New Member
29 Messages
Problem with 'tabs' in attaching mounting plate to reflector - is this a common issue?
First time assembling a dish - this thing is much heavier and more unwieldy than I imagined. There is a step where I'm attaching the reflector to everything else, and there are two bolts but there are also these two tabs (circled in red) that are supposed to sink into these two slots (circled in blue) - I watched a video where a fella does it easily, but mine will not align & sink in and this thing is so awkward to maneuver.
Is this a common issue? How is it solved? I don't know if the reflector dish is bent, or maybe I need to use a pair of pliers and tweak the tabs out a bit.

ACE - New Member
5.2K Messages
2 years ago
I don’t mean to be the bearer of bad news, but that second picture shows a really bent reflector. Can you attach a full picture of the reflector? I want to ensure that the whole thing is still usable.
New Member
29 Messages
2 years ago
@detuch254 I definitely did notice bending on the edge, as I guess you noticed - wasn't sure how significant this was, but wondered if it was somewhat normal.
Have you encountered an issue like this before?
Is it something where I can just manipulate the metal to try to get everything to fit together, or will this negatively affect signal reception?
Here are photos of the reflector, though I'm not sure you'll be able to tell much. The only place I can really see bending is down on the bottom of the frame:
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
2 years ago
I'm no expert but I doubt that dish will work even if you can assemble it.
New Member
29 Messages
2 years ago
@shannon02 Why do you say that?
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
2 years ago
The reflector focus the sat signal to the LNB on the dish arm and the arm may not be in the correct place and the bend may have change the focal point.
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
2 years ago
Your dish is bent. It won't work. Where did you get it? Hopefully you can return or exchange it.
ACE - Expert
22.9K Messages
2 years ago
The dish reflects the signal to the LNB (the eye). Works like a mirror. By being bent, that becomes more of a fun-house mirror that cannot reflect correctly.
In your other thread you mentioned new install. Did you get your own dish because of concern the tech couldn't install on the 3rd floor? Be aware that if you install in a location they will not, then they will not service it later. They have to reach the dish from the ladder, not going on the roof itself. This should be mentioned when ordered so they can put a note, in case a tech can accomodate (such as larger size ladder, or possibly being prepared for pole mount or other alternative).
ACE - New Member
5.2K Messages
2 years ago
If you attempt to use a mallet or pliers to fix it, it will only get worse. I have dealt with this before, and even the simplest of bends on a directv dish will cause it to receive an extremely poor signal on the HD sats (99 and 103). If your bend is even worse, pulling in the strongest sat (101) is a pain.
New Member
29 Messages
2 years ago
Thanks everyone for the information about this.