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Accepted Solution
Out of synch video output
My video output looks like it’s slow motion and it’s out of synch with the audio. How do I fix this? Also, my Direct Tv remote doesn’t respond to the Home button, Guide, Lists, apps. It does change channels by pressing numbers. Help!
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
how to stream sports events when overseas
I'm in South Africa and would like to stream the Warrior Games but unable to do so. What are some troubleshooting tips
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Out of the country
Why does my directv app not work out of the US?
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Why are all of the baseball games blacked out on MLB / FSN 1737? I signed up and paid extra money to see the Detroit Tigers and five out of five games have been blacked out.
Why are all of the baseball games blacked out on MLB / FSN 1737? I signed up and paid extra money to see the Detroit Tigers and five out of five games have been blacked out.
Watching U-verse TV
out of snyc
The voice and the speaking are out of sync on all channels. Is this a known fault?
DIRECTV Equipment
n3D was launched on Channel 103 this morning. Dinosaurs in 3D... At least the South Africa Safari documentary tonight at 9pm looks interesting.
other 3D channels (besides ESPN3D)
Does anyone know the actual launch date for the 3D channels other than ESPN 3D, such as N3D and the on demand stuff? How much notice will we get?
Out of sync
I downloaded the app and only my LG brand TV is out of sync. It works fine on the TCL brand. Any suggestions?
Watching DIRECTV
Out of country
I am out of the country and am unable to access DirectStream TV. Is there a way to place my subscription on hold?
Directv outage 771 out during weekends
For the last 4 weekends, 3 of the 4 weekend have 771 error. This 771 error OUTAGE happens on Friday and usually will come on some time Monday mornings. The timing are like the signal is shut down for weekends. This has got to stop. Being in our 70's we want out tv... streaming is
Watching DIRECTV
Out of Service Condition
We have been out of service since mid-day yesterday(6-8-2010). We have re-booted, performed hard re-boots and still have a locked up receiver. No one can tell us how long we are going to be out of service as of tonight. When are you going to resolve this and communicate with your customer???????
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Out of Town DVR Access
Is it possible to access programs on my DVR via computer when I am out of town?
U-verse TV Equipment
Get out of contract
How do I get out of my contract? I am so tired of having no television every single time it rains
Hot audio out of H24-200
I am using the analog audio output on the back of my H24-200 receiver, and the audio is often distorted and overmodulated. It comes out at a very high level. I have my TV's sound almost all the way down, but the sound is still distorted. Is there any way to turn down the level that the H24-200 is
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
The African Channel
Why cant we get "The African Channel" on AT&T Uverse?
Watching U-verse TV
Out of area channels
Why are you not fighting the decision on the loss of the out of area channels. I have all those channels I don't want and can't get the one I do want.
Watching DIRECTV
Log out of app
How can i log out of a device i dont have.. somebody on their phone is signed in with my account? i already changed password
Watching DIRECTV
audio out of sync
on several channels, primarily local (6 Fox HD & 40 ABC) to the Springfield MA area, the audio is out of sync with the video a lot of the time. Anyone else face this problem? Solutions? signal strength does not seem to be a factor, although you'd think so. Ideas?
DIRECTV Equipment
The guide is still today showing that the Spain vs South Africa game at 2:30 today is only on FS+. What gives?
6 years ago
to the conversation:
2019 Women's World Cup not on U-Verse?
Various sources online said the Women's World Cup will be broadcast live by Fox Sports on its FS1 channel. However, AT&T's U-Verse, which carries FS1, says it's on FS+ and my package isn't subscribed to that Channel. How can I watch?