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Screen says to "Connect Now" but it won't click.
I am attempting to set up a replacement Genie mini box. I have gotten through the initial setup and I am at the point where the screen with the new box says to connect now. There is a box to click on, but when I try to click enter, it won't register. What now?
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Why does Click OK to watch TV come up?
Why does Click OK to watch TV come up?
Watching U-verse TV
TV turns on black. omes on says click ok. I click ok and it goes black. I l
Turn on TV. It goes black. After long wait pic comes on, says click ok. I click ok it goes black. I press Guide it shows guide fo about 1 sec then goes black. Also when i click those tjings there is a good bit of hesitation before something comes up then immediately goes black. What could this be. P
Watching U-verse TV
Poor picture quality, and clicking with upgrades to ALL 4 tv's!
A couple of months ago we got our kids a DVR upgrade to their rooms since one of their receivers had went out. (they installed R16's in each of the 3 rooms) Also we got an HD-DVR upgrade to or LR TV. Every since the upgrades our TV's aren't as good as before. My kids ALL have unreadable guides, with
DIRECTV Equipment
My recordings are listed but when i click to see episodes it has
My recordings are listed but when i click menu, my library it has it shown but when i click on one to see episodes that have been recorded it is a different screen than before and says all recordings and not the list of episodes? Never had thos screen or issue before
Watching DIRECTV
Uverse/Internet off on first clicks, need multiple on/off to power up
A minor, yet irritating issue.When I turn my TV/DVR on using Uverse Remote, POWER button. I get a no service message. I have to then turn it off again. Wait a second, turn it back on, and then it works. Sometimes, it takes a 3rd time to do this. The same is true with internet. If I pick up my iPad o
Watching U-verse TV
Post Playback Advisor, Update button not clickable
Hello, I had DirecTV2PC installed on my wife's desktop and I am attempting to install it on my wizbang Win7 Ultimate 64 bit i7 Core 2 Duo 9300 8gb MEM 2 TB HDD super laptop. I downloaded and installed (and ran) the Upgrade Advisor resulting only in 2 yellow flags relating to wireless drivers
Watching DIRECTV
Red "X" and clicking sound
Have "Red X"and I hear a clicking sound. Cannot access commercial TV, Guide, Also cannot turn receiver off, on/off switch does not work.
U-verse TV Equipment
Screen goes to "click on OK to watch TV" never turns offWhen I click
When I click on the remote OFF button, the screen show "click on OK to watch tv" and the tv will not turn off. How can I fix that?
Watching U-verse TV
Clicking noise
When I push guide on myS30 att remote it makes an annoying popping/clicking noise
U-verse TV Account
Standard receiver keeps clicking TV off and on.
I get "Hello, your receiver is starting up" and then it clicks off - clicks back on and says same message, keeps repeating.
DIRECTV Equipment
Clicking Noise
I have a problem with my Directv HD DVR receiver. It won't come on and it keeps making a small clicking sound. I've tried resetting and unplugging it, but nothing works. I am wondering if I will have to get a new receiver. Can anyone help?
DIRECTV Equipment
Clicking Noise on Channel 9
I'm getting a cyclical clicking noise on the local broadcast channel 9 Kansas City Area.
DIRECTV Equipment
Audio clicks and goes out for a few seconds
The Audio makes a clicking sounds and then goes out for a second or two. This happens intermitantly, but evey day and every satelitte channel. I happens probably about every 10 to 15 minutes. Sometime it will do it 3 or 4 times in succession. What is it and How to I stop this?Thanks
DIRECTV Equipment
Loud clicking sound from reciever
Periodically we get a very loud clicking sound from our receiver. We are also getting some picture skipping a few seconds pretty consistently.
DIRECTV Equipment
Blinking power/rec light and clicking noise.
My DVR's blue power light and yellow record light are blinking, accompanied by soft clicking sounds. I've unplugged it, leaving it unplugged for a day. I've pressed the reset button. I've verified that everything is exactly as the installer had it. It was working fine the first two months, now, just
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
I was setting up parental guide on my direct tv and clicked lock and it says there was a code already set up.
I was setting up parental guide on my direct tv and clicked lock and it says there was a code already set up. I did not set up a code my system is new. Now I can't watch anything because I can't unlock it
Watching DIRECTV
If you are missing a channel, please click here.
Go to I was able to claim a $20 credit off my bill. This is by far more than one month worth of credit for missing a channel. (What Tegna charges AT&T varies by market.) For me, this is about two months free of ALL my local channels, not just my one owned by Tegna.
Watching U-verse TV
Cannot get the channel guide up so I cannot click on any stations to watch.
The station I used to be able to click onto watch any of the chanels is no longer there. When I turn on my TV it just shows advertisements for different channels that are availible. What can you do? Why is this happening? Can you fix this from your office?
Watching DIRECTV
Red X and clicking noise from receiver box
So we recently moved and have had our cable set up for over 2 weeks now. It was working great until the past couple of days. I noticed a clicking noise from the receiver, freezing of my DVR shows, and most recently, the red X appearing on my screen. I have been able to successfully reset it every ti
U-verse TV Equipment