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last Friday we got 5 inches of snow in Mississippi,my DTV went searching for channel.what does DTV have for people that get snow all the time ?
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
att cable accesibility features for blind
shopping around. comcast is expensive. but they do offer good accessibility for blind ppl. audio description, reads the tv guide to me etc. do you offer this?
U-verse TV Equipment
Snow and satellite signal
Would snow interfere with a satellite signal?Once the snow ceases, will the snow collected on the satellite dish continue to interfere with the signal?
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
snow and static
just snow and static on screen; in upper left hand corner this appeared briefly: large number 2-small number 1
U-verse TV Equipment
Snow on dish
I lost my TV signal today I am told due to snow on the dish. . There is not a measurable amount of snow accumulation on the dish. The amount of accumulation is what I would call a "dusting". This does not make sense. I had Dish TV before DirecTV and only once had to clear the snow and it was a signi
DIRECTV Equipment
Snow on Dish
When it snows, my DirecTV is gone. Not available. Many Satellite dishes, regardless of who provides the service are out of luck when the snow falls. Is there some way to heat the dish so the snow melts off. Seems like someone, some company has figured this out. Please advise.
Watching DIRECTV
Snow on Dish!!!!
My Sat. Dish is on my roof, too high to reach and sweep off the snow. I've lost all reception! I'm not about to stand on a ladder in snow with a broom!! I need to have dish put at a lower area, so I can reach it to sweep snow off. I was told they can't move it, since it's on roof, now, and if they
DIRECTV Equipment
Slimline & Snow Accumilation
Hey, I upgraded to a slimline over the summer, and now everytime I get snow the slimline collects it like a magnet. I live in NY, so snow is a prevelant issue. Has anyone had similar problems and have you found a solution. I have read the posts about pam spray and heater and what not...guess I am lo
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Snow on dish
We've had DTV since 94. WAY back then we were told to never put anything on our dish. When we have a wet snow our dish is covered and we lose reception. Has anything changed in a couple of decades? I don't have to pull out the ladder (though it WOULD be easier) to clean it off.
DIRECTV Equipment
What do I have and how to use it???????I am sure I have a router, but what does that mean??????I have Uverse voice and internet.I email and use the internet all the time.I talk on the phone as usual.What happens if I have no phone service.I know I will not have the internet.Is there a user manual fo
U-verse TV Account
Snow in NJ
I've lost picture for an hour now in NJ because of a little snow. Very frustrating as I lose a signal in any snow or moderate rain storm. If cable had the NFL Sunday ticket I'd switch tomorrow and it's getting close to that regardless.
DIRECTV Equipment
Static and Snow on reception
My reception has static and snow all the time. What is causing this and how do I fix it?
DIRECTV Equipment
Snow on dish causing loss of signal
My system is only about 3 months old, running Hd, H24 and HR24 receivers and newest hd dish available. In the past I have had satellite with both direct(8yrs) then dishnetwork(2yrs). in that 10 years I never once loss signal because of snow Buildup on the dish. First snowfall of the season tonigh
DIRECTV Equipment
Snow and no signal AGAIN!
I have always heard that satellite is a bad choice due to loss of signal in bad weather however I assumed that was years ago and that issue has been improved...WRONG! On Sat. 2/7/10 we had a snow storm hear in Morganville, NJ and the TV was fine during the entire event. The next snow storm was Weds/
DIRECTV Equipment
Snow on certain channels
On certain channels I am getting snow and interference and I have tried checking the input, cables, reprogramming remote, and the reset button on reciever.
DIRECTV Equipment
snow accumulated on dish - 771 error
I am a newer subscriber about to go through my first winter with DirectTV. We had our first snow today in Cleveland Ohio, about 1-2" of accumulation. I saw the snow accumulating on my dish and after a while I got a 771 error. When I looked at signal strength the majority were zeros. I called my son
DIRECTV Equipment
bad install or snow issues?
So it snowed here today nothing crazy not even half an inch but it was wet snow and I have no signal now. I am new to directv, does this happen anytime it snows?
DIRECTV Equipment
TV has onoy snow and static sound
Turned on the TV with Directv remote got no picture only snow and static.
Watching DIRECTV
sound okay but intermittent snow for picture
We have two receivers and the main DVR receiver loses the picture and turns to snow intermittently. The sound is fine. There is no pattern to it and sometimes it comes back after a few minutes and sometimes we just give up. The second set and receiver work fine and show picture when the DVR set has
DIRECTV Equipment
771 due to a little snow
Come on!!.. we get an inch of snow and BAM.. the signal dies!!!?? Never had this problem with the OTHER satellite company. Transponder signal strength ranges from 0 to 59 on satellite 101, which is the only satellite I have according to the signal strength screen.
DIRECTV Equipment