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U-verse guide app
I put the U-verse guide app on. It ask for my member I’d and password. I didn’t have one yet so i reset both and now when I put that init says login required. I keep putting it in and it still says the same thing
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Tv Apps still initializing. (818)
Had Directv installed today. Keep getting this when trying to access Apps. "Tv Apps still initializing. Please try again later.(818)" been trying all day. Any suggestions? On Demand works and Internet Setup Successful.
Watching DIRECTV
apps still initializing
I have the Hr23/700hddvr and I am still getting apps still initializing check back later(100) does anyone know how I can get this to work?It has been initializing for over 24 hours now.
Watching DIRECTV
DirecTV TV apps keep initializing on their own
I keep having an issue where the DirecTV TV apps that you would normally access by pushing the right arrow on the remote keep initializing on their own. I have reset the Genie receiver, taken the batteries out of the remote, tried to change settings...nothing has fixed it. It is very annoying.
DIRECTV Equipment
TV Apps is still initializing
This has been on my screen for over a month now and I have not been able to get it to work. My message says, "TV apps is still initializing, please try again later. (301)". It never has initialized or worked. I have my receiver connected to the Internet and am able to watch video on demand. All
Watching DIRECTV
APPS is still initializing (301)
Hello, Need some help. Today I noticed that I had the NO NETWORKED DVR's FOUND. This happens every time one of my DVR's update. I reset both DVR's by 1st unplugging the inserter, then both DVR's. I plugged the inserter back in, then plugged the DVR's back in. Then I have both DVR's now working for w
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
What does "client initialization error" mean when connecting a wireless receiver?
What does "client initialization error" mean when connecting a Uverse wireless receiver?
Watching U-verse TV
initial setup for HD DVR
Hi, I am thinking about upgrading to a DirecTV Plus HD DVR receiver, but I have one major concern...I do not have a land line. I owned a TIVO in the past and I know that I needed a "traditional" phone line for the initial setup. Will I be able to get my HD DVR through the initial setup without a tra
DIRECTV Equipment
HDMI won't initialize properly?
I recently had DirecTV installed (like 3 days ago), and I'm running into an issue that I don't know how to resolve... The main TV in the TV room is a Toshiba 46" LCD TV. Connected to it via HDMI are a PC, a Blu-Ray player, and the DirecTV DVR. The problem is that if I shut off the tv, and leave th
DIRECTV Equipment
New equipment after initial upgrade
Just a question that came to mind while reading all the info on the forum. What will be the process of adding an additional receiver/DVR to the network after having the initial updrage completed? Will the DECA module ship with a new receiver or will they be available individually if receiver/DVR is
DIRECTV Equipment
TV Apps is still initializing; please try again later. (301)
I have had Direct for two weeks now and is still initializing? Why? The DVR says I am connected to the internet and I have reset the DVR and still initializing.
Watching DIRECTV
Program Guide initiates a RESTART
Everytime I hit the GUIDE button on the remote or on the DTV DVR it initiates a RESTART. I have pulled the plug out to restart and one several restarts and nothing helps. This just started happening. NEVER happened in 10 years!
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Wireless receiver workaround to avoid initial boot all the time?
Hello everyone... I just swapped out a wired receiver for the new wireless ones that AT&T offers. I have the gateway, WAP and DVR upstairs and the wireless downstairs. Before, with the wired receiver, you could turn the tv off and it would display the "AT&T Uverse" splash screen. Then you are able t
U-verse TV Equipment
Inital Install
Very, very basic question. Cable in our home is 13 years old. Have been comcast customer all this time. If move to basic DirectTV what type of cable will need to be installed (4 rooms, with existing comcast wiring). Basically -- will all new cable (nailed to external siding) need to be installed
DIRECTV Equipment
No audio upon initial power up
I have the HDDVR connected to a Bose receiver. Upon installation and since then, when powering up to watch tv I do not get audio. The Bose does not see an incoming signal. This worked every time with the Comcast cable tv receiver I disconnected to go to Directv. I believe it has something to do with
DIRECTV Equipment
Chrome Browser initiated player Quality
This Directv player that I initiate from the browser via the directv guide is horrible. The resolution is low quality, it freezes and repeats over and over, is slow to start. What a piece of crap. No, it isn't my internet connection. I can watch 4 simultaneous HD youtube videos at
Watching DIRECTV
Resetting receiver settings after initial setup
I had a hard drive crash on my HD DVR, and was shipped a replacement receiver. When I was hooking up the new receiver, the initialization was having issues with me telling it was a dual-band, and so I called Support and the agent had me set it as single-band. Well, now of course we can only record
DIRECTV Equipment
Initial installation
I have 4 TV's in my home but they only sent me 3 boxes, which TV doesn't need a box to operate off of?
DIRECTV STREAM Setup & Equipment
Streaming Box won't initiate service when powering back on after a shutdown
The Streaming Box in my bedroom won't start the service after turning off the unit & TV. I have to unplug and plug back in for it to initiate. It goes through the loading process and then it works just fine. Any suggestions?
DIRECTV STREAM Setup & Equipment
Initial TV set-uphelp
Just moved into an apartment that provides Uverse, great! Problem is that there are no directions on how to program my TV. I have an LG plasma TV and a coax cable is being used from the receiver to hook it up. I cannot yet find my TV remote. I have a silver Cisco receiver and remote. I just cannot g
U-verse TV Equipment