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Sound will not come out of sound bar
Help! I just received a new remote and was trying to program it. Whatever I did I no longer have sound coming out of my soundbar. I've made sure that my TV is on External speakers but still no sound. The TV has sound when I select items on the screen, my DVD player has sound when I play a movie
Watching U-verse TV
Loss of Sound of HR21-200
I have my HR-21-200 hooked up to an Onkyo TX-SR605 receiver.I went to watch American Idol with my daughter. At this point it had been recording for about 40 minutes. I got a picture but had absolutely no sound. Switched channels, still no sound. I noticed that when on an HD channel, the Dolby Digita
DIRECTV Equipment
sound and action out of sync
watching tennis - sound of tennis ball and action out of sync. tried all suggestions - changed channel - went back on dvr about 15 seconds - dolby sound is off. any other help?
Watching DIRECTV
No sound from sound bar
I am using a sound bar with my TV using optical connection. Periodically the sound just stops. It returns after I do a reboot of the uverse box. What gives?
U-verse TV Equipment
Accepted Solution
I was having sound issues with u-verse remote. I have sound now, but when I push volume on remote control, I have a horn on the upper right corner of tv screen. How do I get rid of it and go back to the volume line at the bottom of the screen? Thanks
U-verse TV Equipment
sound and video out of sync
the sound and video are out of sync on some programs
DIRECTV STREAM Setup & Equipment
CBS sound out of sync
For several weeks the sound on our two network/local CBS HD channels have been out of sync. Usual fixes like rebooting and changing channels do not solve the problem. This is on all four of my receivers. Any suggestions?
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Intermittant loss of sound
When using the various Roku devices and Directv Stream I will have episodes where the sound will disappear for 1-2 seconds, 2 or 3 times. Unplugging the device for a minute solves the problem, but it will recur. This is becoming very annoying. I see notes from a year ago about this.
No sound from sound bar
Have a Sony kdl40s4100 and samsung hwc450 sound bar with a sharp DVD player and direct tv hp 25 receiver. Receiver is connected to the tv then tv connected to sound bar via optical cable but only getting sound from tv, sound bar has nothing, any ideas?
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
some of my uverse tv channels have no sound
best solution for getting back sound on these channels? for instance the QVC HD channel and the ABC channel on the lower non HD channels have no sound. How can I reset it? I have not gone yet through all of my channels to see if others are missing sound yet. A step by step procedure would be very ap
U-verse TV Equipment
No sound
I was watching TV this morning when all of a sudden the sound went off. I changed the channel thinking maybe the station was having problems. No other channels have sound either. I turned on the DVD player and the sound worked just fine when using that. What could be wrong?
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
sound drops
About every 5 to 10 minutes the sound will quit for about 3 to 4 seconds. I have 3 streaming boxes and it dose it on all of them
do not get any sound when using direct tv. Have sound on netflix and roku. How can I fix it.
Watching DIRECTV
Lost of Sound on some channels
Almost on a daily basis I have to reset my box due to no sound on some channels.
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Sound quality
The sound quality in general is poor. I cannot get any surround sound when listening to uverse. When I go to netflix, I get excellent surround sound and my home theatre system automatically deciphers the sound. This never happens on regular uverse tv. Is it possible that my signal is poor impac
Watching U-verse TV
R16-300 Surround Sound
Is an R16-300 receiver capable of getting surround sound? If I use the audio optical output, will it transmit surround sound to my surround sound system?
DIRECTV Equipment
No sound on NBCSN
There's no sound coming in during the broadcast of the NHL Playoff game on NBCSN currently and no sound for some of the commercials.
Watching U-verse TV
HD sound problems
None of my sound is working on my HD channels nor the recorded shows in HD my sound isn't working on demand as well. Help please
U-verse TV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Remote control sound bar
New user of Directv box & remote. I just paired my LG TV and Bose Sound Bar. The directv stream remote turns TV on and off. It controls sound bar volume. But it does not turn off the sound bar or turn it back on.