against elder abuse
My mother is deceased. How do I remove her from your marketing and mail offers?
I have tried returning your mailing offers marked deceased. My mother passed on Feb 22,2020. How do I get her name off your mailing and marketing offers? I see great potential for fraud by your practice of offers.
local channels all have 727 error about blackout
Channel 2 (WKRN),Channel 4 (WSMV),Channel 5 (WTVF) all have the error message 727 about game blacked out in my area?
Watching DIRECTV
Moved my dish and lost all my signal
Hi I moved my dish a few days ago and i lost all my signal how do i go about realigning it
DIRECTV Equipment
Lost all my "Record Series" Selections
I see there are posts about a new HD GUI. I don't have that yet, but about a week ago I noticed I lost all but three of my saved series on my DVR. Anybody else expierence this? Any reason it might have happend? We did have a storm and lost power for 4 days in my area at about the same time.
Watching DIRECTV
Not getting all my channels
I had a bad storm roll past,and about half my channels say searching for signal. I looked at my signal strength and all the odd transponders read 0. What can I do to get it back.Thank I need the help
DIRECTV Equipment
DIRECTV STREAM is your all-in-one entertainment solution! Are you looking for more information about the world of entertainment that DIRECTV STREAM is offering you? Then you're in the right place! You’ll find channel lineups, setup options, the latest deals and more on this
All About the Genie 2
DIRECTV's Genie 2 is here to offer you a sophisticated integration and enhanced customer experience. The Genie 2 offers more storage and enhances the DVR functionality with a DVR storage capacity of 2TB, connectivity to an Internet Wi-Fi access point and up to 7 simultaneous video streams. I
Not good customers service at all
Hi my name is Toria *** I'm Joan mother and I'm complaining about your service here with AT&T universe my account number *** my passcode *** my daughter is not satisfied I understand she had to pay 160 something on her bill and customers really got mad at her and I had to get on the phone and consta
U-verse TV Account
About wiring
Hello, I live in a condo, and was wondering how they go about wiring. I know my condo allows directtv, but how the heck do they wire my condo? I'm on the second floor. No basement or attic. How do they run all the wires through all the walls? Just seems impossible. Anyone know?
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Holy Mother of God
I know this is an old complaint, but by virtue of it being old you'd think they'd try to fix it. Before NHL Center Ice started, contacted chat to try and stop it. Long story short, despite promises, no luck. They billed me anyway. Called. Really dreaded it because of the lack of USA help, whic
Mother passed away
I need to get my mom's Uverse TV, Internet, and cell phone disconnected. She passed away Monday January 30th. Her account number is ***. Her name is ***. I have her social security number but no passwords or special codes. [Edited for privacy-This is a public forum. Please do not post personal or
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
where's all my channels Volume trouble.
What happened to all of my channels? I'm missing some like CW and a few more like it and why my volume keep going out of my television when I turn on my television? I left Direct tv because I was waiting for you to come to my neighborhood and I am not sure what is wrong with the way things are going
U-verse TV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Why wasn't I told about Mcafee security?
Why didn't anyone from At&t tell me about this free security that I could have put on my computers when I signed up for service? I'm very upset about this because my laptop is full of viruses now and I can't do anything about it. I tried paying someone to remove them but they couldn't. It wasn't a p
U-verse TV Account
Want to put this account in my name
This account is currently in my mother name Dottora ***** We lost our mother last year. So I would like to be able to put this account in my name. My name is Nicole [edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
DVR erased all my Programs
We had a power outage and first it froze all my DVR Programs wouldn't let me play them at all.Yesterday when I got home ALL my DVR programs (and we had a lot) have been erased.I have NONE absolutely none of my programs I recorded (upset!)
U-verse TV Equipment
all my DVR shows suddenly deleted
I came home yesterday and noticed that all of my previously DVR'd items were gone. I had a bunch of kids shows and movies on there recorded for my son as he gets to watch those as a rare treat and that way I can keep a better eye on what he is watching. I'm really po'd about it. When i went to sch
U-verse TV Equipment
All About DIRECTV Sunday Ticket
DIRECTV is the only place to enjoy NFL SUNDAY TICKET! NFL SUNDAY TICKET allows you to watch your favorite NFL games every Sunday on your TV, mobile device or computer. Go all out by upgrading to the NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX for exclusive access to RED ZONE CHANNEL® (Ch. 703) and FANTASY ZONETM
Great, now what am I going to complain about? (That is for the snarky ones who have complained about those who have...complained.) But seriously speaking, and I am a serious person, thank you AT&T and Crown Media for finally pulling your....I mean
10 years ago
to the conversation:
AT&T U-verse TV to Launch Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies and Mysteries